Figure 1-1

What type of graph is represented by Figure 1-1?______

Work is a transfer of______

What is transferred by a force moving an object through a distance?______

The energy of motion is called______

A small 50-kilogram canoe is floating downriver at a speed of 2 m/s. What is the canoe’s kinetic energy?______

A 12-kg sled is moving at a speed of 3.0 m/s. At which of the following speeds will the sled have twice as much kinetic energy? (Hint- several steps are involved- ask for help!!)______

An object’s gravitational potential energy is directly related to ______

Give an example of an object with elastic potential energy?______

Why is the gravitational potential energy of an object 1 meter above the moon’s surface less than its potential energy 1 meter above Earth’s surface?______

A 6-kilogram dog is resting on top of a desk that is 1.5 meters high. What is the cat’s gravitational potential energy relative to the floor if the acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s2?______

The gravitational potential energy of an object is always measured relative to the______

The energy stored in gasoline is______

The total potential and kinetic energy of all the microscopic particles in an object make up its______

Walking converts what type of energy into mechanical energy? ______

Nuclear power plants are designed to convert nuclear energy into what type of energy? ______

Solar cells convert what type of energy into electrical energy? ______

What is the law of conservation of energy? ______

The mechanical energy of an object equals its______

If objects get hot enough they can emit ______

In what substance would conduction happen faster- metal or wood? ______

A drawback of solar energy is that it______

What is the transfer of thermal energy with no overall transfer of matter? ______

In order for conduction to occur, materials must be______

An example of a good conductor is______

If a material does not conduct thermal energy well it is known as an______

When hot air rises and cool air sinks, what is taking place? ______

The transfer of energy by waves is______

How are science and technology related? ______

In which step of the scientific method is information obtained through the senses? ______

What is a statement that summarizes a pattern found in nature? ______

Why are scientific models important? ______

Name an example of a safe laboratory procedure? ______

Describe clocks that offer the most precision ______

What is a system of knowledge and the methods used to find that knowledge? ______

What are the building blocks of all matter? ______

What happens when the data in an investigation do not support the original hypothesis? ______

Can scientific theories be proven? ______

What is the most important safety rule? ______

How is 0.00025 written in scientific notation? ______

What is 1 centimeter equal to? ______

On the Celsius scale, at what temperature does water boil? ______

How do scientists communicate the results of investigations? ______

Newton’s third law of motion describes______

As an astronaut travels far away from Earth, her weight______

Describe a distance that can be accurately measured with a ruler? ______

A person drives north 3 blocks, then turns east and drives 3 blocks. The driver then turns south and drives 3 blocks. How could the driver have made the distance shorter while maintaining the same displacement? ______

Objects in free fall near the surface of the Earth experience______

A person walks 1 mile every day for exercise, leaving her front porch at 9:00 A.M. and returning to her front porch at 9:25 A.M. What is the total displacement of her daily walk? ______

A car traveled 88 km in 1 hour, 90 km in the next 2 hours, and then 76 km in 1 hour before reaching its destination. What was the car’s average speed? ______

The slope of a speed-time graph indicates______

An object moving at 30 m/s takes 5 s to come to a stop. What is the object’s acceleration? ______

What is the momentum of a 50-kilogram ice skater gliding across the ice at a speed of 2 m/s? ______

A horizontal line on a distance-time graph means the object is______

The product of an object’s mass and velocity is its______

When an unbalanced force acts on an object, ______

Why is the gravitational potential energy of an object 1 meter above the moon’s surface less than its potential energy 1 meter above Earth’s surface? ______

The drag force acting on an falling sky diver is also known as ______.

The force that opposes the motion of objects that touch as they move pass each other is called ______.

A car’s speedometer measures ______.

When a falling object reaches terminal velocity, the net force acting on it is ______.

The force of gravity acting on an object is the object’s ______.

If the forces acting on an object produce a net force of zero, the forces are called ______.

The slope of a line on a distance-time graph is______

The forces acting on a falling leaf are______

Vector addition is used when motion involves______

An orange might roll off your cafeteria tray when you stop suddenly because of______

What kind of friction occurs as a fish swims through water? ______

An object that is accelerating may be______

An open parachute increases air resistance of a falling sky diver by______

Describe constant acceleration due ONLY to a change in direction______

The rate at which velocity changes is called______

The gravitational force between two objects increases as mass______

According to Newton’s second law of motion, the acceleration of an object equals the net force acting on the object divided by the object’s______

One kilometer equals 1000 meters. What does the prefix kilo- mean? ______

Describe an appropriate SI unit to express the speed of a cyclist in the last leg of a 10-km race ______

Describe a situation where action and reaction forces are involved ______

Describe a change in motion that produces acceleration______

Your weight equals your______

Suppose you increase your walking speed from 1 m/s to 3 m/s in a period of 2 s. What is your acceleration? ______

A ball is rolled uphill a distance of 3 meters before it slows, stops, and begins to roll back. The ball rolls downhill 6 meters before coming to rest against a tree. What is the magnitude of the ball’s displacement? ______