

Fall of Rome Unit

Study Guide

Asia, Africa & Europe
Augustus = Octavian
476 AD
Mediterranean Sea
Byzantine Empire
Justinian Code
Hagia Sophia
Eastern Orthodox Church
Roman Catholic Church / pope and patriarch
Germanic tribes
political corruption
economic problems
Latin language
development of the dome
military organization
system of laws
network of concrete roads
republican government
spread of Christianity


1) List the contributions of the Romans in order from most to least important. Then explain why you ranked them why you did.

2) What were the internal and external reasons for the fall of Rome.

3) What changes were brought about by the founding of the Byzantine Empire?

4) Compare and contrast the Roman Catholic and the EasternOrthodoxChurches.

1) The emperor who divided the Roman Empire in half to make it easier to control.

2)Religious images that Pope Gregory and Emperor Leo fought over.

3)The Christian Church created by Justinian which was the largest Christian church at the time.

4) The law code created by Justinian from the laws of the Roman Empire.

5)The body of water between Africa and Europe.

6)The year the city of Rome fell to the barbarians and therefore the fall of the Western Roman Empire.

7)French, Spanish and Italian came from this Roman language.

8)Man-made canal structures that brought water to cities.

9)Nomads from Asia who invaded the Roman empire.

10)The first emperor of the Roman empire and extended the size of the empire to its greatest size.

11)The leader of the Eastern Orthodox Church.

12)The Eastern Roman empire was called this by historians after it started to change culturally.

13)He moved the capital to the Eastern Roman Empire and ended the attacks on Christianity.

14)The Roman Empire spanned these three continents.

15)The leader of the Roman Catholic Church.

16)The system of government established by the Roman empire where people choose their leaders.

17)This phrase means bad government where people use their powers to make themselves rich.

18) The Romans built 250,000 concrete miles of these throughout the empire.