Washington State Association of Oxford houses
Sept 11, 2004 Meeting Minutes
Meeting was called to order at 11:00 am with two minutes for a moment of silence followed by the serenity prayer.
One minute for the still suffering addict
One minute for all those effected by 9/11/01
Chair / Tony Perkins / Chapter One / Rob CurtisVice Chair / Philt Tarlton / Chapter Two / Phil Tarlton
Parliamentarian / Lance Wischler / Chapter Three / Dirck DeWitt
Treasurer / Patrick Antush / Chapter Four / Don Willcuts
Secretary / Rae Well / Chapter Five / Johnny Richardson
Budget and Finance / Chapter Six / Mitch Lykins
Housing Services / Blake Bippes / Chapter Seven / Howard Williams
Chapter Services / Howard Williams / Chapter Eight Vice Chair / Rick Weatherbee
Alumni Coordinator / Myrna Brown / Chapter Nine / Anshley Hanshaw
Outreach / Judy Maxwell / Chapter Ten / Walter Harris
Outreach / Gino Pugliese / Chapter Eleven / Josh Rice
Outreach / Frances Schultz / Chapter Twelve / Michael Storm
Alumni 1 / Charles Golden / Chapter Thirteen / Stan Timberlake
Alumni 2 / Randy Holliday / Chapter Fourteen / Jason Bright
Alumni 5 / Eric Perkins / Chapter Fifteen / David Rust
World Council / Sherry Burrows
World Council / Alice Heartgrove
Guest / Mike Zalusky / Guest / Laci Zemke
Guest / Sharon Perkins / Guest / June Henderson
Guest / Sandra Rigby / Guest / Tim Hersha
Guest / Dave Smith / Guest / Jimmy Holland
Guest / Dave Lawson / Guest / Bob Jacgues
Guest / Keith Burb / Guest / Dennis Doken
Guest / Christopher Scheun
State Association DASA Report
Department of Alcohol Substance Abuse
This time was set aside to address State Association’s DASA.
Terri Orphey is the lead Dasa contact for Oxford House Outreach contracts. She shows tremendous support for our Outreach Workers.
States how she wished she could have attended the world conference.
The revolving loan was discussed.
Dasa would like us to mobilize ourselves as bills get introduced and to let the legislators know of how we plan to address these issues.
Discussed how Gino, Judy and Frances would have their own areas within the state.
Discussed the vision of having 200 houses within the state.
Tony expresses that there is always an open invitation to the state meetings for Dasa.
The need for assistance on the Eastside was discussed.
The need for houses in Walla Walla was discussed.
Terri stated that she would return in the future and thanked Wa. State Oxford Houses for having her.
Tony thanked her for coming and invited her back anytime.
Dasa meeting ended at 12:05 pm
Break for 5 minutes
Tony re-opens meeting at 12:10 pm
Principles read by Lacy
Traditions read by Bob
Chair Report
Tony talked about World Convention
Discussed the issue of No form in the house is to be signed, except for the Application.
Mm2p to Accept Chair Report-16/0
Vice Chair Report
Thanks the State for the opportunity to run for Council.
Mentioned the great time that was had by all at the World Convention.
Mm2p to Accept Vice Chair Report-16/0
Parliamentarian Report
Lance mentions the fellowship that continues at the World Convention and of meeting of new people while there.
Working in Seattle area on the Regional Workshop with Chapter 6 & 9.
States that the Volunteer Network in the state is great, keep doing what works and keep giving back.
Mm2p to Accept Parliamentarian Report-16/0
Treasurer Report
Cash Start = $10,094.59
Total Receipts = $ 5,811.10
Total Expenditures = $ 7,145.10
Cash End = $ 8,760.59
Email has helped his report a lot
Chapters need to use P.O. Box 55111 Shoreline, WA 98155
Mm2p to Accept Treasurers Report-16/0
Budget & Finance Report
See Attachment
Blake expresses how he wants to stay a part of the communications process.
Mm2p to Accept Budget & Finance Report-16/0
Housing Services Chair Report
See Attachment
Blake handed out Chapter Manuals for training of house positions.
Mm2p to Accept Housing Services Chair Report-16/0
Chapter Services Chair
Howard discusses the open houses for State of Wa.
Suggest that the houses within the chapter make food and bring to the house that is having the open house.
Thanks everyone who is having open houses.
Mentions that the Mayor will be attending the Molly B. open house.
Reminds everyone that the open houses will be advertised in the Seattle P.I. and on the News Radio.
Mm2p to Accept Chapter Services Chair Report-16/0
Washington State Alumni Report
See Attachment
Mm2p to Accept Report-16/0
World Council Report
Sherry re-elect World Council Member thanks state for paying her way there.
Sherry is still the Alumni Chair and anyone who moves out as Alumni get your address to her, Myrna or Alice.
Discussed how to send out Dues. Make checks out to World Council, it will be in the next newsletter.
Mentioned that she has gotten together with chapter chairs to discuss the status of their area house charters. If there is anything that she needs to know let her know as soon as possible.
Mmp to accept 16/0
Break for lunch @ 1:00pm until 1:30pm
Mm2p 16/0
Meeting re-opens @ 1:30pm
Outreach Consultants
Expressed her appreciation for the Women’s Meeting in San Antonio, she had a great time and learned a lot.
Started working with houses, Alano clubs, doing presentations in TX centers. She is currently looking for a new Woman’s house & Alumni house. Getting ready for open house, states the Mayor will be attending.
Thanks state for allowing her to be of service.
Email address -
Clark County had the best kicking off for the National Recovery Month this September. Mentioned that 50 Oxford House people did the Hokey Pokey.
Thanks the houses participating in the open house.
131 houses, lost one (1) - gained one (1)
New houses in chapter 2, 3, 7
New house in Kingston for men – Apple Tree Cove
There are some changes in the directory;
Chapter 3 mailing address is…PO. Box 8701 Spokane, WA 99201-0701
Roane house phone number is (***) 425-4614
Grand house number is (***) 455-6588
Chapter 5 Heights house number (360)
Chapter 7 Bill Wise House (***) 424-2118
Chapter 10 Hot line number is right. Disregard 800 number, no good.
Discussed spill kits for all houses
All houses should treat all members as if they have H.I.V. when and if there is ever a spill of bodily fluids of any kind. This is for everyone’s protection.
Expresses his appreciation to see four (4) people from Wenatchee
Getting a lot of calls from Klititas County
Would like to see more incentive from houses that have broke off into own chapter
Discussed loan reports Handed out handouts
Tony suggested at chapter meetings all houses be asked when they will be making their loan payments
Anyone can call Gino that have questions about chapter loans, payments, amounts, and how much they were to start with
Discussed World Convention in San Antonio
States there were 48 people from Washington State, would like to see 100 next year in Washington D.C.
Discussed starting a fundraiser now to allow people to go
Discussed the cost of the flight tickets and asked to be reimbursed $393.53
Mmp to reimburse Gino $393.53 16/0 to accept
Copy of Gino’s credit card went to Blake Bipps
Rob thanked Gino for the work he did on the transportation in Texas
Mm2p to accept Outreach Consultants Report 16/0
Old Business
Regional Workshops were discussed
Chapter 13, 11 & 6 will be Oct 30 @ North Community Collage
Chapter 2, 5 & 9 will be @ P.U.D. Building across from Vancouver Library on Fort Vancouver Way on October 10, 2004 7:00 am to 5:00 pm
Chapter 1 &7 possibly @ Smokey Point
Chapter 15 would like to get involved
Blake has put together house positions packets and states that all workshops use the same packets
Lance makes motion that there should be a committee formed of state or combined committee to go over all the packets to make sure all the forms have been approved
Mmp 16/0 to from this committee and this be taken care of in next couple weeks
Blake discussed seed money for state workshop
Mm2p to accept old business 16/0
New Business
Tony discussed how the money to assist Judy & Gino’s 1,000.00 loan came to be. Tony entertains a motion to make it a gift.
Gino states he is overwhelmed by the gesture
Mm2p 16/0
Discussed the Recovery Association project and wants to invite them to the next state meeting
Oxfest was discussed - Chapter 2 & 5 helped with fundraising for the event
Tony entertains motion to make oxfest a joint Oregon and Washington event
Mm2p 16/0 to accept
Tony entertains motion to send Blake Bipps to Spokane for two months and pay him $1500.00 to help open up more houses
Blake states that he would love to do it
There was more dicussion by Rob & Lance
Sherry suggest it be revisited at the next state meeting
Last question was said
Mm2p 14/0 to send Blake to Spokane
Discussed Chapter 14, Wenatchee, making their two houses their own chapter
Mm2p to accept houses in Wenatchee to be own chapter 16/0
Spill kits discussed
Mm for chapter chairs to take back to houses
Mm2p 16/0
Tony discussed state forms, suggest we do not sign any form except the application
Mm to only sign application
Discussion dropped 10/6
Mm2p to table this until next meeting 15/1
Mm2p to break 16/0
Stan makes motion for state to budget in $300.00 to chapters 11 & 13 for regional workshop
Blake discusses budget of $ 350.00 allotment per workshop
Regional workshops names were discussed
Northwest and Southwest regional names were discussed
Mm2p to shut down discussion 16/0
Mm2p to accept Stan’s motion for chapters 11 & 13 be Northwest Regional Workshop 16/0
Phil makes motion for Chapters 2, 5 & 9 to be Southwest Regional Workshop
Mm2p 16/0
Tony suggest making a budget plan for these workshops
Mm2p to rescind fine for chapter 15 missing last state meeting 16/0
Rob makes motion for committee to be made up of state officers, Outreach consultants and Parliamentarian
Mm2p for this to be committee 16/0
Mm2p to close new business 16/0
Budget & Finance position election
Johnny nominates Blake
Blake declines
Jimmy states he would like the position
Blake explains position requirements
Eric nominates Jimmy
Patrick nominates Bob
Nominations closed
Jimmy speaks
Bob speaks
Jimmy withdraws from nomination
Bob receives 16/0 votes
Bob is elected as new Budget & Finance Chair
Secretary Election
Eric nominates Jimmy
Phil nominates Rae
Jimmy speaks
Rae speaks
Rae is voted in as new State Secretary
Mm2p to accept elections 16/0
Mm2p to break 16/0
Chapter Summary Reports
Chapter 1-Much chapter effort has been committed towards addressing problems with systems of operation at Alderwood & Ballinger Houses. These measures will continue for the next couple months until we are confident that the Oxford house model is stabilized there. A promissory note was given to the Alderwood house. An open house idea is being tried where a newspaper reporter will be invited to do a news story. We are also reconsidering our territory for a new house.
Chapter 2-Chapter, as always, is strong. We recently opened the Tallwood Manor, which is a 9 bed men’s house. Once again, World Contributions have been paid from 100% participation of our houses.
Chapter 3- We have the Post house up and going and we are already back to a few or no openings. Still struggling to get house on the ball with loans, dues, paperwork & operations. Working hard to get a workshop off the ground. Recently elected new officers for most positions. Had to assume operational control of Grand house (women’s) really want to get this house on track so we can get another up & going. The Grand house will be financially dependent on chapter for a bit but we’ve got to pull it together. We are really lacking in Women’s houses and women prospects. Seeking Aid. Overflowing with men and may need to open another men’s house right away. We are getting a new pulse of fresh blood and hope with some encouragement they may get active and excited @ a chapter level and in their houses.
Chapter 4-Chapter is looking forward to open houses. The Mayor from Olympia will attend. New chapter officers have learned their positions and have increased involvement with their houses. Chapter officers are actively working together by meeting regularly before chapter meetings. Looking to open new house in our chapter. Lacey Acres house is enjoying it’s many-legged house guest (millipedes) see channel 7.
Chapter 5- N/A
Chapter 6- We are looking forward to the workshop. We finally got people involved. All our houses with the exception of one are doing good.
Chapter 7- With all the events happening the past few months our funds have depleted a bit, but I am sure they will be back up soon. We are opening the Bellingham house as our open house. We are also looking forward to having the new Wise house join our chapter September 1st, which will bring us to 42 beds. Please help us spread the word, Mt. Vernon now has a house. We currently have four residents we need five more. We had a big turn over in the Bellingham house loosing three people, but the Towanda & View Ridge houses are helping out.