Full 7-Step EFT Process Using Progressive Languaging

By Vicki Howie, MA, CHt.

Step 1 – Identify The Issue & Create A Simple Phrase

Identify the problem using language that is simple, short and concrete. Tapping directly communicates with our body/subconscious mind. This part of us is like a small child. It needs very simple, relatable communication.

For instance, you wouldn’t want to use a big, mental word like “procrastinate.” Instead you would ask yourself, “What is it I most procrastinate?”

Using the most literal example and emotional example from your life will get a much bigger reaction and better result.

So instead of “Procrastinating” you might use “avoid writing my book.” Feel the difference? It’s key.

Step 2 – Measure Base-Line Intensity (1-10)

Ask yourself, how intense is this issue for me? On a scale where one is almost no intensity and ten is the most intense it could possibly be, what is the intensity of my current feeling around this issue? Make sure to state it again. Stating the issue clearly is what helps create the intensity. Write down the base-line rating.

Step 3 – State Self-Love & Self-Acceptance Phrase (3 Times)

Say this phrase three times tapping on these three points in order: Collar Bone, Under Arm, Karate Chop:

“Even though I tend to (issue phrase), I deeply and completely love and accept myself.” So in this case it’s, “Even though I tend to avoid writing my book, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”

Step 4 – Tap All Points Using Issue Phrase

Move two times through all the 10 Tapping points saying only “tend to” + your issue phrase : Crown, Eyebrow, Side of Eye, Under Eye, Under Nose, Chin Crevice, Collar Bone, Under Arm, Wrist, Karate Chop. Some people like to shorten this to just the first 7 points and loop those.

Step 5 – Re-Measure Intensity (If Needed, Repeat Steps 3 & 4)

State your issue phrase again with no tapping and rate it’s intensity. If it is has gone down to your satisfaction, you can move onto the next phase. If the re-measurement doesn’t show a marked enough improvement, repeat steps 3 & 4 until it does.

Step 6 – Add Positive Transformation Phrase

Now, you’re going to tap the same three points as in Step 3 (Collar Bone, Under Arm, Karate Chop), and say this new phrase, “Even though I still sometimes tend to (issue phrase), I deeply and completely love and accept myself, and I’m becoming more/better at (opposite of issue phrase).

So, in this case, it would be, “Even though I still sometimes tend to avoid writing my book, I deeply and completely love and accept myself, and I’m becoming more regular at writing my book.”

Step 7 – Re-measure Intensity & Use Only Positive Phrase

Now, say your original phrase and measure the intensity you feel around it. If you’re not satisfied with your new measurement level, repeat Step 6 until you are. If you’re satisfied with your measured improvement, congratulations! Enjoy the positive transformation you’ve created.

© 2014, Vicki Howie, www.chakraboosters.com