September 26, 2016
Members Present: Dan Kuper, Ted Bartlett, Gene Gissin, Scott Shannon
Members Absent: Betsy Moore
Also Present: Noel King an Tod Leggat
T. Bartlett called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
T. Bartlett: Does anyone have any comments or changes of the minutes from the August 2016 meeting?
S. Shannon: I make a motion to accept the minutes as submitted.
G. Gissin: I second it.
T. Bartlett: All in favor?
Minutes approved 4-0
T. Bartlett: Code Enforcement Officer, Bill Carr is issuing a citation to the owners of 1 Emory Ave for installing windows without a permit.
The property at 7 Emory Ave is located within the Cazenovia Village Historic District.
Work proposed for the exterior of the buildings and site is subject to review by HPC for a Certificate of Compatibility per Section 180-32.7 of the Village Code
The application includes:
1. Replacement of 2 windows
Tod Leggat presented the application. Mr. Leggat would like to replace two windows on the second floor. The current storm windows will be replaced with Marvin double hung windows without dividers. The interior casement windows will be remounted on the inside as they are now.
A brief discussion occurred.
D. Kuper: I make a motion to accept the application as submitted.
G. Gissin: I second it. The proposed work falls under the rehabilitation standards as found in the Secretary of the Interiors Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties as referenced in Section 180-32.6 of the Village Code.
This application is a Type II action under the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR) 617.5 (c) 10. The approval of this application will not have any significant or adverse effect on the environment. No further SEQR action is required.
T. Bartlett: Any further discussion? All in favor?
The application for 7 Albany passed as submitted 4-0.
T. Bartlett: Your next step is to see Zoning Officer, Bill Carr for the building permit.
The property at 61 Albany Street is located within the Cazenovia Village Historic Distr
Work proposed for the exterior of the buildings and site is subject to review by HPC for a Certificate of Compatibility per Section 180-32.7 of the Village Code.
The application includes:
1. Sign
No one was present to present the application.
The HPC reviewed the application.
A brief discussion occurred.
D. Kuper: I make a motion to accept the application with the following conditions:
1. Sign must meet code regulations
2. The HPC needs to know the material being used
3. The HPC needs to know if sign will be painted or carved
S. Shannon: I second it.
The proposed work falls under the rehabilitation standards as found in the Secretary of the Interiors Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties as referenced in Section 180-32.6 of the Village Code.
This application is a Type II action under the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR) 617.5 (c) 10. The approval of this application will not have any significant or adverse effect on the environment. No further SEQR action is required.
T. Bartlett: Any further discussion? All in favor?
The application for 61 Albany Street passed with conditions 4-0.
The property at 32 Albany Street is located within the Cazenovia Village Historic District.
Work proposed for the exterior of the buildings and site is subject to review by HPC for a Certificate of Compatibility per Section 180-32.7 of the Village Code.
The application includes:
1. Replacement of 5 basement windows
Mr. King presented the application. Mr. King would like to replace 3 windows on the west and two windows on the front of the house. The windows will match the existing windows as closely as possible. The windows will improve energy efficiency in the basement.
Mr. King will keep the current frame if they are in good shape. If they can’t be fixed, the frames will be replaced with new identical wooden frames. The sashes will be replaced with Marvin sashes. The windows will be Marvin Integrity Awning with stationary wood and Ultrix sashes. Fiberglass will be on the outside and pine on the inside. The windows will be simulated divided lites with spacer bars. The panes in the windows will match the panes currently in the windows.
T. Bartlett asked Mr. King to please keep the current windows (if salvageable) in the attic, since they are the original windows from the house.
D. Kuper: Made a motion to accept the application with the condition from Ted Bartlett, that the salvageable current windows be put away in the attic.
G. Gissin: I second it.
The proposed work falls under the Rehabilitation standards as found in the Secretary of the Interiors Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties as referenced in Section 180-32.6 of the Village Code.
This application is a Type II action under the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR) 617.5 (c) 10. The approval of this application will not have any significant or adverse effect on the environment. No further SEQR action is required.
T. Bartlett: Any further discussion? All in favor?
The application for 32 Albany Street was approved with conditions.
T. Bartlett: Your next step is to see Bill Carr for a building permit.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sue Dady
Deputy Clerk
Village of Cazenovia