Place of residence registration Contacts

9A, Apt 20, A. Abbasov str tel+99450 280 65 10

Yasamal district tel +99450 319 84 84

Baku e-mail:


PersonalDate of Birth: 12 September, 1979

Data:Marital Status: Married

Place of Birth: Baku, Azerbaijan


Baku State University

BA. Faculty: International Relations and International Law

Group: International Law1995-1999

Western University, Baku

LLA.International Law
Specialization: European Law2000-2003

Khazar University

- PhD. International Relations and Political Science

Subject: Parliamentary Diplomacy

since 2015

- Member of the Political Science

and International Relations Department


Course: International Organizations


Word, Excel,PowerPoint,

Internet Explorer, Outlook Express


9 July- 3 August 2001, Budapest, Hungary.

United Nations, Civil Society and Private Sector in Global Governance.

Summer courses organized by the CentralEuropeanUniversity.

24 April – 8 May 2004, Tbilisi, Georgia.

CapacityBuilding in International Relations.
International Human Rights, Humanitarian Law and Negotiation.
Training organized by the Swiss Graduate Institute of International Studies

7 March – 29 march 2012, Brussels, Belgium.

Individual Fellowship Programmeorganized by the European Parliament.

Languages:Azerbaijani-native, English -fluent,

Russian – fluent, Turkish -fluent

French -starting level.

2011 –present
Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic Speaking Countries (TURKPA)

Headquarters: Baku, Azerbaijan

Position: Head of Legal Expertise, Press Service and Protocol section

Responsible forproviding legal assistance to the TURKPA Secretariat, including ensuring a correct and coherent interpretation of the legal texts composed for the Secretary General and on behalf of the TURKPA Secretariat;

Assistance in the preparation of draft agreements, reports and recommendations for the relevant specialized commissions;

Management of the database of legal documents, agreements, protocols etc;

Engagement in the work with members of the TURKPA mission on election observation;

Assistance on the matters related to public relations and protocol through:

-maintaining contacts with press and preparation of bullet points for press conferences, briefings and interviews by Secretary General

-ensuring effective media coverage of official events and meetings and careful planning of protocol aspects

Main events with my participation and organizational contribution:

1)TURKPA Second, Third, Fifthand SixthPlenary Sessions held accordingly on 27-28 April 2011 in Astana, on 14-16 June 2012 in Bishkek, on 12-13 June 2014 in Bakuand on 3-4 December 2015with participation of Chairs of the Parliaments of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkey;

2)First and Second Summits of the Cooperation Council of Turkic-Speaking States held on 20-21 October 2011in Almaty and on 22-23 August 2012 in Bishkek with participation of the Presidents and Heads of Government of Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Turkey;

3)First and second meetings of the TURKPA Commission on International Relations and Third meeting of the TURKPA Commission on Legal Affairs;

4)International conference on ”The Role of Woman in the 21st Century: Responsibility of Female Politicians” held on 3 October 2011 in Baku;

5)International Forum on “The Role of Young Leaders in the Development Process of Interstate Cooperation” held on 14-16 October 2012 in Istanbul

Work in the TURKPA election observation missions:

1)Presidential elections in the Republic of Azerbaijan, 9 October 2013

2)Early presidential elections in the Republic of Kazakhstan, 26 April 2015

3)Parliamentary elections in the Republic of Turkey, 7 June 2015

4)Parliamentary elections in the Republic of Azerbaijan, 1 November 2015

2005 –2011
Parliamentary Assembly of theBlack Sea Economic Cooperation (PABSEC)

Headquarters: Istanbul, Turkey

Position: Secretary of the Economic, Commercial, Technological and Environmental Affairs Committee

Preparatory work for committee meetings as follows:

-preparation of documentation, draft reports and recommendations on the subjects placed on the agenda of Committee

-researches for new projects and proposals

Preparation of minutes of the committee meetings and final version of the documents approved by committee;

Follow-upthe implementation of the Assembly documents;

Maintenance of the database and archives concerning the work of committee;

Analysis and generalization of information on the activities of international institutions/agencies in the field of multilateral economic cooperation and elaboration of possible interaction mechanisms between them and PABSEC;

Elaboration of working plans andanalytical papers on the priority issues of economic cooperation in the Black Sea region;

Coordination activities with the BSEC-related bodies via participation at the working meetings and conducting joint projects and programmes.

Main events with my participation and organizational contribution:
1)Black Sea Business Forum held inNovember 2010 within the framework of the PABSEC Thirty Sixth Plenary Session under the Chairmanship of the Republic of Turkey in theAssembly;
2)Meeting on BSEC-PABSEC interaction held in March 2010 between theBSEC Committee of Senior Officials and PABSEC Bureau;
3)Meeting of the Presidents of Parliaments on the occasion of fifteenth anniversary of the PABSEC held on 9-11 June 2008 within the framework of the Thirty First Plenary Session under the Chairmanship of the Hellenic Republic;
4)Joint Meeting of the PABSEC Enlarged Bureau and BSEC Committee of Senior Officials held in February 2008 and devoted to modalities of enhancing coordination and cooperation between BSEC and PABSEC;

2004, September-December

Milli Mejlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Department of International Relations:

Position: Advisor

Coordination of activities ofthe Milli Mejlis within inter-parliamentary organizations and preparation of relevant documents

Protocol matters pertaining to the visit of official delegations and hosting events

2000 –2004

Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Department of International Relations

Position: Advisor

Review of the systems of constitutional control and generalization ofpractice within the framework of European Law;

Submission of decisions and other documents of the Constitutional Court of Azerbaijan to the European specialized bodies, including Venice Commission of the Council of Europe;

Engagement in organization of seminars and conferences hosted by the Constitutional Court of Azerbaijan;

Preparation of analytical papers on the current state of judiciary in Azerbaijan and assessment of the development of constitutional justice in the country.


May 1998

Conference on women rights held under the auspices of the UN office in Baku.

Member of organizing committee

28 June – 2 July 2014

Twenty Third Annual Session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly held in Baku

Protocol assistance on behalf of the Milli Mejlis (Parliament) of Azerbaijan during the session

Liaison officer of the OSCEPA Secretary General during the session