Framework Housing Association

Framework Housing Association

Guidance Document for the Pre- Qualification Questionnaire

for a Framework Agreement

to provide

Construction Services for Repairs and Maintenance

Completed PQQ and supporting documentation should be returned by 12.00 noon on Friday 17th October 2014 to:
Dave Newmarch
Framework Housing Association
Val Roberts House
25 Gregory Boulevard


Part One - Process Information

1.0 Definitions

2.0 Statement of purpose

3.0 Disclaimer

4.0 Framework Housing Association’s Right to Cancel

5.0 Variation and Acceptance

6.0 Costs

7.0 Confidentiality

8.0 Timetable

9.0 Lines of communication

10.0 Submission of PQQ

11.0 Evaluation

Part Two - Background Information

1.0 Framework Duration

2.0 Contract Scope

2.1 Nature of the services – The Services

2.2 Geographic Lots

2.3 Form of Contract

2.4 Purpose of the Repairs and Maintenance Framework

2.5 Objectives and Goals of the Framework

2.6 Restrictions

2.7 Award criteria

Part Three - Pre-Qualification Questionnaire

1.0  Instructions for completion of the PQQ

2.0  Evaluation of PQQ Response/s

2.1  Introduction

2.2  Evaluation Criteria

2.3  Initial Compliance Check

2.4  Section C and H – Pass/ Fail Criteria

2.5  Financial Standing

2.6  Section 3 – Technical/ Supplementary

2.7  Section 4 – References

2.8  General Information

2.9  Grounds for exclusion from the process

Part One - Process Information

1.0 Definitions

Bidder/s– means a / the potential Service provider/s, and their agents, sub contractors or any subsidiaries

Service Provider – means a contractor who has been accepted onto the Framework Agreement

PQQ – means Pre-Qualification Questionnaire and refers to this document in full

ITT – means Invitation to Tender

Framework Housing Association and FHA – means the organisation who is party to this exercise leading to a Framework Agreement of contractors.

2.0 Statement of Purpose

2.1 This is the Pre Qualification Questionnaire for Contractor Services for Repairs and Maintenance work at properties owned and leased by Framework Housing Association.

2.2 The information provided by Bidders in response to this document will be used by Framework Housing Association to select those organisations that will be invited to Tender to be part of the Framework Agreement. From the responses to the Invitation to Tender the most Economically Advantageous Tenders with the relevant experience and with a robust method statement for meeting KPI’s will be selected for each Lot.

2.3 The contract will be split into three Lots. Each Lot has been divided into three geographical areas. Lot 1 of 417 Units is based in and around Nottingham City. Lot 2 comprising 194 Units includes Nottinghamshire, South Derbyshire, Harborough and Leicester. Lot 3 comprising 311 Units includes Lincoln, Mansfield and Newark. The Invitation to Tender will be opened to a maximum of six bidders. All bidders must bid for all three lots. A maximum of two Lots will be awarded to anyone Contractor. Contractors will be tendering on the understanding that they may be asked to carry out work in connection with other Lots for which they have not been successful.

2.4 All Bidders must meet the minimum standard as described in Part 3 Paragraph 2.5.3 of this PQQ to have their PQQ submission evaluated and maintain those standards for all the time that they are a member of the Framework (if appointed).

3.0 Disclaimer

3.1 No information contained within this PQQ, or in any future or past communication made between Framework Housing Association and any Bidder in connection with this PQQ, shall be relied upon as:

·  constituting a contract, agreement or representation that any contract shall be offered in accordance with this PQQ; and/ or

·  A promise or representation as to the future.

3.2  Whilst all reasonable measures have been taken to ensure that the information made available to interested parties has been prepared in good faith, it does not purport to be comprehensive or to have been independently verified. Neither Framework Housing Association nor its advisers accept any liability or responsibility for the adequacy, accuracy or completeness of, or makes any representation or warranty, express or implied, with respect to, such information contained in this document and PQQ or on which such documents are based or with respect to any written or oral information made available to any interested recipient or its professional advisers, and any liability therefore is hereby disclaimed

3.3  Each prospective Bidder to whom this PQQ is made available must make its own independent assessment of this requirement and all matters relevant to this requirement after making such investigation and taking such professional advice as it deems necessary to determine its interest in this requirement. This PQQ is not intended to provide the basis of any investment decision and should not be considered as a recommendation by Framework Housing Association or its advisers to any recipient.

4.0  Framework Housing Associations’ Right to Cancel

4.1  Framework Housing Association reserves the right, without prior notice and in their absolute discretion, to change or terminate the tendering procedure for this requirement at any time before the appointment of any Service Provider to the Framework.

4.2  Framework Housing Association reserves the right not to award any Work to any Service Provider who is a member of the Framework Agreement. Membership of the Framework does not guarantee or imply that the Service Provider will be offered the opportunity to provide any of the Services.

5.0 Variation and Acceptance

5.1 Framework Housing Association may, at its discretion, vary the process, services packaging and timetable outlined in this PQQ and / or waive or relax the application of any requirements in relation to any prospective Bidder. By participating in the process initiated by this document each prospective Bidder accepts the rights and discretions reserved to Framework Housing Association in this document.

6.0 Costs

6.1 Framework Housing Association will not be liable for any costs incurred by Bidders in preparing their PQQ response or tenders for this project.

6.2 Framework Housing Association is unable to enter into any discussions over the budget available for the individual contract/s available.

7.0 Confidentiality

7.1 Bidders shall treat all information and documents issued by Framework Housing Association, its subsidiaries, and their advisors as private and confidential and their express written consent must be obtained prior to the release of information or documents to any third party other than a Bidder's bankers, advisers or proposed sub-contractors. This PQQ is made available upon the condition that it is only used in connection with this competition being conducted by Framework Housing Association.

7.2 Framework Housing Association will treat all information received from Bidders as private and confidential. Unsuccessful PQQ responses received will be held on file for a minimum of 6 months.

7.3 Bidders must highlight within their PQQ response any potential conflict of interests. Any interests not declared may lead to the Bidder’s elimination from the process.

8.0. Timetable

Set out below is the proposed procurement timetable. This is intended as an indicative guide only. Whilst Framework Housing Association does not intend to depart from the timetable, it reserves the right to do so at any time:

·  PQQ’s issued (available on Internet) – Friday 3rd October 2014 9.00am

·  Lines of communication open – Monday 6th October 2014, 10.00am

·  Lines of communication close – Friday 10th October 2014, 14:00pm

·  Deadline for return of completed PQQs – Friday 17th October 2014 12.00 noon

·  References requested – Tuesday 21st October 2014 to be returned by 12.00 noon on Thursday 23rd October 201,

·  Evaluation of PQQ’s – Monday 20th October to Friday 24th October 2014

·  Notification of result – by Friday 24th October 2014

The timetable for the Tender of the Services is as follows:

·  Invitations to Tender issued – Monday 27th October 2014

·  Deadline for return of tenders – Friday 7th November 2014

·  Evaluation of ITT’s – Monday 10th November onwards

·  Interviews and further assessment stages as required

·  Notification of Awards to Bidders – Beginning December 2014

·  Standstill period – December 2011

·  Framework commences – Beginning of January 2014

9.0 Lines of Communication

9.1 Bidders are able to seek clarification or explanation of the PQQ, if necessary, though detailed discussions regarding the procurement will not be entered into at this stage. Any questions about the PQQ and/ or requirement should be submitted by e-mail to:


All queries must be clearly marked: “Framework Housing Association Repairs and Maintenance Contract – PQQ Query”

As above, lines of communication open at: 10.00 on Monday 6th October 2014 and close at 14.00 on Friday 10th October 2014

9.2 All queries must be in writing and delivered electronically to the email address above. Any question or request for clarification deemed to be of material significance will mean that both the query and the response will be communicated, in a suitably anonymous form, to all Bidders who have responded for transparency reasons. Framework Housing Association is under no obligation to answer questions or queries which are submitted after the close of the communications period.

9.3 This is the only route for questions relating to the PQQ and / or requirement. Any other route, including contact with Framework Housing Associations’ staff or Framework Housing Associations’ advisers direct, may disqualify the Bidder from the process.

9.4 Bidders shall include within their PQQ response a single point of contact in their organisation for their response to the pre-qualification questionnaire. Please note, that Framework Housing Association shall not be responsible for contacting the Bidder through any route other than the nominated principal contact. Bidders must therefore undertake to notify any changes relating to the contact promptly.

10.0 Submission of PQQ

10.1 Bidders must submit:

·  2 paper copies per bid; and

·  One copy in PDF format (that cannot be amended) on a disc or memory stick.

10.2 The sealed package must be clearly marked with the:

·  Project reference number: PQQ/FHA/Repairs and Maintenance 2011

·  PQQ for ‘Framework Housing Association Contractor Services; and

·  Bidder’s company name

Packages that are not clearly labelled may not be opened and may be disregarded.

10.3 The sealed package should be addressed and sent to:

Dave Newmarch

Framework Housing Association

Val Roberts House

25 Gregory Boulevard



by no later than 12.00 noon on Friday 17th October 2014

10.4 Any PQQ arriving after the deadline may be disregarded. Any questionnaires and/ or supporting information received late may not be considered.

11.0 Evaluation

11.1 Information on how your PQQ response will be evaluated is at Part Three, 1.0 & 2.0. Prior to completion of the PQQ Response you may wish to check that your organisation is eligible against our minimum requirements at Part Three, 2.5.3.

11.2 The assessment panel will comprise representatives from Framework Housing Association and our advisors and project managers, Richard Julian & Associates.
Part Two – Contract and Framework Agreement Information

1.0  Framework Duration

1.1 The proposed Contracts and the Framework Agreement under which the Contract/s will operate for 2 years with an option to extend to a maximum of 3 years. The estimated total value of services net of VAT to be “called off” under the Contract and Framework Agreement by Framework Housing Association is approximately £1,000,000 per year.

1.2 It is Framework Housing Associations’ intention to appoint Framework Contractors to provide a range of Services as and when required. Framework Housing Association reserves the right to vary this packaging to improve operational efficiency and tendering administration. It is the intention of Framework Housing Association that the Framework and its members will be in place by the beginning of 2015.

1.3 Contractors accepted onto the Framework will be those who:

- pass the minimum quality threshold required at PQQ;

- achieve a combined merit and reference score that places them above the cut off point for Services they wish to be considered for firstly at PQQ and then at ITT stage;

- meet the award criteria; and

- Whose Tender meets the most economically advantageous threshold.

Full details are in paragraph 2.2.3 below.

1.4 Where Services opportunities arise in the future work will be appointed through either direct appointment or mini tender. Where mini tender all Bidders who have been accepted onto the Framework will be offered the opportunity to participate in the mini-competition. Further details of the procedure for calling off contracts under the Framework will be set out in the Invitation to Tender.

2.0 Contract Scope

2.1 Nature of the Service – The Services

2.1.1 The Services. The provision of Contractor Services for Framework Housing Association for up to three (3) years through a Framework Agreement is intended to cover a range of disciplines related to the refurbishment and maintenance of that stock as defined below:

1.  Plumbing and heating works

2.  Electrical works

3.  Painting and decorating works

4.  General building works including brickwork, carpentry, glazing, roofing and the above three disciplines

The exact scope of contractor services required will be determined by the specific project requirements as these arise throughout the life of the Framework.

2.2 Geographic Lots

2.2.1 The Geographic Lots areas are:

Lot 1 – 417 Units / Lot 2 – 194 Units / Lot 3 – 311 Units
Nottingham City / Ashfield 67 Units
Gedling 58 Units
Broxtowe 24 Units
South Derbyshire 18 Units
Erewash 11 Units
Harborough 5 Units
Leicester 11 Units / Lincoln 112 Units
Newark & Sherwood 49 Units
Mansfield 98 Units
Bassetlaw 47 Units
W. Lindsay 5 Units

2.2.2 The PQQ’s will be assessed and a maximum of six tenderers will be selected. All tenderers must bid for all Lots. The number of Tenderers that ultimately join the Framework will be one appointment for each Lot. A maximum of two lots may be awarded to one contractor.

The Bidders who progress to the ITT stage for each Lot will be those who:

-  have no fail marks;

-  are one of the highest ten (10) aggregate scorers for the merit and reference scoring sections of all Bidders for that Lot; and

-  have achieved a combined score for the merit and reference elements of no less that 60% of the highest scoring Bidders score for that Lot.