VEGAN PETFOOD is healthier and more natural and certainly less cruel.

CONCLUSIONS: PETFOODIf Flesh/Animal content based is very unhealthy and unnatural.

Am I pleased I do not feed my dogs petfood of animal substance ! the numbers looking at the USA figures of slaughtered for human consumption animals and average human consumption figures indicate that petfood flesh is sourced from dubious sources ! cruelty cases sick diseased animals not on the slaughter numbers of those slaughtered for human consumption.AND DISCARDED EUTHANISED DOGS CATS AND HORSES INCLUDED included.

we DO KNOW that 10 percent of the intended before 9 billion land animals eventually are officially slaughtered in the USA per year, 1 billion animals die before getting to slaughter as a "normal" part of death and disease accidentally due to mistreatment, ill health, transport etc. I think this number is easily increased to 20 percent 2 billion.It is the PARETO principle of 80/20 that applies to everything in business.

PET FOOD ! If Flesh/Animal content based…is using the most diseased unhealthy parts of animals in petfood cancers/tumours included. It is also sourced from the cheapest imported animal parts subject due to being PETFOOD to the lowest failed quality controls of course for human food." the QUALITY issue !

The real problem with vegetarian cat food is not that it can’t be done, it’s that it is not natural" - it must be natural to spay and neuter cats, to have them eat tuna or cows? Or perhaps using a computer and being vegan is natural for humans? The 'natural' argument has no importance at all.
As Andrew Knight, a European veterinary specialist, states, "animals need specific nutrients, not ingredients. There is no scientific reason why a diet comprised only of plant, mineral and synthetically-based ingredients cannot be formulated to meet all of the palatability, nutritional and bioavailability needs of the species for which it is intended"

USA produces9 billion land animals per year slaughtered animals for human consumption mostly. Petfood however is another matter hey...The United States Department of Agriculture has no regulatory authority over pet food. USDA regulates meat used for human consumption under division FSIS (Food Safety Inspection Services), the agency does not officially regulate meat for pet consumption. Raw pet foods manufactured under constant USDA inspection and meat shipped to a human food manufacturing facility that also manufactures a pet food were under USDA jurisdiction during manufacture, however after they become ‘a pet food’ they no longer are responsibility of USDA.

apart from the NUMBERS of ANIMALS killed for PETFOOD involved...which is for the USA based on weight/size of chicken/rabbit size animals 18 billion chickens/rabbits per year to feed USA 200 million pet dogs and cats a 30 percent flesh/animal parts based kibble (20 pecent of the 200 million feeding 100 percent RAW make that number high....3000 animals per pet eaten if fed RAW over 1 average pet lifetime or 900 animals if fed a 30 percent animal content kibble)

There is nothing "natural" about factory farming food for pet animals. Lions / wolves do not cage and forcibly breed animals to eat.

There is nothing "natural" about factory farming food for pet animals. Lions / wolves do not cage and forcibly breed animals to eat. They do not eat off PLATES either. Letting loose a cow for a pet cat or jack russel to chase after and bring down to kill in a house ?

Vultures not Lions/Wolves eat DEAD FLESH they are NECOVORES !a real CARNIVORE eats flesh warm not dead for days/weeks/months as the unnatural flesh is that we feed so called Carnivores as if they are Necrovores like Vultures with different digestive systems.

In the "wild" only 1 in 8 of an average wolfpack reached adulthood. Died of food poisoning mostly. Is this what we want to be "natural" for our pets ?

PET FOOD !If Flesh/Animal content based…is using the most diseased unhealthy parts of animals in petfood cancers/tumours included. It is also sourced from the cheapest imported animal parts subject due to being PETFOOD to the lowest failed quality controls of course for human food.

Numbers of animals and sources involved...looking for 18 billion per year chicken/rabbit size animals used in petfoods in USA.

USA slaughtered officially for human consumption animals per year...USA 9 BILLION Land Animals and 71 BILLION Marine Animals TOTAL 80 BILLION ANIMALS PER YEAR in USA

Total number died for food: 80. billion. Average number consumed per American meat-eater: 270 per year. Average number consumed per American lifetime: 21,000

so where are the animals that end up in petfood ? looking to find 18 billion animals per year.

Calculations done previously on flesh/animal content in Petfood for the 200 million USA pet dogs and cats came up with equivalent number/weight of 18 Billion chicken/rabbit size animals per year in USA petfoods. Average per year per pet consumes 60 animals per year in flesh mix kibble average with a minority 20 percent pets raw feeding.

Something to feel proud about !our vegan dogs and cats by not eating flesh based petfoods save billions of lives of animals ! 3000 animals in an average pet lifetime if fed RAW and 900 animals in an average pet lifetime if fed KIBBLE based 30 percent flesh content petfood is the death toll that GOING VEGAN saves ! We humans and Our PETS do NOT need to be the cause of deaths of such unfortunate animals !that some nations eat dogs and cats is no worse than nations who eat pigs chickens lambs and calves etc ! Total currently being therefore 264 BILLION ANIMALS BRED AND KILLED to feed 200 million USA PET OWNED DOGS AND CATS. Based on 20 percent fed RAW and 80 percent fed a 30 percent flesh content KIBBLE mix. (for average pet lifetime of 15 years basis)

Britain PETFOOD deaths of other animals involved based on the same numbers of pets split of RAW/kibble fed as 80/20 would mean 20 million British Pet dogs and cats on average currently cause the breeding and killing of 26 BILLION animals like rabbits/chickens for average pets lifetime. Some 2 billion animals per year.

A cat eating say 4 animals per week if eating RAW only that makes approximately 200 animals per year and approximately 3000 animals in a 15 year lifetime per cat. A chicken is average say 1.5kg weight so 1 chicken would feed 1 cat of weight say 3kg for 10 days...36 chickens per year per cat...550 chickens per 1 cat lifetime or 3000 animals including fish which means side-kill of dolphins etc. Cats eat fish based foods often which are smaller than chicken size animals so average of 200 animals taken. A small bird weighs about 30 grams and an average adult cat needs to eat approximately 150 grams per day of food which would theoretically be 5 birds per day of sparrow or 5 mice/rats or 1 baby rabbit size animal per day so 4 animals per week is a conservative estimate of lives taken to feed a pet cat. Since humans do not breed wild birds and mice to feed pet cats it means rabbits or chickens or cow beef or pig pork flesh so the calculations of numbers of LIVES of the larger animals would be lower than if rabbit flesh of course. A DOG of medium size 26kg weight needs on a RAW/BARF diet approximately 700 grams per day food. Approximately 4 whole chickens per week. THOUSANDS of pet dogs and cats are thriving on healthier nutritious Vegan food...mine included !

PET FOOD SPEND TREND in 30 years...a 350 percent increase !why ? .why ? PETFOOD spend has gone from 6 to 30 BILLION USD PER YEAR in 30 years !people were feeding home scraps/prepared petfood rather than buying ready madepetfood ?

I discovered only recently that a great deal of the content of PET FOOD with animal flesh content was actually taken from NON HUMAN STANDARD ANIMAL PARTS not fit for human consumption in slaughter houses etc...meaning ?the term “MEAL” rather than “MEAT” as a description of the CONTENT of the animal flesh/parts means it is ground up parts of all sorts of unidentified species of animals ! ground up carcass bones...offal unfit for and bones ground up...sick and dead animals unfit for human consumption...etc...

so ?the numbers of animals involved are uncertain as not counted in the numbers slaughtered for human consumption official figures. Imported chickens, rabbits etc are also likely to end up in petfood animals used as well as ex race horses ex racing greyhounds ex laboratory animals maybe it is a murky unclear picture. What is no matter the QUALITY or GRADE of the MEAT/ANIMAL PARTS...the weight indicator of equivalent numbers of animals based on grams of food needs is still correct to take as a basis for calculations. of 9 Billion land animals per year killed for human consumption...I also read 1 billion EXTRA die of diseases etc and do not reach the slaughterhouses for inclusion in official slaughter seems likely that number is part of what goes into flesh based petfood. Maybe a few billion MORE could be added also to that number !

One could in fact say that with the move towards customers insisting more on QUALITY meat even FREE RANGE labelled on RAW and even KIBBLE ANIMAL FLESH content pet food...the customer is expecting high grade FLESH/MEAT in their pet food. That pets get SICK and CANCERS etc from flesh and bone based petfoods is highly likely to be due to the fact so many DISEASED SICK and OUT OF LIFE meat is used in petfood that would not pass human consumption standards.

Well without going deeper into WHERE the flesh for PETFOOD comes seems clear that it certainly is not local USA produced flesh...cant be...Imported flesh seems to be a logical source of petfood meats. Maybe euthanized pet dogs and cats ex race horses ex greyhounds flesh as well...ah there are the ground alive/gassed male chicks of course... so gassed male chicks and maybe ex racing horses ex racing greyhounds and imports ? if the 17 billion USD imports of meat and poultry are taken into account that could account for the rest. The usa is the worlds biggest PORK/pig exporter I read !slaughters 116 million pigs slaughtered for human consumption...but that isn't going to make it the worlds biggest exporter of pork...unless live pigs...

Strewth !mislabelling is common for petfoods ! eeek....turns out Chicken is the most common animal flesh used...followed by pig/pork..which is the animal/flesh the most mislabelled ... goodness knows what not slaughtered but died of diseases animals are in petfood ! those don't get counted ! orratmeat ? lab animals ? or all the ex racehorses and ex racing greyhounds !

PET FOOD !If Flesh/Animal content based…is using the most diseased unhealthy parts of animals in petfood cancers/tumours included. It is also sourced from the cheapest imported animal parts subject due to being PETFOOD to the lowest failed quality controls of course for human food.

Am I pleased I do not feed my dogs petfood of animal substance !the numbers looking at the USA alone figures of slaughtered for human consumption animals and average human consumption figures indicate that petfood flesh must be sourced from dubious sources ! cruelty cases sick diseased animals not on the slaughter numbers of those slaughtered for human consumption. The important matter is that PETFOOD is NOT of flesh/animals FIT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION !says it all...very unhealthy.

The real problem with vegetarian dog or cat food is not that it can’t be done, it’s that it is not natural" - it must be natural to spay and neuter cats and dogs, to have them eat tuna or cows? Or perhaps using a computer and being vegan is natural for humans? The 'natural' argument has no importance at all.
As Andrew Knight, a European veterinary specialist, states, "animals need specific nutrients, not ingredients. There is no scientific reason why a diet comprised only of plant, mineral and synthetically-based ingredients cannot be formulated to meet all of the palatability, nutritional and bioavailability needs of the species for which it is intended"

CONCLUSIONS: PETFOODIf Flesh/Animal content based is very unhealthy and unnatural.Healthy Vegan Nutrition is healthier and now available.

VEGAN PETFOOD is healthier and more natural and certainly less cruel.