

Grocery Store Scavenger Hunt

Answer all the following on the chart provided in paragraph form. Write/type the number of the question you are answering before your paragraph.

Choose One:
1. Find three items that are from your local area from three different sections (must be food not in deli section-must be in different aisles).
2. Choose any five items at random and find out where they were made and distributed. How many miles did it take to get to you? Explain how this might be problematic.
Choose one:
3. What does organic mean? What does a food product have to do in order to have the label of organic.
4. Go down the harvest isle in the store, how do the ingredients in this aisle differ from the ones in the non-organic aisles?
Choose one:
5. How many cereals list sugar as their first ingredient? Name them.
6. How many juices out of ten contain corn syrup instead of sugar? (Name them)
7. Explain how a factory farm leads to lower poultry and egg prices and state the current prices versus natural or free range chickens/eggs?
Choose one:
8. List the ingredients in Coke. How is come an example of commercial farming?
9. How do the ingredient of natural cheetos/chips differ from regular cheetos/chips?
10. Which foods give you the largest portion(size or weight or calories) for the price (name three). Do you notice anything about this?
Choose one:
11. Use several items from the store to show how von Thunen’s theory is no longer applied to your local area.
12. How could you or could you argue that von Thunen still applies using several items from the store.
13. 7-up claims to be all natural. Look at its ingredients and defend or oppose their position.
14. What do you think the average size of a farm is that help to produce the food you get at the store? Explain why you think this is. Use relevant vocabulary.
Choose one:
15. What is the price difference between organic and non-organic milk? (do their expiration dates differ?)
16. Find several organic produce products and compare the prices to non-organic produce. (minimum of 3)

17. How is the store designed? Which items are by the register and why?

Sketch the store in the space provided below.