Characterization of the interactions between tetracycline antibiotics and microbial extracellular polymeric substances with spectroscopic approaches

Chao Song, Xue-Fei Sun*, Su-Fang Xing,Peng-Fei Xia,Yi-Jing Shi, Shu-Guang Wang

Shandong Key Laboratory of Water Pollution Control and Resource Reuse, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan 250100, China

Number of page = 15

Equation list

Figure S1

Figure S2

Figure S3

Figure S4

Figure S5

Figure S6

Figure S7

Table S1

Table S2

Table S3

Equation list

Dynamic quenching Stern-Volmer equation

F0 thefluorescence intensity in absence of the quencher

F thefluorescence intensity in presence of the quencher

Ksv the dynamic quenching constant(L mol-1)

[Q] the concentration of quencher (mol L-1)

Kq the quenching rate constant(L mol-1S-1)

0 the average lifetime of the molecule without any quencher 10-8s

Static quenching Modified Stern-Volmer equation

Ka the static quenching constant (mol L-1)

fa the fraction of accessible fluorescence

Van’t Hoff equation

K analogous to the quenching constants Ka at the corresponding temperature

R the gas constant 8.314 J K-1 mol-1

T the temperature (K)

the enthalpy change (kJ mol-1)

S the entropy change (J mol-1K-1)

Thermodynamic equation

G the Gibbs free energy change (kJ mol-1)

Kb the binding constant (L mol-1)

n the number of binding sites

Figure captions:


Fig.S1a: FTIR spectra of (I) the pristine and (II) TC-treated sodium alginate

Fig.S1b: FTIR spectra of (I) the pristine and (II) TC-treated BSA


Fig.S2a: XPS spectra of (I, III, V) the pristine and (II, IV, VI) TC-treated sodium alginate

Fig.S2b: XPS spectra of (I, III, V) the pristine and (II, IV, VI) TC-treated BSA


Fig.S3a:1H NMR spectrum of (I) the pristine sodium alginate; (II) TC-treated sodium alginate; (III) TC

Fig.S3b:1H NMR spectrum of (I) the pristine BSA; (II) TC-treated BSA; (III) TC

Fig.S4 Stern-Volmerplots for the interaction of EPS and tetracyclineat different temperatures.

Fig.S5DifferentiatedUV-visible absorption spectra of EPS (solid line)and EPS-TC complex (dot line) at various TC dosages. From a toe, the TC concentration is 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 μmol L-1. The spectra of TC at the same dosage had been subtracted from the spectra of EPS-TC complex.

Fig.S6 Stern-Volmer plots for dynamic quenching of EPS by tetracycline

Fig.S7 Stern-Volmer plots for the interaction of BSA and tetracycline at different temperatures.








Table S1 Binding energies (eV),assignments, and quantization of XPS spectral bands of the pristine and TC-treated EPS

Element / EPS / TC-treated EPS / Assignments
peak (eV) / atomic (%) / peak (eV) / atomic (%)
C 1s / 284.30 / 33.06 / 284.46 / 36.88 / C-(C,H)
C 1s / 285.11 / 39.46 / 286.08 / 46.64 / C-(O,N)
C 1s / 287.69 / 21.54 / 288.05 / 16.48 / C=O,O-C-O
C 1s / 289.15 / 5.94 / HO-C=O,RO-C=O
O 1s / 530.46 / 51.80 / 531.25 / 47.41 / C=O
O1s / 531.84 / 48.20 / 532.45 / 52.59 / C-O-C,C-O-H
N 1s / 399.22 / 97.40 / 399.42 / 72.64 / nonprotonated nitrogen
N 1s / 401.4 / 2.60 / 401.60 / 27.36 / protonated nitrogen

Table S2 Dynamic quenching constants for interaction of EPS with TC at different temperature

T / Ksv(105L mol-1) / Kq(1013L mol-1S-1) / R2 / S.D
298K / 1.08 / 1.08 / 0.9104 / 0.138
308K / 1.13 / 1.13 / 0.9505 / 0.104

Table S3 Parameters of Stern-Volmer equation and Van't Hoff equation for interaction of BSA with tetracycline at different temperature

T / Kaa(105mol L-1) / H(KJ mol-1) / S(J mol-1K-1) / G(KJ mol-1) / Kbb(108mol L-1) / nc
298K / 5.53 / -25.22 / 6.16 / -27.05 / 0.87 / 1.69
308K / 3.98 / 6.17 / -27.12 / 1.01 / 1.68

a the fluorescence quenching constant

b binding constant

c the number of binding sites


Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 531 88362802; fax: +86 531 88364513.

E-mail address: (Shu-Guang Wang), (Xue-Fei Sun)