Three Recommendations for Controlling Blood Sugar
One ~ Eliminate Sugar
Ø Don’t eat foods or beverages containing sugar. Avoid both artificial and natural sugars.
Ø Read labels: Corn syrup, corn sweetener, sugar dextrose, glucose, fructose, brown sugar, cane sugar, beet sugar, turbinado sugar, date sugar, raisin syrup, maple syrup are all sugar and should be avoided in even the smallest amounts.
Ø Avoid the use of artificial sweeteners as a substitution for sugar. Research has shown that artificial sweeteners can cause aggravated hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), loss of diabetes control and precipitation of clinical diabetes in persons who were free from disease. In diabetics, it has caused an aggravation of complications related to diabetes.
Ø Naturally sweet foods must also be avoided. These include honey, fruit juice, grapes, raisins, dried fruits, fresh fruits, jams and jellies.
Ø Avoid all the following: ice cream, cake, candy, soda (all carbonated beverages), pies, pastries, canned jellies, preserves, jell-o, most cold breakfast cereals, fruit juice, punch, breakfast syrups, and most processed food items.
There is an allowable exception of one 4-oz. selection daily from the list below. Make sure the fruits are fresh and organic whenever possible.
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Ø Apple
Ø Papaya
Ø Orange
Ø Home canned fruit with
no added sweetener
Ø Melon
Ø Blueberries
Ø Pineapple
Ø Banana
Ø Grapefruit
Ø Pear
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Two ~ Eat protein rich and/or complex carbohydrate rich foods
Eat complex carbohydrates and protein rich foods in small to moderate amounts (in 1 to 4 ounce servings) at most meals or snacks. This does not mean you should avoid other types of healthy foods that you enjoy, such as vegetables.
Three ~ Eat small, frequent meals
Eat small to moderate amounts of food every few hours, particularly if your energy is low. For example, eat 3 moderate meals daily. You can have one, two or three between meal snacks as desired, or as needed to keep your energy and concentration up.
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