Prayer – Tuesdays at 8:30AM in the sanctuary. Prayer calendars are available in the narthex.

A Day with John Bell February 14, 2015. 10:00am – 4:00pm The Federated Church of Orleans, UCC. 162 Main St, East Orleans, MA 02643. (508)255-3060


Sponsor a Youth for the Ski Trip: Interested in supporting one of our youth on the Ski Trip this year? The cost of the weekend per person is $130.00; in addition to that cost is covering a portion of our chaperones expenses, transportation to and from camp, rentals and lessons. We have some students that are in need of scholarships to attend this Spiritual and Fun Weekend. Due to the Endowment Fund not being available to us and with our focus this year on funding the Youth Mission Trip, we are not able to also have a Fundraiser for the Ski Trip. Any donations to support our youth are greatly appreciated. Not able to make a monetary donation? No worries, please pray for us, that we have a successful spiritual weekend trip, that are youth will grow in relationship with one another and that they will grow in a deeper relationship with our Lord. Thank you!

Do you like to make quilts? Interested in making a Prayer Quilt for one of our 6 graduating Seniors this year? We will be giving our High School Graduates each a prayer quilt this coming Children’s Sunday in June and are in need of some seamstresses. We have all of the fabric, plenty of squares and the pattern to follow. If interested, please see Evy.

Sunday School Valentine’s Movie Night: Open to the community and for all of our Sunday School Families! Please come on Friday February 13th at 5:30pm to make Valentines for family and friends, then enjoy a fabulous Dominos pizza dinner and we will watch the delightful Disney Pixar film, “Wall-E” in the Fellowship Hall! Make sure to sign up on the Sunday School Bulletin Board so we order enough delicious pizzas to fill everyone’s tummy. Sign up to bring a dessert or side! Get ready to devour yummy pop-corn! And everyone is invited to bring a comfy chair with them! Don’t forget your friends!

Youth Ski Trip: for our 7th-12th grade students from Friday February 27th to Sunday March 1st, we will be at Camp Calumet in West Ossipee, New Hampshire for a wonderful and blessed weekend of skiing and being in fellowship with one another. Make sure to sign up and get your forms located on the Sunday School Bulletin Board. Make sure to come to the meeting on February 22nd after church. Cost is $130.00 per person this year and if you are in need of rentals or lessons, it will be an additional $20.00 each.


New Mission Outreach Opportunity: For every month in 2015 we will collect specific items, for the Yarmouth Food Pantry. They have provided us with a list of items that they desperately need and so our focus items in February which they have requested are “Paper Products.” Therefore if you have an extra can you could spare please bring it in and drop it off in the brown box located next to the offices in the Narthex hallway. If you have questions please see Kate.

Changing the World for February is the Wounded Warrior Project. Every donation truly makes a difference in the life of a solider, and their families. Please consider helping in any way that you can. The Wounded Warrior Project helps to raise awareness and enlist the public’s aid for the needs of injured service members. They also help injured service members by providing unique, direct programs and services to meet the needs of the soldiers and their families. So, by placing your loose change in the collection plates, every coin is making a difference in the life of a soldier. Thank you for helping!

Weekly Learn To Cope Meeting: Every Tuesday at 7pm at Yarmouth Police Department. Support, Counseling, and free Narcan training at 7PM. Learn to Cope is a support group for parents and family members dealing with a loved one addicted to heroin, Oxycontin, and other drugs. All are welcome to attend and there is no cost to attend. If you would like to attend or have questions please contact Kate LaCroix.

Crossroads: Will gather on Monday February 16th at 7pm at the Olive Garden in Hyannis. Please contact Kate by February 13th at the latest to RSVP.

Shrove Tuesday Community Dinner Night: Tuesday, February 17, 2015 from 5 to 7pm at NUMC. Breakfast for dinner! Join us for a free meal of pancakes, eggs, sausage, bacon, fruit salad and soup. A free will offering will be accepted and all proceeds will benefit local outreach ministries. No need to sign up in advance. Just come and enjoy some great food and fellowship.

Healing Hunger: On Monday, February 23rd we will go once again at the end of February and serve a meal at Champ Homes at 5pm. Anyone who is interested in helping to provide food for this meal or join us in putting it together on Sunday February 22nd right after the service is more than welcome! Please contact Kate about getting involved. Thanks for your support!


God’s Plate – As of 02/01/2015 – Received last week $5,290 Received YTD $34,964

Weekly Budget Needs $6,000. Budget Needs YTD $18,000.

The 2015 Flower Chart is now available on the bulletin board for anyone wishing to purchase flowers in honor / memory of a loved one. The cost is $35. Please make check out to “Northside” and mark it for Altar Flowers or Budget Fund in the memo line. The Altar Guild will provide flowers for donations to Budget Fund. Questions—call Janet at 508-385-2113.


Men’s Breakfast will be February 26th.

The Marriage Course: An international course for 6 weeks, 7-9:15 pm Fridays at Northside UMC. Lead by Dr Yarger, the course is a quiet time for marital or significant other couples to watch a DVD, share discussions questions between themselves about the foundation of their relationship, conflicts resolution, their communication skills, etc. There is a booklet to follow. Sign up at the Narthex table. Cost is $15 per couple. Pick up the invitation card also.

Marriage Renewal – Would you like to renew your vows? Join us in the sanctuary after the service on February 15, 2015