Miss Wadibia’s
Classroom Handbook
Welcome to Kindergarten!!
This will be a memorable year that your child will enjoy! In an effort to make it an exciting and enjoyable year, this handbook will provide you with important information that you might find helpful. Please take a few minutes to go over this handbook and then keep it around for future reference throughout the year. If you have further questions, please feel free to ask or refer to school handbook policies.
Changes in Routine:
If your child needs to change his/her method of transportation, please let me know in writing. If a situation occurs after your child has arrived at school, you will need to email me any changes.
You must sign your child into the office if he/she is tardy. If your child is absent, a written excuse should be delivered with three (3) days of your child’s absence. Any absence without a written explanation with be considered unexcused. Each student is allowed ten (10) parent excuses per year. If you take your child to the doctor, please get a doctors excuse.
Students are allowed to enter the school building at 7:30 am and are required to report to the auditorium or the cafeteria for breakfast. Students will be dismissed from these areas to our classroom at 7:45 a.m. We begin our day promptly at 8:00. Please make sure your child arrives to school by this time. Any student who arrives after 8:00 a.m. will be considered tardy and must get a tardy slip from office.
School is dismissed at 3:00p.m. every day. If your child is not picked up by 3:15, they will be sent to the All-Stars program.
Classroom Discipline:
In order to provide an environment that enhances your child’s ability to grow and develop, an assertive discipline plan will be enforced. A copy of our school wide discipline plan is shown below.
Rock Star Discipline Plan
Dear Parents,
Our school implements a “Rock Star” School-wide Discipline Plan. This plan was put into place so that parents could be made more aware of their child’s Weekly Conduct Grade. Below you will see the Rock Star Clip Chart that we are using to give your child adaily behavior grade at school. Your child has a Star Communication log that will be sent home daily for you to sign and return
Your child needs to bring a snack and juice daily. Healthy snacks are encouraged. No bottled soda’s or canned drinks. We will have snack at the 2:15 every day. Students may purchase snack at school for $1.00. Weekly snack purchases are encouraged to help keep down on the amount of money being brought to school daily.
If you would like to celebrate your child’s birthday at school, you may send in a birthday treat to be eaten at the end of the day during snack time. Please let me know in advance, so I can make proper preparations. Due to allergies, the school is asking that you please only bring in store bought treats.
Party Invitations:
Please do not send birthday party invitations to be distributed in class, unless each child will be receiving one.
Parent/teacher communication is so important. In order to stay updated with our classroom’s need to know. These newsletters are going to be my primary means of communicating with you.
Parent Communication Binder:
The “OWL” Binder
Your child’s “Owl” binder will be our main means of communication for the year. You will find their daily behavior log, newsletters, homework,class list, notes, letters from office, and other important information. Please be sure to sign your child’s daily behavior log nightly.
In addition please make sure the following are kept in the binder and returned the following day:
- Zipper pouch for any money or notes.
- Any signed notes needed to be returned to school.
- Progress reports will be sent home every fourth week of the month. Please sign and return.
Early Dismissals:
If you need to pick your child up for an early dismissal please go to the office and sign them out.
Parent/Teacher Conferences:
Anytime you wish to speak with me, send a note in your child’s communication folder and I will accommodate you either before school or after school. Parent/teacher conferences are informing and are very welcomed! You may also e-mail me to set up a conference.
All Medications must be turned into the office. Please take to the school office, and the office will make sure your child receives their medication.
Scholastic Book Club:
Each month or so, I will send home book order forms for you and the children to purchase books. This is an inexpensive way for parents to get great books for their home library. For each book that is ordered, we receive bonus points that I can use to purchase books for our classroom.