DELWP Fire Operations Plan

Interactive map – helpful hints

How do I zoom?

Two ways to zoom;

-zoom in or out using sliding scale (top left of map)

-or click once on map & release, then zoom in or out using the wheel on your computer mouse.

Note - when zooming in or out, you may need to wait while each new map view loads

How do I pan?

Two ways to pan;

-click on the map and drag map in any direction

-or use ‘up & down’ and ‘left and right’ buttons above zoom sliding scale.

Note - when panning, wait each time while the new map view loads.

How do I see different types of information?

-click on the blue tab with white + at top right of map. A list of options appears.

-choose the type of base layer (map, satellite imagery or a combination of both)

-choose which information you want to show by clicking in the box next to an option - a tick appears in the box. When ticked the information loads automatically – you may need to wait while it loads

What information is available on the map?

There are six types of information to choose from;

-3-year Fire Operations Plan (includes all burns on the approved Fire Operations Plan)

-Fire history (last 5 years of burns & fires)

-Fire Management Zones

-Public safety zones

-Mechanical works

-DELWP District boundaries (the name of the DELWP District will appear near the centre

of the map every time you zoom or pan)

Tips for viewing information

-if you can’t see the information you selected, try zooming in

-if you still can’t see the information, try panning

-to hide information, click in the corresponding box in the blue tab – you may need to wait a moment while the information is removed from the map

-you can select more than one type of information to see at one time – however, the more options you choose, the more time they take to load

How do I see planned burns?

The map shows the size and shape of each planned burn that has been approved for the next three years. Each burn is shown as a purple shape.

-click on the blue tab with white + at top right of map.

-choose the 3-year Fire Operations Plan option and wait for the information to load

-pan to centre an area of interest in the middle of the map

-zoom in to see information about individual burns – each purple burn shape includes the burn name, the size of the burn in hectares and the burn’s unique code number (for example 3MBD0012).

-the proposed year for the burn is also shown - note that any burn may be carried out earlier or later than stated due to changing conditions, including weather.

-if you can’t see any burns on the map, try panning to a different part of the map. Or zoom out, then pan until you have a purple burn in the centre of the map - then zoom in again.

How do I see Fire Management Zones?

The map can show the four types of fire management zones that apply on public land in Victoria. click on the blue tab with white + at top right of map.

-choose the Fire Management Zonesoption and wait for the information to load

-you need to be zoomed in at least to the fifth mark on the sliding scale for zones to show

-you can turn on other layers e.g.3-year Fire Operation Plan layer to show the zoning for individual burns

How do I see Fire History?

The map can show fire history for the last 5 years – this includes bushfires and planned burns.

To view Fire History information make sure you select the map base layer, not satellite imagery or a hybrid of both.

-click on the blue tab with white + at top right of map.

-choose the Fire Historyoption and wait for the information to load

-zoom in. Grey outlines will appear – each grey shape represents a past fire or a past planned burn. For these to be visible you need to zoom in at least 5 levels.

-zoom in to see more information about each fire, including its name, size in hectares and date when the bushfire or planned burn occurred.