Literary Lens Lateral roles
Feminism Finderü How does your own gender affect your view of the text?How
ü How does the author’s gender affect the way the text is presented?
ü How are women portrayed in this work?
ü What stereotypes are being reinforced?
ü What can you generalize about gender from this text? Does this piece reflect the society in which you live or influence it?
ü Does the text subvert the role of women? / Archetypal Analyzer
ü What universal meanings do you see in this text?
ü What character types/motifs/plots are used by the author and why? (tricksters, heroes, antiheros, Earth Mother, monsters, death/rebirth, circles, water, forest, creation, seasons, gardens, heroic journey, climbing mountains, decent into the abyss, rituals, journey, heavenly bodies, colors, fire, animals, numbers…)
ü Are these characters, motifs and plots central to the theme? Explain.
ü Are any rituals of social behavior utilized and how do these rituals move the story forward?
ü What is the theme of the text, what motifs/leitmotifs do you see?
Marxist Motivator
ü In the text, do you notice movement from feudalism to capitalism to socialism to communism?
ü Does one group own the power, exert control over another? Do a few own the most?
ü Does one class exploit another?
ü Do you see a differentiation between classes: lower, middle, upper class/ peasants, noble, royal?
ü Does each class experience an internal struggle is this struggle the seed of its own demise?
ü Does the working class become aware of their station and predicament, potentially leading to revolution? / Historian
ü What historical events are of significance to the setting of this text?
ü How do the text, the author and the cultural context work together to produce meaning? Where is the reader in the equation?
ü What literary or historical events might have influenced the writer?
ü Where did the author get the idea for writing this text?
ü What events in the author’s life impacted the writing of this piece?
ü What motivates the protagonist and antagonist?
ü Is the author trying to work out a personal psychological situation in this work?
Deconstruction Diva
ü What is your lens of the world?
ü What other lenses do you use to view your world?
ü What is a lens you are uncomfortable with and how does this change your perspective on a text?
ü How does changing your lens aid your understanding of author’s purpose, character motivation, effect on the reader? / Structural Seeker
ü What linguistic patterns are built up and broken down in this text?
ü How does the author use repetition, contrasts, parallel structure and figurative language to propel his message?
ü What signs and symbols are used by the author?
ü How does the author use verb tense/ active- passive voice/point-of-view to enhance his message?
ü Does the author break conventions to make a point?