Wednesday, December 18, 2013 6:00 PM


Rice Memorial Center

90C1 W. Memorial Drive

Houghton, MI 49931

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 5:59 PM.

ROLL CALL: Board Members Present – Carol Evers, Gerald Johnson, Albert Koskela, Mike Koskinen, Nancy Middleton, Patrick Rozich, and James Tervo.

ABSENT: James Fyfe, Barry Fink, Randy Eckloff, and Dyann Edgerton.

OTHERS: Vicki Mikkola, Cari Raboin, Alice Reynolds, Susan Serafini, and Sue Nutini.


MOTION by Mr. Koskela, seconded by Mr. Rozich, that the Agenda be approved as presented with no additions or deletions. Motion carried unanimously.


MOTION by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Koskinen, that the Minutes of the October 30, 2013 Board Meeting be approved as presented. Motion carried unanimously.


MOTION by Mr. Koskinen, seconded by Mr. Koskela, that checks numbered 37124 to 37454 for a total of $1,377,014.24, and the Combined Cash and Investments Report dated October, 2013 totaling $7,935,346.53 is accepted, and that checks numbered 37455 to 37724 for a total of $1,757,482.38, and the Combined Cash Investments Report dated November, 2013 totaling $8,056,373.82 is accepted and placed on file. YES: Koskinen, Koskela, Evers, Johnson, Middleton, Rozich, and Tervo. Motion carried unanimously.

COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC: There were no comments to report.

CHAIRPERSON’S REPORT: Mr. James Tervo, Board Chairperson, presented the Chairperson’s Report.

MACMHB Fall Conference Report – Mr. Koskela attended the fall conference in Mt. Pleasant and stated it was very good.

Great Lakes Meeting – Mr. Tervo stated the Great Lakes Conference is scheduled on September 7, 8, and 9, 2014 and will be held at the Franklin Square Inn in Houghton. If anyone has ideas for presenters, they should let Mr. Tervo know. Mr. Tervo stated the evaluations from this year’s conference were very good and people were very satisfied with the topics.


-Mr. Tervo stated the next NorthCare Advisory Council meeting is set for January 8, 2014 at noon. Mr. Rozich, Mr. Koskinen, and Mr. Tervo will be members of the NorthCare Board and the per diem and mileage will be submitted to NorthCare beginning in January.

The Michigan Association of Community Mental Health Board winter conference is set for February 11 and 12, 2014 and will be held at the Best Western Plus in Lansing. If anyone is interested in attending, they should contact Sue Nutini.

-Mr. Tervo stated a letter has been sent to the Houghton County Board of Commissioners requesting the reappointment of Carol Evers, Nancy Middleton, and Dyann Edgerton to the CCMHS Board. Mr. Koskinen stated Baraga County has reappointed him to the CCMHS Board as well. Mr. Johnson announced his retirement from the CCMHS Board this evening. The Board accepted Mr. Johnson’s resignation with regrets. Vicki Mikkola stated she will run an advertisement requesting candidates for the Board.

DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Vicki Mikkola, Executive Director, presented the Director’s Report.

Contracts FY 2014

Vicki Mikkola reviewed the contract renewals with Prader Willi Homes of Oconomowoc and Oakhouse. These contracts are a continuation of an existing agreement to provide services to consumers who are the responsibility of the Board. Prader Willi Homes is requesting a slight increase and the Oakhouse rate will remain the same. Additionally, the Board reviewed the new contracts presented. The Institute is contracting with the ISD for services to provide Infant Mental Health Services to children 0-5 and their families in Baraga, Houghton, and Keweenaw Counties. The Board reviewed a new contract with Cornerstone-Hernandez AFC to provide specialized residential services and Case Management of Michigan for the additional services this consumer will need at the rates specified.

MOTION by Mr. Rozich, seconded by Ms. Evers, that the Board approves the contract renewals and new contracts for FY 2014 as presented above and at the rates specified on the Action Item for December 2013. Motion carried unanimously.

QI Program Report for 4th Quarter FY 2013

Ms. Evers presented the QI Program Report for the 4th Quarter of FY 2013. The QI Committee met on October 17 and November 21, 2013 to review the July through September 2013 information. This report is a summary of these two meetings. Ms. Evers asked if there were any questions after reviewing this report and there were none. The report will be placed on file.

Consumer Satisfaction Survey Report for FY 2013

Vicki Mikkola reviewed the 2013 Consumer Satisfaction Survey Report. The overall satisfaction rate was 95.86%. Of the 871 questionnaires mailed to consumers during the 2013 fiscal year, 247 were returned for a response rate of 28.36%. Vicki Mikkola stated if you have any questions after reviewing this report, feel free to call her. Additional copies are available upon request.


Recipient Rights Advisory Committee Report – 12/17/13

Ms. Evers presented an overview of the Recipient Rights Advisory Committee Meeting held on December 17, 2013. Incident Reports were reviewed, as well as, the Behavior Treatment Committee Report and the Office of Recipient Rights Annual Report for October 1, 2012 through September 30, 2013. Ms. Evers stated there were 1096 consumers served during this period. There were 39 complaints received, 48 allegations involved, 36 allegations investigated 2 interventions substantiated and 16 investigations substantiated. Also included in the Annual Report is the Aggregate Summary, Remediation of Substantiated Rights Violations, Training Report of Office Staff and training provided by the Rights Office, the Outcomes and goals, and the Budget.

Appointment/Reappointment of RRAC

Ms. Evers stated that the terms of four members of the Recipient rights Advisory Committee are expiring at the end of the year. Brian McLean, Carol Evers, Dennis Gedvillas, and Joe LeVeque have expressed interest in being reappointed for another two-year term.

MOTION by Mr. Koskela, seconded by Mr. Rozich, that the Board approved the reappointment of Brian McLean, Carol Evers, Dennis Gedvillas, and Joe LeVeque to the Recipient Rights Advisory Committee for a term of two calendar years through 2015. Motion carried unanimously.

Vehicle Mileage Reimbursement

Ms. Vicki Mikkola statedhistorically the Board has authorized the Agency the ability to periodically adjust the allowable standard mileage rate for employees and Board Members for use of their personal vehicles in accordance with the Internal Revenue Service guidelines or at the agency’s discretion. The IRS guidelines as of January 1, 2014, has not changed from 2013, so we propose the rate stay the same at 56 cents per mile for mileage reimbursement.

2014 Board Meeting Schedule

Ms. Vicki Mikkola discussed the 2014 meeting schedule of the Copper Country Mental Health Services Board. She noted a February date was included on the schedule, but it can be removed if it is not necessary to meet. The Board Members suggested the date remain on the schedule for now, and the Board can decide at the January Board meeting if they would like to meet in February.


Ms. Vicki Mikkola stated current numbers from MDCH indicate that the U.P. region is going to have about a $1 million decrease in Medicaid funding for FY 2014. There will be a recalculation in April when the Medicaid Expansion is implemented and hopefully again in July when the Dual Eligible project starts. We have no idea what impact that will have except that our General Fund money will be decreased.

The good news with Medicaid is that because of our cost-cutting measures last year, right now we are not scheduled for a decrease in the percentage of the Medicaid money that we are supposed to get. We should be at about the same level as we were last year if things stay somewhat stable with Medicaid.


Region wide for the last year (FY 2013), the latest projection is that there is only about $6,000 in Medicaid savings; and virtually no Medicaid money to carry forward into this year.

NorthCare will need to keep a close eye on Medicaid spending and essentially do a “mini-closing” every quarter. We will need to work on not using too much Medicaid because there isn’t any extra.

The General Fund is nothing but bad news so far. The House and Senate could not agree on what would be included in the supplemental budget for the General Fund so they adjourned until next year. There is a huge gap between what the Legislature and MDCH think is going to be covered with the Medicaid Expansion and what the Association is estimating the costs will be. In the worst case scenario, we will be left with 14% of what we had last year. In a memo to MDCH, Vizena has stated if that happens, the CMHSP safety net benefit will be reduced to screening, emergency and inpatient services only. Right now, we are starting to prepare for a significant reduction by advising and informing people that it is possible that their services will be discontinued if they are covered by General Fund.

PERSONNEL COMMITTEE MEETING REPORT – 12/18/13: Mr. Patrick Rozich, Committee Chairperson, presented the Personnel Committee Meeting Report.

Mental Health Clinician - In October, 2013, the Board approved a 12-hour per week position for an Intake Worker to help relieve some of the pressure in Outpatient due to increased demand for services, staff absences due to long-term medical issues, and another staff working to obtain BCBA credentials. Mr. Rozich stated there were a couple of individuals in mind for that position but both declined. Management is now withdrawing that request and would like to request approval for a full-time therapist, with a LMSW credential. This would give us the ability to maximize reporting of services for people with Medicare and other commercial insurances because those insurances require the LMSW credential. Currently our clinicians are feeling that some consumers are not getting as much service as they really need because they don’t have time to spend with the person. Also,we are expecting an increase in demand when the Medicaid Expansion and Dual Eligible people start seeking services. By hiring another person with that credential, we will be able to maximize our billing and reporting opportunities for both the commercial insurances and Medicaid.

MOTION by Mr. Koskinen, seconded by Ms. Middleton, that the Board approve the recommendation of the Personnel Committee to hire a full-time Mental Health Clinician with an LMSW credential as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Rozich stated the Personnel Committee reviewed the Expense Reimbursement Policy. Employees are responsible for completing the Mileage & Expense Report/Cash Disbursement Voucher and submitting it within thirty days, to their immediate supervisor for approval but expenses submitted 60 days or later from the date incurred will not be reimbursed.

MOTION by Ms. Middleton, seconded by Ms. Evers, that the Board approves the Expense Reimbursement Policy as revised. Motion carried unanimously.

FINANCE DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Susan Serafini, Finance Director, presented the Finance Director’s Report for October 31, 2013.


Susan Serafini stated the auditors from Anderson & Tackman of Marquette will be here the week of January 6, 2014 to do the financial audit. Susan Serafini reviewed the October 31, 2013 financial statements. The total cash for October, 2013 is about $7,930,000, which is up versus September by about $106,000. The Total Net Loss of all funds through October 31, 2013 is $34,360 versus a loss of $68,660 this same time last year. The General Fund Income Statement is reporting a loss in October of $33,000, compared to a loss of $71,500 a year ago. Susan Serafini stated we are in good shape currently. The Institute is showing a loss of $3,058 but this is a timing issue. The Institute had an excess of $46,000 in funds from two programs that will carry forward and can be spent in the new fiscal year. The General Fund Income Statement revenues were budgeted at 8.33% and we are less than one quarter of 1% under budget. The Medicaid dollars for October are $28,000 less than last October. Expenses are slightly over budget, but we are aggressive with decreasing our numbers in the budget of State and Local Inpatient expenses. Total expenditures are currently at about $1,300,000 and they were at $1,400,000 last October. Susan Serafini stated we are optimistic that inpatient will be lower than last year.


Vicki Mikkola stated we are having a staff holiday luncheon on Friday, December 20, 2013 and Board Members are welcome to come.

Mike Bach is working with Zach Edgerton on starting up a Schizophrenics Anonymous group.

Carol Evers stated Vicki Mikkola attended the NAMI meeting recently and the group appreciates her doing this.

The By-Laws for the Great Lakes organization were included in the Board packet as an information item.

MOTION by Mr. Koskinen, seconded by Mr. Johnson, that the meeting adjourns. The meeting adjourned at 7:17 PM.

Submitted by,


Mike Koskinen, Board Secretary


James Tervo, Board Chairperson