Trig Syllabus Fall 2007 – O’Brien



Course: MATH 1213 Plane Trigonometry TR 2:30 – 4:00 p.m. Fall 2007 SC 313 Line number: 11410

Instructor: Dr. Teresa O’Brien

Office: SC 349 Work Phone: 479-986-6917 Fax: 479-986-6928 Home Phone: 479-936-7419

E-mail: Website:

Office Hours: MWF: 10:50 a.m. – noon, 1:20 – 2:00 p.m., and by appointment

TTh: 10:30 a.m. – noon, 1:30 – 2:30 p.m., and by appointment

Placement Info: To demonstrate academic preparedness for placement in Trigonometry, all students must verify that

they have met one of the following placement criteria: a grade of “C” or better in College Algebra

(MATH 1204); a score of 24 or higher on the math portion of the ACT; a score of 46 - 100 on the

College Algebra section of the COMPASS; or a score of 0-45 on the Trigonometry section of the


Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:

1. Analyze and classify angles, convert between units, use the Arc Length Formula,

and use the relationship between linear and angular speed.

2. Define and find the exact values of the six trigonometric functions.

3. Apply the six trigonometric functions.

4. Graph the six trigonometric functions by hand.

5. Analyze and write equations of simple harmonic motion.

6. Verify and apply trigonometric identities.

7. Solve trigonometric equations.

8. Define, use, and apply inverse trigonometric functions.

9. Define, use, and apply the Law of Sines and Law of Cosines.

10. Perform operations with and apply vectors.

11. Convert complex numbers into trigonometric form & vice versa, perform operations

with complex numbers, and find roots and powers of complex numbers.

12. Convert between rectangular & polar coordinates and graph polar coordinates and


Required Topics: Chapters 1 – 9, excluding 1.2, 6.4, 8.6

Required Materials: Trigonometry, 8th Ed. Lial, Hornsby, and Schneider. Pearson, Addison Wesley. 2005.

A graphing calculator - preferably a TI-82, TI-83, or TI-84.

TI-89s, TI-92s, and comparable calculators may not be used in Trigonometry.

Note: You can rent a TI-82 for one semester by paying $15 to the cashier and then bringing your

receipt to the Math Department secretary, Jill Witt, in SC 351. You will need 4 AAA batteries.

A folder or 3-ring binder to keep your homework, notes, and other papers neat & organized.

Please bring your textbook, folder, notes, homework, and calculator to class every day.

Additional Resources: Lecture notes, homework assignments, exam reviews, and other resources prepared by

Dr. O’Brien are available online at Videotapes (content, graphing

calculator, math anxiety, time management) are available for check-out from the NWACC

Library. An interactive tutorial is available at the Learning Lab. Free tutoring is available at the

Math Café (SC 312), at the Learning Lab (BH 1109), and online at Tutoring schedules are posted at and

Counseling & other support services are available through the Learner Development Center.

Resources available through Addison-Wesley and / or the NWACC bookstore include:

Student’s Solutions Manual, Graphing Calculator Manual, Digital Video Tutor, Additional Skill &

Drill Manual, and MathXL Tutorials on CD. The Addison-Wesley Math

Tutor Center is accessible by telephone, fax, e-mail, and the internet at

The InterAct Math Tutorial Web Site is located at If you purchased

MyMathLab, either bundled with your text or separately, you can access a wide variety of

resources by going to and using your student access code to enroll in


Grading: Putting Math in Context (Interview) 10 points

Conference with Dr. O 10 points

Attendance / Participation 20 points

Ten best 14 point homework checks (HC) 140 points

Two 140 point comprehensive exams 280 points

One 140 point comprehensive final exam 140 points

600 points

Note: Please keep a list of your grades and all graded papers in your notebook.

Grade Replacement: You may replace your lowest exam grade OR your HC total grade

with your grade on the final exam.

Grading scale: A = 540-610; B = 480-539; C = 420-479; D = 360-419; F = 0-359

My Expectations: I expect you to bring your notes, homework, textbook, graphing calculator, paper and pencil to

every class; to read the text and work through examples before class; to attend every class for the

full 1 hour and 30 minutes; to actively participate in class; to take notes; to ask and answer

questions; to complete all assigned homework, including cycle-back problems and concept

questions; to study 2 to 3 hours outside of class for every hour you spend in class; to use all the

resources available to you when you need help; to properly prepare for exams by working every

problem on the review sheet and reviewing the text and your notes; and to take responsibility for

your learning by doing all that you can to be successful with this class.

Rights and Every person in this class (whether a student, a teacher, or a visitor) has the right to be treated

Responsibilities: courteously and respectfully. Every person has the right to ask questions or to make comments

without being put down or made to feel stupid. Every person has the right to say I don’t

understand and to ask for help. Every person has the right to feel relaxed and capable and to be

successful. In turn, every person has the responsibility to treat others with kindness,

consideration, and respect and to do his/her assigned tasks diligently and to the best of his/her

ability. I hope you will assist me in creating and maintaining a positive learning / teaching


Putting Math in Context:

Interview someone who is now doing the job that you would like to have some day. See the

Putting Math in Context handout for details. Due date: Tues Sept 25.

Conference with Dr. O:

At least once during the semester you must meet one-on-one with Dr. O, for at least 15 minutes, to

discuss your progress and any concerns you have regarding the class. This conference must be

completed before the drop deadline which is Friday November 2.

Attendance / Participation:

Regular attendance and participation in class is crucial to your success in this course and as such

is mandatory. Missing class, coming to class late, leaving class early, coming to class unprepared,

and/or not participating in class activities will result in a loss of attendance / participation points.

Homework checks: Homework checks (HC) will require you to turn in problems, as is, from your homework. In general,

you will not be permitted to work the problems in class.

Exams: All exams are comprehensive and each is worth 140 points.

Make-up Policy: No late homework checks will be accepted and no makeup exams will be given. You will be allowed

to drop your lowest 3 homework checks and to replace one missed exam or your HC total with your

grade on the final exam. If you have to miss class on the day of a homework check, you may turn

your homework in early, have someone slide it under my office door, e-mail or fax it to me.

Extra Credit Points: You may earn up to 10 extra credit points by:

• writing an essay on some aspect of math history or an application of math

• writing a review of a math-related article or a section of a math-related book

• writing a review of one of the For All Practical Purposes application videos available for

check-out from the NWACC library

• creating a math-related mobile, poster, or other decoration

• participating in a math-related service learning project

• keeping a math journal about your experiences in this class

• reviewing math-related resources such as tutorials, web-sites, workbooks, etc.

All written projects must be 300 words minimum, typed or neatly printed.

Grading Criteria: Depth; Length; Content; Your Opinion; References; Grammar &

Spelling. All extra credit must be turned in by Tuesday December 4.

Withdrawal If at some point in the semester you are having difficulty and you are thinking about dropping this

Policy: course, I would strongly urge you to see me first. I will do everything that I can to help you. If in

the end you do decide to withdraw, you must fill out the appropriate form from the registrar. Not

attending class is not the same as withdrawing. To officially withdraw and avoid an “F” on your

transcript, you must fill out a drop slip. The deadline for dropping is Friday November 2.

Disability Services: If you are a student with a disability, and if you will be requesting accommodations, it is your

responsibility to contact Amy Robertson-Gann, Coordinator of Disability and VA Services, either

by phone (619-2660) or email () or in person (SC 225).

After you submit the required documentation, Amy will provide you with specific information on

accommodations, services, and related resources. She will also give you a laminated card and a form

indicating what accommodations are appropriate for you. Please bring these to me as soon as you

receive them.

Bad Weather Policy: On days when the weather is bad, you may call the Student Information Line at 619-4377 or visit

the NWACC website at to find out if classes are canceled. Announcements

are usually posted by 6 to 6:30 a.m. for day classes and by 3 to 3:30 p.m. for evening classes. If

classes are not canceled, I will be here. If you feel the journey to class could put you in peril, you

will not be penalized if you choose not to attend.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act:

NWACC is committed to your right to privacy as outlined in the Family Educational Rights and

Privacy Act (FERPA). This means I can only communicate with you about your grade in person or

via your NWACC e-mail account.

Academic Dishonesty: Plagiarism, cheating, and any other form of academic dishonesty will be dealt with according to the

college policy as stated in the catalog.

Additional Policies: Cell phones, pagers, PDAs, and similar devices should be on silent mode during class.

You should not make calls, receive calls, nor send or receive text messages during class unless

you are on-call for work or you have a family emergency.

You may not use a cell phone or similar device for any purpose during an exam. This is a

departmental policy.

You may not leave the classroom and return during an exam. This is also a departmental policy.

Tentative Schedule

Date Section to be Overviewed HW Assignment HW Check / Deadline

Tues Aug 21 1.1, 1.3 A1

Thurs Aug 23 1.3, 1.4 A2

Tues Aug 28 2.1 A3

Thurs Aug 30 2.2, 2.3 A4 HC 1: A1, A2

Tues Sept 4 2.4, 2.5 A5

Thurs Sept 6 3.1, 3.2 A6 HC 2: A3, A4

Tues Sept 11 3.3 A7

Thurs Sept 13 3.4 A8 HC 3: A5, A6

Tues Sept 18 Catch-up / Review Day

Thurs Sept 20 Exam 1: 1.1, 1.3 – 3.4

Tues Sept 25 4.1, 4.2 A9 Putting Math in Context due

Thurs Sept 27 4.2, 4.3 A10 HC 4: A7, A8

Tues Oct 2 4.3, 4.4 A11

Thurs Oct 4 5.1, 5.2 A12 HC 5: A9, A10

Tues Oct 9 5.3, 5.4 A13

Thurs Oct 11 5.5, 5.6 A14 HC 6: A11, A12

Tues Oct 16 6.1 A15

Thurs Oct 18 6.2, 6.3 A16 HC 7: A13, A14

Tues Oct 23 Catch-up / Review Day

Thurs Oct 25 Exam 2: 1.1, 1.3 – 6.3

Tues Oct 30 7.1 A17 Nov 2 is deadline for meeting with Dr. O.

Thurs Nov 1 7.2, 7.3 A18 HC 8: A15, A16

Tues Nov 6 7.4 A19

Thurs Nov 8 7.5 A20 HC 9: A17, A18

Tues Nov 13 8.1 (self-study), 8.2, 8.3 A21

Thurs Nov 15 8.3, 8.4 A22 HC 10: A19, A20

Tues Nov 20 8.5 A23 HC 11: A21

Thurs Nov 22 Thanksgiving Break NO CLASS

Tues Nov 27 9.1, 9.2 A24

Thurs Nov 29 9.2, 9.3 A25 HC 12: A22, A23

Tues Dec 4 Catch-up/Review Day HC 13: A24

Thurs Dec 12 Final Exam: 1.1, 1.3 – 6.3, 7.1 – 8.5, 9.1 – 9.3 All extra credit is due by Tues Dec 4.

Important Dates:

August 27 Last Day to Drop and Receive 100% Refund.

September 3 Labor Day – No Classes; College Offices Closed.

September 4 Last Day to Drop and receive 80% Refund.

September 4 Last Day to Drop and Not Receive "W" on Transcript.

November 2 Last Day to Withdraw with "W" on Transcript with 0% Refund.

November 2 Last Day to Change Schedule (Withdraw) on the Web with 0% Refund.

November 21-24 Thanksgiving Break for Faculty & Students.

November 22-24 Thanksgiving Break for All Staff - College Offices Closed.

December 5 Last Day of Classes.

December 6-12 Final Exams.

December 14 Grades due to Registrar by 12:00 Noon.

December 18 Grades available to students online.

For the complete Academic Calendar for Fall 2007, go to