22nd November, 2015 / Last Sunday of Church Year

“I tell you the truth, those who listen to my message and believe in God who sent me have eternal life. They will never be condemned for their sins, but they have already passed from death into life. John 5:24 (NLT)

A Message From John Henderson

Bishop of the Lutheran Church of Australia and New Zealand

Once again the world has been shaken by a hideous terror attack.

Lutherans in Australia and New Zealand, together with people of faith everywhere, unite in expressing our deep sympathy to the people of France, and in particular to those whose loved ones have been murdered or injured. We pray also for those who witnessed the Parisian atrocities and will endure those memories forever.

This attack reminds us to pray also for those many thousands of people, in the Middle East and elsewhere, whose lives have been torn apart by the brutality of war and terrorism. We pray for people everywhere who are grieving over the loss of loved ones, homes and safety, including the countless thousands of refugees fleeing from the horrors of war.

Twice within twelve months, Paris has been the victim of a targeted terrorist attack—but the shock waves reverberate all around the world. Murder on this scale, wherever it happens in the world, is a great evil. When it happens in a country or in a city ‘like ours’, the reality hits us harder. It is closer to home. It can make us anxious.

This time the casualty count in Paris is much higher than in the Charlie Hebdo murders in January and heightening the alarm for many, ordinary people enjoying an ordinary Friday night out were targeted. The intended message seems to be: this could happen to you, anywhere, anytime. Nobody is safe; nowhere is safe.

Many of us in the island nations of Australia and New Zealand grew up feeling relatively safe from attack. War was likely to happen in other countries, not in ours, and even if our nations were involved in someone else’s wars, we private citizens would not be personally involved. We and our children were safe from death by war.

What officials are now calling ‘home-grown terror’ rattles us because we realise that there is no human guarantee of absolute safety. We feel our 'birthright' has been taken from us. We can feel powerless, and some of us might feel angry or afraid; these are normal human responses. Those of us who are parents face the tough challenge of explaining all this to our children, and trying to ally their justifiable fears.

In an uncertain world St Paul’s encouragement to the Romans gains new meaning for us: ‘For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord’ (8:38,39).

In responding to terrorism, as in all things, we must cling only to Christ, who does not promise that our life will be without pain, anxiety or uncertainty, but that nothing—even death—can separate us from his love. Proclaiming the gospel of the love of Jesus and our safety in God is the only message that can give comfort in a world of fear.

‘Let us approach the throne of grace with confidence so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need’ (Heb 4:16). So we pray:

Dear heavenly Father,

Thank you that you hear our cries and the cries of all come to you in need of mercy, grace and hope through Jesus.

At this time, when there have been hideous atrocities committed in Paris, we pray for the mercy, grace and true peace which you alone can give in Christ. We bring to you the people who mourn and those who are injured there in Paris, and also in other parts of the world. Lord Jesus, bring you healing and your peace.

We pray for those who live in fear for those who are called to protect. Guide the world’s leaders and particularly those leaders who will meet at the G20 Meeting in Turkey. Help us in our uncertainties, concerns and fears. Lord Jesus, bring your healing and peace.

We pray for those who are displaced because of war and for those who are separated from loved ones. Lord Jesus, bring your healing and peace.

We pray for our land, our communities, our neighbours. Be with our leaders and all who serve to care and protect the vulnerable. Lord Jesus, bring your healing and peace.

We pray for our church and for our families. Help us look to keep our eyes on Jesus, and to hear his voice as he assures us that nothing can separate us from him. Use us to bring his healing and peace to the world.

In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Worship This Week

Bethany / 9am / Service without Holy Communion
Children’s Ministry
Grace / 10am / Service without Holy Communion
St Johns / 8am / Service without Holy Communion – LHS page 23
Hymns 147 LH, 469 LH, 793 LHS, 880 LHS
9.30am / Contemporary Service with Holy Communion
Sunday School
St Marks / 8.30am / Service without Holy Communion
9.30am / Sunday School

Upcoming Dates for Your Calendar

This Week

Mon 23/11 / 7.00pm / Faith Chest Ministry
Tue 24/11 / 9.30am / Parish Office Staff Meeting
Wed 25/11 / 9.30am / Midweek Holy Communion Service (Bethany)

Coming Up

Mon 30/11 / 7.00pm / Faith Chest Ministry
Tue 1/12 / 9.30am / Parish Office Staff Meeting
Wed 2/12 / 7.00pm / Parish Ministry Team Meeting – Parish House
Thu 3/12 / 11.30am / Parish Women’s Guild Christmas Lunch (Queen’s Park Café)

Happenings in our Parish


At St Johns at the 9.30am service today, we welcome into God’s family through Holy Baptism, Liam John O’KEEFE (born 25/5/2015) son of Matthew and Katie O’KEEFE and grandson of Pr John and Adrienne O’Keefe. Godparents are John and Caitlin Diefenbach and Luke and Claire Medhurst.

Thank You

Thank you to Andrew Stanke and Bob Weiss for taking the lay reading services at Bethany and Grace today.

Bethany Elections – 29th November 2015

Election of Office bearers and committee members for Bethany will be held after service on 29th November. We are looking at new members on every committee.

Perhaps you feel that you have something to contribute to the work of your congregation. Please feel free to put your name forward to current committee members prior to the meeting.

Special Advent All-Ages Worship Experience – Sun 29th Nov 5pm

Come along next Sunday night, the 1st Sunday in Advent for a special all-ages time of worship as we focus on the real meaning for the season. Worship begins at 5pm, and if you are 8, 8 months or 88 years old – we would love for you to join us at Bethany Worship Centre then. We look forward to seeing you J

Parish Women’s Guild – 3rd December

The Parish Women's Guild are having a Christmas Lunch at Queen's Park Cafe on Thursday 3 December at 11.30am. Partners are invited to attend. All are welcome.

Young Adults (18-30): Trip to Dreamworld! - 5th December
It's been a long year of studying and working hard, so it must be time to treat yourself with a fun day out! On December 5th, the young adults of the parish are heading to Dreamworld to kick-back, relax and have fun! All are welcome to join! For those interested in carpooling, we will be meeting at Bethany Lutheran Church at 9am. Otherwise we'll meet you at the bottom of Dreamworld's main entrance stairs at 10.30am. For more info, contact Hannah Douglas: 0432 969 397 or

Women’s Ministry Network Gathering Sat December 5th at 1:30 pm

A time for worship and mutual encouragement: We gather in gentleness and hopefulness, to care particularly for those who are perplexed or hurting following the General Synod vote on the ordination of women.St. Andrews Lutheran Church (25 Wickham Terrace, Brisbane)To find out more about the Women’s Ministry Network Gathering, visit www.wmn.org.au or speak to Pastor Ben.

Bethany Cards and Games – 6th December

The cards and games afternoon on December 6th will be the final one for the year. Janese and Merv will be relinquishing their roles as organisers after that date. For cards and games to continue we will be needing some people to take over the role of organising this event once a month. As cards and games are now conducted in Bethany School property, anyone willing to take on the responsibility would need to arrange a security clearance at the school. Cards and games takes a break over the Christmas holiday period and recommences on the first Sunday in February, so all arrangements would need to be finalised before that date. Please contact Janese or Merv if you are interested in volunteering and would like some more information.

Christmas Advent Devotional

As we journey through the Advent Conspiracy over the weeks leading up to Christmas, the church has produced a devotional guide for the 24 days of December leading up to our celebration of the Birth of Jesus. If you would like to receive this via email each morning to aid your worship, please email Pastor Ben () and ask him to add you to the list.

Card and Gift Cupboard – St John’s
Lots of Christmas cards and gifts for children, teenagers and adults available. Birthday, Get Well, Sympathy, Wedding, Anniversary, Thank you, Generalcards andboxed setsof 12 birthday cards etc to get prepared for the new year available for purchase anytime. Write sale in book and put money in pencil case. Phone Margaret if you'd like to have a look at display outside of office/church hours 0417 564 990

Time Out…come Lord Jesus

Orders are now being taken for the 2016 Devotion Book Time Out…come Lord Jesus. Each meditation is a ‘time-out’ of about 3 plus minutes and consists of a Bible reading, some thoughts on that passage, and a short prayer. This book provides Christian devotions based on the lectionary Bible reading for the day. The devotions can be used for individuals, families and groups. Order your copy now at the parish office – 3202 4035 or simply make your request on a careslip todayJ Cost $22 including postage

Parish Children & Youth

Parish Children & Youth Ministries

Friday 25th November

RAGE (High School) – St John’s Hall 6.30pm

H2H (Confirmation) - St John’s House 6.30pm

Upcoming Events

Men’s Shed – Thursday, 26th November 6.30pm

Guest Speaker Pr Ben Hentschke Time out in the Philippines

Last Ladies Lounge for 2015

Tuesday 8 December 2015

St. John’s House 34 Roderick Street, Ipswich

7.00pm – 9.00pm (supper provided)

Guest Florist – Angela Otto

(Angela will be helping us make a Dried floral Christmas centrepiece)

Bring $5.00 to cover materials

Also bring a $5.00 ladies secret santa gift. (be imaginative)

More info Leanne Kreis 0438280861.

Bring your friends (All ladies 18 – 100 years welcome)

50th Wedding Anniversary


John and Joy Raatz are celebrating their

50th Wedding Anniversary

at Bethany on 4th December at 10am

all welcome

Stamps for Missions – Transport to Adelaide

Members from our Church will be travelling to Victoria and are able to organise for stamps to be delivered to Adelaide. If you are collecting stamps and would like them delivered, please leave them at the parish office for collection as soon as possible.

Available from your local Church foyer

·  Current Bethany School Newsletter

·  Current LCAQD Newsletter

·  The Gathering Info Card


Lutheran Youth of Qld

Summer Holiday Camps are here again.

Choose from …

·  Explode or Junior Explode │ 6-12 December 2015

·  Blast or Junior Blast │ 13-18 December 2015

·  Explode and Blast 2 Week Package │ 6-18 December 2015

·  Kids Camp │ 11-15 January 2016

A week of growth, activities, meeting new friends, spending time at the beach and learning more about God.

Register early at www.lyq.org.au/summercamps

The Gathering 16 Live a bold life, wherever you are

5th – 7th February

The Gathering 2016 is a weekend conference for young adults (18 – 30 years) o come together to experience community and forge new ground in their faith together. To register www.lyq.org..au/thegathering


·  Printed Catalogue available to borrow on request from the Parish Office

·  Easy to use Library Card System

·  Home delivery available

·  Returns may be left in boxes provided at the back of your church

Enquiries—parish office: Telephone 3202 4035


Prayer Corner

Church Prayer Time

A time of prayer is held at Bethany every Sunday at 8.30am. Any and all are welcome to join in with these prayer times.

Prayer Points

·  for the church, that it never cease preaching the gospel and giving praise, honour and glory to God the Father through Jesus Christ

·  for the church and its continued witness to the world of the greatness and the holiness of God

·  for the leaders of our nation, that they govern as servants to the people

·  for the reception of the church by the postmodern world as the place of truth

·  for all the innocent who are judged according to lies

·  for all those whose belief causes them to persecute the people of God, that their eyes may be opened to what they are doing and they may turn from their ways to our great and merciful God