Sample Emails and Social Media Posts

Sample Emails
(Please change the underlined names to fit the needs of your organization and community)

The Michigan Nonprofit Association Civic Engagement AmeriCorps*VISTA Program is a cohort of 30 VISTAs (Volunteers In Service To America) who serve throughout the state of Michigan in a national service role and focus on eliminating poverty within the areas of education and economic opportunity. The MNA*VISTA Program is seeking to fill up to 30 positions to serve on a full-time basis for one year, from mid-August, 2014 to mid-August, 2015. To see the available positions, click this link:

Are you interested in serving a Michigan community while gaining valuable personal and professional skills? Michigan Nonprofit Association is seeking applicants for its AmeriCorps*VISTA program! Candidates must have a college degree and be willing to serve for 12 months with our program. For more information and so see our available positions, please click this think:

Do you enjoy making an impact on your local community? Consider AmeriCorps*VISTA! There is a position open right here in Miami at Miami Nonprofit Center where an AmeriCorps*VISTA member will recruit volunteers, create a K-12 mentoring program, and create newsletters! Apply now at

Are you a college graduate with a desire to impact your local community? Miami Nonprofit Center is now recruiting for an AmeriCorps*VISTA member to serve full-time from August 2014-August 2015. This position will be filled as soon as we find a qualified candidate. Apply online at

Are you looking to enter the nonprofit field and aren’t sure where to begin? Join AmeriCorps*VISTA! This national service program allows passionate college graduates to gain professional development while impacting a local community. Positions are available all over Michigan, but be sure to check out our position here in Miami at Miami Nonprofit Center! Applications will be filled on a rolling basis:

Sample Facebook Posts
(Feel free to “Like” and post to the MNA*VISTA page for extra exposure:

Do you want to serve our community for a year and gain valuable job skills? Michigan Nonprofit Association is seeking AmeriCorps*VISTA members to begin serving this August right here in Miami! See our positions at

We’re looking for a dedicated individual willing to commit to a year of AmeriCorps*VISTA service with us! Do you have what it takes to help us change our community for the better? See our positions at

Are you a college graduate looking for a full-time position at a great community organization? You’re in luck! We are now recruiting for an AmeriCorps*VISTA member to plan service events, create a mentoring program, and develop process manuals! This is a great way to gain entrance to the nonprofit field and great professional development skills, all while making an impact on our local community. Apply online now

Full-time opportunity alert! Serve as an AmeriCorps*VISTA with our organization starting in August by applying online now: applicants are college grads with a desire to impact our local community. We offer great professional development to expand your skills!

Looking to enter the nonprofit field and don’t know where to start? Join AmeriCorps*VISTA to learn about the nonprofit sector, gain great professional development, and make an impact on our local community. Qualified applicants are college grads with a desire to serve others. Apply online now to begin serving in August!

Sample Twitter Posts
(Feel free to tweet to the MNA*VISTA program using @mnavista or AmeriCorps*VISTA using @vistabuzz. Some hashtags you can use are #nationalservice #vistarecruitment #vista2014 and #lifetimeofservice.)

Join a team of dedicated AmeriCorps*VISTA members serving Michigan! Apply at

#lifetimeofservice @mnavista

Looking for a dedicated grad to serve with us as an AmeriCorps*VISTA. Help us serve Miami by applying for a position: @mnavista

Become an AmeriCorps*VISTA right here in Miami! Apply now at to impact our community! #nationalservice @mnavista

Want to help us make a difference? Join AmeriCorps*VISTA! Apply now to be considered: #vista2014 @mnavista

Looking for a college grad for full-time AmeriCorps*VISTA opportunity. Apply at @mnavista

Full-time position alert! Gain professional skills & make an impact with AmeriCorps*VISTA! Apply now: @mnavista