Risk Evaluation for AutomaticSliding Doors
1. Purpose of the Risk Evaluation
Risk evaluation for automaticsliding doors T-1178, 25.6.20151
EN 16005 describes the safety requirements placed on automatic door systems as required by Directive 2006/42/EC (the Machinery Directive). The expected risks and the measures to eliminate or minimise these risks must be recorded. The risk analysis should be compiled with the involvement of the planner, operator and manufacturer.
The responsibility for product safety rests entirely with the manufacturer of the complete door system, in other words with the TORMAX sales partner or the TORMAX market organisation.
The Machinery Directive requires that a risk assessment and the accompanying safety measures must be prepared for every automatic door system.
Risk evaluation for automaticsliding doors T-1178, 25.6.20151
2. Procedure
Risk evaluation for automaticsliding doors T-1178, 25.6.20151
The TORMAX sales partner or the TORMAX market organisation, as manufacturer of the complete door system, complete the risk analysis as early as the planning stage and check the details based on the actual installation situation. This document is retained by the sales partner and forms part of the files on the door system.
Under the Machinery Directive, TORMAX sales partners and market organisations, as the manufacturer of the complete door system, are obliged to issue a declaration of conformity (document template T-1063 available in the Extranet) for the entire door system. The TORMAX declaration of incorporation and the completed risk assessment constitute the documents necessary for the issue of the declaration of conformity.
Risk evaluation for automaticsliding doors T-1178, 25.6.20151
3. Identificationofthe Risks
The elimination of a hazardous area is to be preferred over protection against a hazardous area.
Clarification ofsafety distances
A = Main closing edge
B = Secondary closing edge
C = Protecting fingers
4. System Data
Please complete with all details.
Project type:………………………………………………….
Contact person: ………………………………………………
Address: ……………………………………………………….
Town/city, post code: ………………………………………..
Risk Evaluation carried out by:
Person…………………………………………………..Date …………………………..
Door drive used …………………………………………
Installed by: ……………………………. (Name, person installing the system)
System in use from (date): …………………………..
5. Risk Evaluation
Please tick the appropriate box.
Location / User
Public Area(high risk):
Everybody, including particularly vulnerable persons
Non-public Area(low risk):
Instructed personnel, access control
6. Possible Measures for Reducing the Risk on Sliding Doors
In accordance withEN 16005, chapter 4.6.2, 4.6.4, 4.6.7, 4.6.8, 4.6.9, 4.6.11, addendum C, addendum F
Please tick the appropriate box.
Combined sensor / With monitored safety, tracking permitted every
30 sec. at the earliest. / Planned protective measure
Installedprotective measure
Non-public Area
Low energy / EN 16005, addendum F, table F.2
Calculassions: E max. = 1,69 Joule
Static force max. 67N (see also 4.6.4) / Planned protective measure
Installed protective measure
Public Area
Safety Distance / Front edge of door leaf, distance from flat wall
D1 max.= 100 mm
Door leaves against wall, protection against squeezing of the head
D2 min.= 200 mm / Planned protective measure
Installed protective measure
Presence sensor / With monitoring, tracking permitted every 30 sec. at the earliest. / Planned protective measure
Installed protective measure
Separative protection equipment / Protection leaves / Planned protective measure
Installed protective measure
Non-public Area
Force limitation
(low energy) / EN 16005, addendum F, table F.2
Calculassions: E max. = 1,69 Joule
Static force max. 67N (see also 4.6.4) / Planned protective measure
Installed protective measure
Force limitation
(nolow energy) / Front edge of door leaf, distance from flat wall
A max.= 150 mm
additional force limitation according to 4.6.7 / Planned protective measure
Installed protective measure
Public Area and Non-public Area
Protection against drawing-in / Rear edge of door leaf, distance from flat wall, protection against drawing-in of fingers when opening
D3 max. = 8 mm / Planned protective measure
Installed protective measure
Protection against squeezing / Rear edge door leaf, distance from flat wall, protection against squeezing of fingers when opening
D3 min. = 25 mm / Planned protective measure
Installed protective measure
Shearing positions
(if present) / Protection leaves, in front or behind the door.
If necessary, do not allow the door to open throughout the entire passage width. / Planned protective measure
Installed protective measure
7. Remarks
Changes of use, residual risks, special functions, miscellaneous
(Example of residual risks: moving parts in the area of all closing edges, objects positioned in the movement area of the door leaves, defective maintenance or no maintenance)
Risk evaluation for automaticsliding doors T-1178, 25.6.20151