SPMD 642

Advanced Exercise Physiology I

Fall Semester 2005

Professor: Stephen McGregor, Ph.D.

Office: 318 Porter Building, or Exercise Physiology Lab, Warner Hall

Phone: 487-7120 x 2726

Office Hours: Mon. 9:00 am-12:00 pm, Wed. 9:00 am-2:00 pm, Fri. 11:00 am-1:00 pm

Homepage: http://people.emich.edu/smcgregor

Course Description

This course will examine basic and applied principles of Exercise Physiology. Emphasis will be placed on the biochemical and metabolic responses to acute exercise as well as chronic adaptations. Muscle physiology of exercise will also be examined. The course will consist of lectures, readings, student presentations and group discussions.


Upon successful completion of the course students will:

1.  understand the metabolic responses to anaerobic and endurance exercise.

2.  understand the adaptations to anaerobic and endurance exercise.

3.  possess an advanced knowledge of skeletal muscle anatomy and physiology.

4.  develop critical reasoning skills to interpret and design studies examining responses or adaptations to exercise.


Exercise Metabolism. M. Hargreaves (ed.) Human Kinetics. ISBN# 0-87322-453-1

Biochemistry Primer for Exercise Science. M.E. Huston. Human Kinetics. ISBN# 0-87322-577-5


Presentation 25%

Exam I 20%

Exam II 25%

Class Participation 30%

-Class Discussion 15%

-Article Summary 15%

Student Presentations

The presentations will consist of presenting a paper on the topic assigned in the syllabus. Each student will be assigned a topic (e.g. Anaerobic metabolism-acute responses). The student will do a literature review to find of paper of interest published no earlier than September 1998. Presentation will consist of background and critique of the chosen paper and will last approximately one third of the class period.

Papers must be presented to the instructor no later than 2 weeks prior to presentation date. The instructor will give approval and make copies which will be distributed to the rest of the class one week prior to the presentation. Presentations will be graded out of 100 and comprise 25 % of the final grade for the class.

Article Summaries

Students will write a brief (1 page) summary of each of the papers. This means 2 summaries will be due each week, except the week the student presents (presenters don’t provide summaries of their own papers). Summaries will be graded out of 10 and comprise 15 % of the final grade.

Tentative Schedule

Date / Topic / Readings
9/8 / Intro/ Broad Exercise Metabolism Overview / Hou-4,5,
9/15 / VO2max / Suppl
9/22 / Lactate Threshold/Economy/Efficiency / Suppl
9/29 / Anaerobic Metabolism During High Intensity Exercise / Har- 1;
10/6 / Carbohydrate Metabolism During Exercise / Har- 2; Hou-6
10/13 / Lipid Metabolism During Exercise / Har-4; Hou-7
10/20 / Midterm
10/27 / Protein/AA Metabolism During Exercise / Har- 6; Hou-8
11/3 / Skeletal Muscle Physiology / Supplemental
11/10 / Student Presentations / VO2max/LT
11/17 / Student Presentations / Anaerobic Met
12/1 / Student Presentations / Ox CHO Met
12/8 / Student Presentations / Lipid Met
12/15 / Student Presentations / Protein/AA Met
11/17 / Student Presentations / Anaerobic