Footpaths Conservation Committee Meeting

Monday 22nd April 2013

At7.30pm in the Village Hall


Present: Cllr A Jennings, Cllr N Doré, Cllr D Whyberd, Cllr D Horwood,
Cllr R Thomas

Members of the public:Two

Clerk: Rebecca Luckin

  1. To consider accepting apologies for absence
    Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr R Milner-Gulland (holiday),
    Cllr Whyberd (illness).
  2. To record declarations of interest from members in any item to be discussed and agree dispensations
    Declarations of interest were received from Cllrs Horwood and Doré regarding the windmill.
  3. To approve the Minutes of the last Footpath and Conservation Committee meetingThe minutes of the meeting of 18thMarch 2013were agreed as being a correct record of the meeting and duly signed by the Chairman, Cllr Jennings.
  4. Millennium Footpath
    A meeting / request for advice has been sought with representatives from the Wiston Estate, but no response has been forthcoming. Councillors agreed that the project could be placed on SDNPA Plan / List of Washington PC CIL projects.
  5. Washington Windmill
    PC Burt advised that travellers would move on by end of April. This was a prerequisite to the sale of the mill.
  6. Any other Footpath and Conservation issues that may arise
    Footpath #2665 Home Farm – Emily Delicata is aware of surface problems and hopes to rectify when the weather improves. Clerk will chase Emily now that path has dried. Confirms contractor will scrape off surface and recompact when he is passing.
    Letter and leaflet received from the West Sussex Local Access Forum suggesting Parish Councils and WSLAF work together to improve access and discuss issues. Cllr Jennings explained Neighbourhood Plan / Parish Plans and the need to identify projects. Councillors will consider and return to next meeting with suggestions including the Millenium Footpath and redirection of the bridleway over the bridge with provision for a mounting point on the other side.
    A report had been received from a member of the public that there is a fallen tree was across a footpath – the Clerk will contact the owner.
    Councillors had received a response from the Diocesan Authority regarding the removal of church pews. The Clerk will ask how the pews are to be disposed of.
    The Clerk had obtained two dog fouling signs and will ask FH to place one at the bottom of the school path and another at the top of The Street.

The meeting closed at 19.55pm

Signed: ...... Date: ......
