Name:______Total Points______(15)
CHEM 489 Advanced Environmental Chemistry – Spring 2018
Worksheet #2: Green Chemistry Principles and Reaction Efficiency (15 points)
Due: Thursday, February 8at 9:30 AM (not accepted late)
You are expected to answer the following questions based on the lecture material, theposted PDF articles, and/or information you might find on-line. Any information found on-line MUST be referenced! Most questions can be answered directly on this sheet, but you may use a separate sheet of paper if you wish. You can work together, but must submit your own worksheet and your own answers.
(1) Compare and contrast how green chemists reduce Risk as compared to traditional “command and control”?
(2)The 12 Principles of Green Chemistry can serve as a useful guide to the design, creation and use of chemicals and chemical technologies focused on the potential for human health and environmental benefits. For each ideaor concept in the table below, identify a Primary and Secondary green chemistry principle that might apply. You do not need to justify your answers.
Idea or Concept / Application of 12 Principles of Green ChemistryPrimary / Secondary
Simplifying the overall process by reducing the number of steps
Reducing the need for solvents and reagents and their risks
Reducing energy use for heating, drying and/or cooling
Use of safer processes and chemicals
Processes based on aqueous solutions instead of organic solvents
Developing more efficient processes that minimize waste
Continuous process production with real time monitoring and control
Recycling chemicals used in the process
Production and use of biodiesel as fuel
Plastics made from plant products rather than crude oil fractions
Development and use of solar, geothermal, wave or wind energy
(3) Green Chemistry, atom economy and sustainable development. Sustainable development (as defined in worksheet #1) touches many aspects of human health and the environment. Adopted by world leaders in September 2015 at an historic UN Summit, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development officially came into force. Over the next fifteen years, countries will mobilize efforts to end all forms of poverty, fight inequalities and tackle climate change, while ensuring that no one is left behind
Chemistry has been challenged to help move forward the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This calls for innovation and develop of new technologies, and to support the creativity and innovation of young scientists guided by the Principles of Green Chemistry. One of the key principles of green chemistry is the design of chemical products and processes that maximize the incorporation of raw materials in forming products, while minimizing the production of waste.
(a) Green Chemistry and Sustainable Development Goals. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals are listed in the table below. Indicate (Yes or No) if you believe that green chemistry can contribute to each goal. For each that you indicated “Yes”, give a brief explanation.
(b) Based on the class lectures, what approach would a green chemist take to make a greener synthesis of process?
(c) Explain why using reactions with high atom economy is important for sustainable development.
(d) A reaction can have 100% Atom Economy, yet less than 100% yield. How is this possible?
(e) How is the metric of Process Mass Intensity (PMI) a good yardstick to drive sustainable processes in the pharmaceutical industry? For reference, the chart below