Farm & Home



EFFECTIVE: July 1, 2007


This personnel handbook lists the benefits being offered and working standards established at FELDMANS. These store policies are in accordance with the federal regulations and relations standards.

Some areas are very general guidelines and others are in more detail. If you need more information or have any questions, please feel free to check with your supervisor. FELDMANS reserves the right to change any section of this handbook at any time.

During your career with FELDMANS, you will be treated as an individual although you work as a member of a team. The company expects to benefit from your skills and ideas and will reward you for your efforts on an individual basis. In turn, the company expects that you will bring to your job your best skill and effort as well as your ideas.

Employment is terminable at will by either party at any time. You are not under contract and may resign from the company at any time. Any employee terminated for violation of any rule or policy outlined in this manual will forfeit all benefits.

To grow and develop, the successful retailer must set a pace that is one step ahead of the competition. Now more than ever one must be attuned to the customer...know products and merchandise them aggressively. We'll show you how FELDMANS sets that pace for its retail stores.

The history of FELDMANS: Louis & Margaret Feldman were farmers in Warrensburg Missouri until 1965 when they opened Louies Farm & Home. In 1971 Larrys Town & Country was opened in Odessa Missouri and the name was changed to FELDMANS, owned by Larry Parks, Dan Feldman, Louis Feldman and his brothers, Ted Feldman, Dick Feldman, Harry Feldman, and Henry Feldman. We opened FELDMANS in Blue Springs in 1981, Liberty in 1988, and Bonner Springs in 1998. FELDMANS is currently owned & operated by Dan Feldman, Margaret Feldman, and Sahrene Feldman.

FELDMANS is a member of Wheatbelt, Inc. This organization is made up of over 200 stores that consolidate their buying to obtain the lowest price possible and to deal directly with manufacturing companies. FELDMANS is also a member of TRUE VALUE Hardware. This is necessary in today's very competitive business world to stay ahead of the competition.

FELDMANS is always striving to improve business with more competitive prices, new products, and improved displays and selling techniques. We feel FELDMANS is a unique store and has an important place in the retail business community. FELDMANS tries to set and keep high standards so that those associated with FELDMANS can be proud of the store and its accomplishments.

Your working hours

• a. The first (90) ninety days of actual work as a new employee is considered an orientation/probation period.

• b. To be classified a regular full-time employee, one must work on a continuous basis for 30 hours or more per week for six months. Your working time may vary depending on your assignment.

• c. Recording your attendance time is important because this establishes the basis for over-time pay and other benefits.

• d. Employees are paid for scheduled working hours only and are expected to be on the work assignments at the beginning and end of their scheduled hours.

• e. Your supervisor must approve any alteration of scheduled time.

Your records

• a. On November 6, 1986, the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) was signed into law. The IRCA effects any employer with four or more employees. IRCA makes it unlawful for any employer subsequent to November 6, 1986 to "knowingly" hire, recruit, or refer for a fee any alien whose authorization to work has lapsed. FELDMANS works under this law and documents any new employee to meet the requirements of this law.

• b. Tell office personnel immediately whenever there are any changes in your address, phone number, marital status, number of dependents or military service status. If this information is not correct, problems could arise concerning your taxes, employee benefits or other matters.

When you are absent

• a. When you must be absent from work because of sickness or any other reason, you must contact your supervisor prior to the start of the shift. Do not leave a message with the cashier answering the phone.

• b. When absent for several days, you should continue to phone every working day to keep your supervisor posted.

• c. Habitual or excessive tardiness or absenteeism cannot be tolerated and is cause for dismissal.

• d. A doctors release may be required concerning any absenteeism, illness.

• e. Anytime an employee fails to report to work without proper notification (as stated above) the company may consider this a voluntary resignation.

• f. Employees will be issued warning reports for any serious problems. If these problems persist the employee can be terminated.

Your health

If you are injured or become ill at work, it is important to follow these procedures:

• a. In an emergency, contact your supervisor. You may be given emergency treatment and/or arrangements will be made to provide treatment without delay.

• b. In a non-emergency, report to your supervisor. Your supervisor may recommend that you go for treatment to a local physician or hospital.

• c. Do not neglect an injury, illness, or any health problem just because it seems slight.

Your conduct

• a. It is not necessary to establish harsh restrictive guidelines for behavior if each of us uses good judgment and discretion in our dealing with each other and with the company. The "Rule of Reason" can be applied to any situation. If we consider the effect of our behavior on other employees or FELDMANS efficiency and ask, "What is fair?" a reasonable, logical standard of behavior becomes obvious.

• b. Employees should not spend time with solicitors unless pertaining to their job or department.

• c. Time spent visiting with customers, friends or relatives should be held to a minimum. Please do not abuse your time. Set a goal of courtesy and efficiency to the buying customer as your first concern.

• d. We need good customer/employee relations so a good and friendly attitude is a must. Be courteous and informative. Always try to present a cheerful, helpful nature.

• e. It is true that some areas of behavior are potential trouble spots. Some of these are spelled out below so that we may realize that they may require special attention. Please read these carefully, as they are examples and guidelines we wish to emphasize:

Absenteeism, tardiness, improper punching of time cards, profane or abusive language, threatening, fighting, not following instructions, careless workmanship, misuse or sabotage, soliciting or distributing literature during working time, falsification of records, removing or revealing confidential information, alcohol or drugs, financial or personal problems, poor housekeeping, loafing, visiting, theft, personal hygiene, rudeness to customers or fellow employees, sexual harassment, insubordination of rules and policies, misuse of telephone privileges, withholding information from employer that could aid in solving problems that you have witnessed.

A focus on sexual harassment:

According to the Missouri guidelines and interpretations of Missouri’s anti-discrimination laws, unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when :

1. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment.

2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual.

3.  Such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual's work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment.

4. Sexual harassment also includes indecent or vulgar remarks, staring or ogling that causes sexual humiliation, and sexually oriented posters or cartoons that are viewed as offensive.

5. Notify the store manager immediately. If you are not comfortable talking to the store manager report the incident to a supervisor or to Dan Feldman. Whatever you do, please report the problem of sexual harassment as soon as possible after the incident. FELDMANS has a no tolerance policy toward any sexual harassment.

Employee safety on the job

FELDMANS tries to do everything possible to provide working conditions that are safe, pleasant and efficient, and to supply adequate and safe tools and equipment. Our good safety record has been accomplished through the cooperation of all employees. As a part of the job, your supervisor will see that you are instructed in the best and safest working practices applicable to your job. In meeting and individual discussion, safety will be stressed. Safety is a two-way street; you help make the safety program work. Here's how:

• a. Learn the safety procedures applying to your job and follow them.

• b. All employees working in the warehouse or moving freight must wear safety toe shoes.

• c. Special emphasis is placed on good housekeeping in warehouse and on sales floor. Keep aisles clear at all times. Move anything that may be an obstruction or creates a hazard to customers or employees such as boxes, merchandise, carts, shelving, etc. Immediately clean up any spills or potential hazardous conditions on the floor. Immediately report any condition you consider hazardous.

• d. Good judgment must be used in physical and mechanical demands of doing a job. Your judgment of how physical a job is or how to use equipment will make the job safe and help in eliminating damage to equipment and merchandise.

• e. Know special procedures in use of forklift. This is a must before any initial use. Getting permission to use a forklift is important. Your supervisor will inform you if you are allowed to use the forklift and will see that you have proper training.

• f. Know proper use of vehicles and other equipment before using. Make sure permission is obtained first.

• g. Careless, reckless or unauthorized use of vehicles and equipment can result in immediate dismissal.

Customer accidents

No matter how minor an accident might seem, always take necessary precautions to make sure the situation is being handled promptly and correctly. The situation might be or become more serious than it seems.

In case of customer accident, do these things:

• 1. Take care of the injured customer

• 2. Call a member of management

• 3. Obtain names and addresses of injured customer and witnesses.

• 4. Inspect the accident scene

• 5. Write a report of the incident including name, date and details.

Do not do these things:

• 1. Do not offer to pay medical expense

• 2. Do not admit responsibility

• 3. Do not mention insurance

• 4. Do not apologize for the accident

• 5. Do not discuss the accident with strangers

Service and quality

In order to fulfill FELDMANS goals to serve our customers efficiently, we must provide the type of quality service we would expect if we were the customer. Since the quality of our service has a direct effect on all phases of our business, from the size of our share of the market to the size of our profit, we must all consider ourselves responsible for friendly, courteous, efficient service. With this in mind, be sure that our collective contributions represent the highest standard of quality available. The success of FELDMANS and of the individuals on FELDMANS team depends on this attitude.

Remember the customer is paying your salary & that may depend on the kind of service they receive.

Progress and pay

Although in your job you may be part of a group, it is you and your individual performance that count at FELDMANS. Here are some basic concepts that will be important to you in your progress here:

·  A. Once per year, your performance is reviewed by the supervisor who has worked with you and evaluated your work. Your supervisor will counsel you to develop your strengths and to suggest areas where improvement can be made. Your progress is related to the increasing value of your performance on the job.

·  B. FELDMANS believes that promotional opportunities should be filled from within rather than bringing in people from outside the company. Occasionally, however, it is necessary to go outside to obtain individuals with special skills.

·  C. Creativity has a place everywhere in our business. Creativity is born of initiative, persistence and the courage to innovate. As FELDMANS grows larger and its problems become more complex, the company will need more creative thinking. Correcting and improving is important to the well being of the company. Constructive suggestions or criticism, fairly given and fairly received, is vital to the continuous improvement and progress of FELDMANS.

·  D. When you carry out your particular responsibility, you can expect constructive, understanding guidance from your supervisors. You must learn from your errors. Repeated mistakes of poor performance resulting from sheer carelessness, neglect, or lack of interest cannot be tolerated. A warning will be used in helping to correct the more serious type of problems that occur.

·  E. Never discuss your rate of pay with other employees. It is important that you do not discuss your pay with anyone other than your store manager. Any violation of this may result in termination.