Vision Board Project

CWEX 20/30 Life Transitions 20

Mr. Young

Student Learning Objectives:


A vision board is simply a visual representation or collage of the things that you want to have, be, or do in your life. It consists of a poster or bulletin board with cut-out pictures, drawings and/or writing on it of the things that you want in your life or the things that you want to become.

Creating a vision board is a fun and creative way for you to become clear on your dreams and desires and transform them into reality. We become what we think about and our lives are created from our thoughts. Unfortunately, we spend much of our lives thinking about what we don't want and often that is what we draw into our lives. One of the most powerful aspects of a vision board is that you create a visual representation of your dreams and desires helping you to put your attention on what you want to bring into your life.

What does a Vision Board Do?
1. A vision Board helps us to become very clear about what we want.

2. A Vision Board makes your goals visible and keeps them in front of your eyes.

3. A Vision Board reminds you of what you want.

4. A Vision Board allows you to choose your goals.

5. A Vision Board reminds you of what you are working for.

6. A Vision Board keeps you in a positive mood - as you put your attention on it you will feel yourself receiving what you desire.

7. A vision Board allows you to create a purpose in life.


a.  Create a list of images you would like to include on your vision board. All of the following categories should be represented.

-  Emotions (what do you want to feel?)

-  Relationships (who do you want to have close relationships with?)

-  Education (what education do you see yourself pursuing?)

-  Work (what work do you see yourself doing for a living?)

-  Required Skills (what skills would you need to do your work, hobbies?)

-  Location (where do you see yourself living – both city/town, type of dwelling?)

-  Recreational Activities (what would you like to do in your spare time?)

-  Holidays (where would you like to travel?)

-  Lifestyle (how much money do you want to have)

b.  Select approximately 15-20 images that best illustrate your above goals or dreams (create a Vision Board folder under “My Pictures” and save images there).

c.  Print off images.

d.  Create text to describe images, thoughts or feelings.

e.  Arrange images on poster or bulletin board in a meaningful manner.

**We will be creating these posters so that we can put them up around our room as a visual reference. We will also take a picture of your Vision Board for your online portfolio with a brief description of what they are and how you have set yours up**

Vision Board Rubric

The following rubric will be used to evaluate your vision board.

Criteria / 1
Beginning / 2
Attempting / 3
Meeting / 4
1. Inclusion of required
-  Emotions
-  Relationships
-  Education (opt.)
-  Work
-  Required Skills (opt.)
-  Location
-  Recreational Activities
-  Holidays
-  Lifestyle / Five or more areas not included. / Two to four areas not included. / All but one required area included. / All required areas included.
2. Relevance of Images / Student cannot give an explanation why he/she chose the images included. / Student can give only a basic explanation why he/she chose the images included. / Student can give a reasonable explanation why he/she chose the images included. / Student can give a detailed, clear and reasonable explanation
why he/she chose the images included.
3. Inclusion of Key Words / No or hardly any key words included to identify goal areas. / Some relevant key words included to identify goal areas. / Relevant key words included to identify goal areas. / Relevant key words included which clearly summarize goal areas.
4. Comprehensive Coverage of Identified Goals / Identified goals hardly covered. / Identified goals covered in general manner. / Identified goals covered in detailed manner. / Identified goals covered in extremely detailed, in-depth manner.
5. Understanding of Goals / Student shows little understanding of identified goals and offers little discussion. / Student shows basic understanding of identified goals. / Student shows clear understanding of identified goals. / Student shows great understanding of identified goals and can discuss them at length.
TOTAL / 20