University of Melbourne Student Union

Minutes of the Clubs & Societies Committee

Meeting 2/13


2 PM, 14/02/2013

Location: OB Meeting Space, 1st floor Union House


1.  Procedural Matters

1.1.  Election of Chair

1.2.  Acknowledgement of Indigenous Owners

1.3.  Attendance

1.4.  Apologies (Chris Heath)

1.5.  Proxies

1.6.  Membership

1.7.  Adoption of Agenda

2.  Confirmation of Previous Minutes (23/1/2013)

3.  Matters Arising from the Minutes

3.1.  Income Tax

3.2.  Mailboxes & Resource Room

3.3.  Penguin Costume

3.4.  Safe Food handling & the City of Melbourne

3.5.  WISE Democrifail Response

3.6.  Psychology Association Bank Account

3.7.  Clubs Online Projects

4.  Reports

4.1.  Officers

4.2.  Committee

5.  Correspondence

5.1.  Psychology Association Late Orientation Grant Application

5.2.  Socialist Alternative problem postering

5.3.  Masters of Public Health name change

5.4.  CAFÉ Presidential issue

5.5.  Bulletin Item from Graduate Careers Fair

5.6.  Commerce faculty: CSS affiliation

6.  Grants

6.1.  Orientation Grants

6.2.  Grants For Discussion

7.  Policy & Regulation Amendments

7.1.  BBQ Pack Policy

7.2.  Logo Use Policy

7.3.  Locker Allocation Policy

7.4.  Regulation Amendments:

7.4.1.  RSA & food

7.4.2.  Camps & Excursions grants

7.4.3.  Grant Application Opening Date

7.4.4.  Logo Use

8.  Budget

8.1.  Draft Budget

8.2.  Payments

8.2.1.  Motion On Notice

MOTION: That the C&S Committee approve up to $2,750 from budget line Advertising for the Clubs and Student Reps Guide with the understanding that Students’ Council is responsible for the other 50 per cent of the expenditure.

M: Stephen Smith (Secretary, UMSU)

8.2.2.  SmallPrint Invoice ($110 from 03 60 605 3161)

8.2.3.  Badges ($300 from 03 60 605 3163)

8.2.4.  BBQ Pack Supplies

9.  Orientation

9.1.  Spending (03 60 605 3163)

9.1.1.  Tuesday Carnival $500

9.1.2.  Incidental Spending $500

9.1.3.  Performances & Test & Tag

9.2.  Roster

10.  U Week

11.  Standardised Banners

11.1. Grants

11.2. New Clubs

12.  Compulsory Training

13.  Other Business

13.1. Timetables

14.  Next Meeting (time, date)

15.  Close

Minutes of Clubs and Societies Committee Committee meeting held 14/2/2013

Meeting opened at: 2:20 PM, by Melinda Keys

Agenda Item 1: Procedural Matters

1.1  Election of Chair

Motion 1: That Melinda Keys be elected as Chair

Moved: Melinda Keys Seconded: Stephen Smith


1.2  Acknowledgement of Indigenous Owners

So acknowledged

1.3  Attendance

Committee: Patrick Clearwater, Rachel Withers, Tom Hayes, Yitong Wang

Office Bearers: Melinda Keys

UMSU Secretary: Stephen Smith

Coordinator: Fiona Sanders

Other: Sarina Murray


Sophie Sheahan, Victoria Tang, Chris Heath, Marie Kelly

1.4  Apologies

Chris Heath, Victoria Tang

1.5  Proxies


1.6  Membership

No change

1.7  Adoption of Agenda

Motion 2: To adopt the Agenda as presented

Moved: Chair


Agenda Item 2: Confirmation of Previous Minutes

Motion 3: To accept the minutes of the C&S Committee meeting on January 23 2013 as a true and accurate record

Moved: Chair


Agenda Item 3: Matters Arising from the Minutes

3.1. Income Tax

Forms reviewed and sent back to accountant for revision.

Sarina Murray left at 2:23pm

3.2. Mailboxes & Resource Room

Locker allocation problem – demand for large lockers exceeded large and medium

Mailboxes are to be replaced in current space

Sarina Murray came back at 2:29pm for a while

Resource Room

- lockers (small)

- photocopier (B&W) -> email to print

- scanner

- eftpos/Cash register

- hospitality double sink

- urn

- Fridge (lockable, glass doors)

- exec meeting room

- bins

- storage area (locked, keypad ->changed every year, shelving)

3.3. Penguin Costume

Next Agenda

3.4. Safe Food handling & the City of Melbourne

- Class 4 – packaged/catered

- Register for O’Week

- Evie – marquee set-up training?

- Purnima – hand washing

- Thermometer

3.5. WISE Democrifail Response

ACTION: Fiona Sanders follow up e-mail

ACTION: Put in next Agenda

3.6. Psychology Association Bank Account

Orientation income must be banked somewhere.

Motion 4: To direct MUPA to open a bank account by the Monday of Orientation and submit the details to the C&S Office by 4.30 pm on that day (February 25).

Moved: Patrick Clearwater Seconded: Melinda Keys


3.7. Clubs Online Projects

Patrick Clearwater tabled his paper outlining progress thus far

ACTION: Patrick to attend meetings with Communications staff

Agenda Item 4: Office Bearers’ Reports

4.1. Officers

Grants list, locker allocations, Farrago report, club files updated, Orientation table allocations.

Motion 5: To accept the Office Bearer’s report

Moved: Yitong Wang Seconded: Rachel Withers


4.2. Committee

Patrick Clearwater: Locker policy, online projects, reviewed SA banking issue correspondence, Student’s Council

Tom Hayes: Printing AGM forms, Student’s Council

Rachel Withers: Exec cards, filing, updating certificates of currency

Agenda Item 5: Correspondence

5.1. Psychology Association Late Orientation Grant Application

ACTION: Fiona Sanders to write to MUPA and say no

Fiona Sanders left at 3:45pm

5.2. Socialist Alternative problem postering

Issue and correspondence is explained to Committee.

Melinda Keys has advised SA that it is a busy time for the C&S Office, and thus the bank issue is taking longer than anticipated.

Discussion around use of logo. PC states that the issue is not use of logo, rather illegal postering.

PC suggests adding to logo use policy

10 minute break to resume at 4:15pm

Stephen Smith left at 4.15 pm

Fiona Sanders returned at 4:20pm

Procedural Motion: To defer Item 5.2 to Item 13 (other Business)

Moved: Patrick Clearwater


5.3 Masters of Public Health name change

ACTION: Email and advise to hold SGM and apply properly

5.4. CAFÉ Presidential issue


5.5. Bulletin Item from Graduate Careers Fair

Committee values the Careers Fair but feels Bulletin space is limited at this time of year, and thus declines. Consider contacting clus directly (link to Faculty/departmental).

5.6. Commerce faculty: CSS affiliation


Procedural Motion: To move to Item 8

Moved: Patrick Clearwater


Agenda Item 8: Budget

8.1. Draft Budget

Discussed tabled proposal and slightly amended Other Income and Grants


Budget Item / 2013 Budget
Students Council Allocation / $252,000.00
Other Income / $6,500.00
Total Income / $258,500.00
Grants / $222,000.00
Orientation Costs / $6,000.00
Photocopying / $750.00
Postage / $50.00
Special Projects / $19,500.00
Stationery / $1,000.00
Telephone Costs / $200.00
Advertising / $5,000.00
Training / $4,000.00
Total Expenditure / $258,500.00

Motion 6: To approve the presented budget with amendment.

Moved: Patrick Clearwater Seconded: Rachel Withers


8.2. Payments

8.2.1. Motion On Notice

Motion 7: To approve $2500 for Clubs & Reps guide

Moved: Patrick Clearwater Seconded: Tom Hayes


Procedural Motion: To move to Item 6. Grants

Moved: Chair


Agenda Item 6: Grants

6.1. Orientation grants

Motion 8: To approve all standard grants en bloc

Moved: Patrick Clearwater Seconded: Yitong Wang


6.2. Grants for Discussion

Incomplete Printing

Motion 9: To conditionally approve all grants having submitted a compliant “Design” (only) by 4:30pm Friday 22nd February; including Campus Refugee Right Clubs, Students for Christ, Italian Social Club, Next Entrepreneurs and Film Society (badges).

Moved: Chair


Arts Students Society

Rachel advised that the venue is in new Student Centre

Motion 10: To approve Arts Students Society grant for 26/2.

Moved: Chair


Mechatronics Society

Motion 11: To approve the lollies and to conditionally approve the remainder of the grant upon submission of compliant details and designs by 4:30pm Friday 22nd February.

Moved: Chair


MUR Motorsports

Motion 12: To conditionally approve grant upon submission of a food plan and details and designs of other purchases by 4:30pm Friday 22nd February.

Moved: Chair


Physics Students Society

Motion 13: To conditionally approve grant upon submission of food plan by 4:30pm Friday 22nd February.

Moved: Chair

CARRIED with 1 abstaining

Physio Students Society

Motion 14: To conditionally approve grant upon submission of the RSA certificate that pre-dates camp.

Moved: Chair



DEFER (Camp forms)

1701 Star Trek Club

Motion 15: To conditionally approve grant upon submission of prize details and designs by 4:30pm Friday 22nd February.

Moved: Chair


Baha’i Society (1)

Motion 16: To conditionally approve grant upon submission of a food plan by 4:30pm Friday 22nd February.

Moved: Chair


Baha’i Society (2)

Motion 17: To conditionally approve grant upon submission of food specifics and acceptable design by 4:30pm Friday 22nd February.

Moved: Chair


Chinese Culture Society

DEFER (explain what they want)

Community Development Club

Motion 18: To conditionally approve grant upon submission of prize details and printing design by 4:30pm Friday 22nd February.

Moved: Chair


Debating Society

Motion 19: To conditionally approve grant upon submission of Event Authorisation alcohol forms by 4:30pm Friday 22nd February.

Moved: Chair


Food Interest Group

Motion 20: To approve the grant and off-campus exemption.

Moved: Patrick Clearwater Seconded: Chair


Greek Association

Motion 21: To conditionally approve grant upon submission of SFH plan and printing design by 4:30pm Friday 22nd February.

Moved: Chair


Hong Kong Students Association

No purchase details provided at all

Motion 22: To reject the grant due to incomplete grant application.

Moved: Patrick Clearwater Seconded: Rachel Withers


Music Interest Club

Motion 23: To conditionally approve grants upon submission of SFH plans (x2) by 4:30pm Friday 22nd February.

Moved: Chair


Taiwanese Students Association

DEFER (waiting for response)

Thinking Cap

Motion 24: To approve off-campus exemption and grant

Moved: Chair


Agenda Item 7: Policy & Regulation Amendments

7.1. BBQ Pack Policy

Motion 25: To approve BBQ Pack Policy amendment

Moved: Patrick Clearwater Seconded: Tom Hayes


7.2. Logo Use Policy

Discussed the Policy and the Regulation

Ready for approval next meeting

7.3. Locker Allocation Policy

Remove casual orientation use of lockers.

Defer until known storage space.

7.4. Regulation Amendments:

7.4.1. RSA & food

Motion 26: To recommend the proposed amendment to Students’ Council

Moved: Patrick Clearwater Seconded: Yitong Wang


7.4.2. Camps & Excursions grants

Motion 27: To recommend the proposed amendment to Students’ Council

Moved: Rachel Withers Seconded: Yitong Wang


7.4.3. Grant Application Opening Date

Discussed and reworded slightly

Motion 28: To recommend the proposed amendment to Students’ Council

Moved: Patrick Clearwater Seconded: Tom Hayes


7.4.4. Logo Use

Discussed and reworded

Motion 29: To recommend the proposed amendment to Students’ Council

Moved: Tom Hayes Seconded: Chair


8.2.2. SmallPrint Invoice ($110 from 03 60 605 3161)

Motion 30: To approve payment of $110 to SmallPrint from Training (03 60 605 3161)

Moved: Chair


8.2.3. Badges ($300 from 03 60 605 3163)

Motion 31: To approve payment for badges of $300 from Orientation (03 60 605 3163)

Moved: Chair


8.2.4. BBQ Pack Supplies

Motion 32: To approve payment up to $500 to replenish BBQ packs from Special Projects (03 60 605 3839)

Moved: Chair


Agenda Item 9: Orientation

9.1. Spending

9.1.1. Tuesday Carnival

Not required

9.1.2. Incidental Spending

Cordial, sunscreen, etc

Motion 33: To approve payment up to $500 from Orientation Line for incidental spending (03 60 605 3163)

Moved: Chair


9.1.3. Performances & Test Tag

Quote not yet received

9.2. Roster

Committee to send in availabilities. Tom is available mornings, Rachel is available afternoons.

We will send out a roster.

Agenda Item 10: U Week

No further action until further advised by Kara/Goldie

Agenda Item 11: Standardized Banners

11.1. Grants

11.2. New Clubs

Item deferred

Agenda Item 12: Compulsory Training

Item deferred

Agenda Item 13: Other Business

13.1. Timetables

Send in timetables.

Meeting schedule will be set

13.2. Socialist Alternative banking issue

Fiona updated the committee on the Bank Account issue and progress

Discussion deferred to next meeting.

Agenda Item 14: Next Meeting (time, date)

Next meeting on: Monday 25th February, 4:15pm

Agenda Item 15: Close

Meeting closed at: 5:58 PM

Certified by Chair:

Signed: Dated:

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