Review Sheet for Animal Farm Test on Wednesday, 22 March
Represented Josef Stalin / Animal whose motto was “Napoleon is always right / Gave Napoleon forged bank notes / Loved sugar and ribbons / Raised and indoctrinated by Napoleon
Tested Napoleon’s food for poisoning / A drunkard or inebriate (human) / Represents Leon Trotsky / “War is war. The only good human is a dead one.” / Why did the hens rebel?
Often suspicious but never spoke up / Led the Battle of the Cowshed / Middleman or intermediary between AF and the outside world / The original windmill was intended to produce this. / Where Boxer went in Chapter 9
Led Napoleon’s procession around the farm / Jones’ special pet / Special heaven for animals / Owned Manor Farm / Voted in as Comrade in chapter one.
Napoleon kept this a secret from humans / Claim made by Old Major in Chapter one against Man / Owned Foxwood Farm / Owned Pinchfield Farm / Would read to the others from scraps of newspapers in the evening
The single law that the commandments are reduced to / Lies to the animals about Boxer’s death / Absolute power held by one person or a small group / Representative form of government in which citizens vote for rulers who are responsible to them / Rule by a few, in which a small group exercised control of government.
Rule in which all persons less important than the state and a central hierarchy controls life and production, y force if necessary / Scapegoat for farm failures / Represented Karl Marx / Represented Pravda / Represented Stalin’s five-year plans, highly unsuccessful

Democracy Dictatorship Monarchy Oligarchy

Republic Theocracy Totalitarian

______1. Rule in which all persons are less important than the state and a central hierarchy controls life and production.

______2, rule by a few, in which a small group exercises control of government

______3. Absolute power is held by one person or a small group of people.

______4. Representative form of government in which citizens vote for rulers who are responsible to them

______5. Which type of government best describes Animal Farm at the end of the book?