Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, 18th January, 2012 at Hingham Surgery.
Present: Dave Stewart – Chair, Dr Conway, Sarah Brown, Malcolm and Janice Southgate, Eileen Davis – Vice-Chair, Jack Dawson, Brian Gott, Dawn Sanderson, Jace Halstead, Nicola Cogman, and Judy Trollope – taking minutes. Apologies for absence were received from Derek Ullman.
The Chairman welcomed three new members to the PPG: Margaret Fisher, Iris Keyes and Liz Nicholls and they were informed of safety aspects/fire exits in the building.
It was noted that the minutes of the November meeting had been slightly amended at the surgery before being displayed on the PPG notice board. In future any changes should be referred back to the minute secretary. The minutes were agreed.
a. The Treasurer reported that the bank account still stood at zero. Nothing in or out!
b. Communications to the Community: Brian suggested putting a request for volunteers on the surgery website, but apart from that, nothing to report.
c. Toy washing: Malcolm and Jan had no problems with the December toy washing; neither did Eileen and Judy in January. It took about one and a half hours to complete and they would happily do it again. Brian would like the management of the task clearer. Liz volunteered to take this on and will organise a rota if those willing to help will email her. The PPG email address is to be put on the poster advertising for toy washing help. Nicola pointed out that the rocking horse needed attention and wondered if a volunteer could be found by advertising on the PPG notice board.
d. Patient Survey: Eileen thanked all those who helped in any way with the survey carried out during the week 12-16 December 2011. Of the total number of 210 forms handed out 189 were returned with an equal number spread over the age groups. Nicola has sent the information to be analysed and the report is expected by the end of January. The survey presented a golden opportunity to promote the PPG to the patients who attended the surgery during survey week.
e. Health message on notice boards: Nicola and Jace have completed the notice boards for the New Year but as yet no volunteers from the group have come forward to do them next time. Eileen has a list of Health Awareness Days for the year; tinnitus, stress down day, anti-smoking, etc. and Dr Conway said he was more than happy to liaise with a group to make sure we were giving the right messages! He is very keen to do a short, sharp message on ‘Vitamin D deficiency in the winter’ and perhaps publish it in the parish magazine, although this will come at a cost. Dr Conway will do February, Brian and Eileen, March, and Dave volunteered to tackle May/June. A co-ordinator is needed and articles will need to be vetted Dr Conway! Sarah suggested seeing how things go for a couple of months and re-discuss in April.
f. ‘Tourist’ guide for new patients: It was agreed that a leaflet in the ‘new patient’s pack’ promoting the PPG was an opportunity not to be missed.
i. Dr Conway – Vision for 2012: Thethree areasfor which Dr Conway is looking for help from the PPG for in 2012 are, Support for the practice e.g. applying for planning permissions, publicity, health surveys, etc. Health Promotion, as government diktats are not effective and peer led messages are better, and Input and Shaping Services by helping fellow patients at flu clinics for example or befriending. There will be initiatives when not everyone will want the same things but we need harness all of our talents and work together.
Dave asked about the double doors at the surgery entrance that had been mentioned at the initial meeting to discuss the formation of a PPG. Dr Conway said that he would be happy for the PPG to raise the funds to provide automatic doors to make access easier for wheelchairs and pushchairs. The group could explore costs and get quotes. The quote at the moment for £4500 is only for the mechanism to attach to the existing doors, not for sliding doors. The Hingham Medical Equipment Aid Fund is not a charity and is used solely for medical equipment. Its funds usually come from bequests following bereavements.
Although the syringe drivers are now held centrally and maintained at Attleborough there is still a need for another one which could be donated to Attleborough Health Office.
Dave asked for a list of what the surgery needs.
The abolition of parish boundaries was raised: plans have been put on the back burner for a year but Dr Conway thinks that it will come and will be catastrophic for Hingham. Closing the list is not an option as there would be severe penalties for surgery i.e. no more ‘flu clinic or phlebotomy service.
Other items on the agenda will be carried over to the next meeting. It was suggested that we change the time of the meetings occasionally to allow other would-be members to attend and it was agreed to a later start at 7.30 p.m. for the next meeting.
AOB. Jace and Nicola asked for help with two ‘Patient Experience surveys’ and Dawn, Jan, Brian and Iris volunteered to help.
Date of next meeting: Wednesday, 8th February 2012 at 7.30 p.m.