
City Council Public Hearing

Meeting Minutes1

September 19, 2000


Tuesday, September 19, 2000

PRESENT:B. Smith; B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley, W. Kinsella, L. Langley, R. Noce, M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor, D. Thiele.


G. Heaton, Corporate Services Department (Law).

E.L. Britton, Office of the City Clerk.



Mayor B. Smith called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.

Councillor J. Taylor was absent.


MOVED M. Phair – R. Noce

That the City Council Public Hearing Agenda for the September 19, 2000 meeting be adopted.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh
L. Chahley, W. Kinsella, L. Langley, R. Noce,
M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, D. Thiele.

ABSENT:J. Taylor.

Councillor J. Taylor entered the meeting at 1:31 p.m.


Mayor B. Smith explained the public hearing process.


E.L. Britton, Office of the City Clerk, stated if there were any persons present to speak to the passing of the following bylaws, they would now be heard:


L.1.a.Bylaw 12385 – To amend the Land Use Bylaw from AG (Agricultural) District (M.D. of Sturgeon) to RF1 (Single Detached Residential) District, located south of 176 Avenue at approximately 107 Street, Chambery.


To allow for single detached residential development on the site.

There were no persons present to speak to the passing of Bylaw 12385.

L.1.b.Bylaw 12378 – To amend the Land Use Bylaw and Appendix I to Section 920 – Special Area Terwillegar Towne from AG (Agricultural) District (County of Strathcona) and PU (Public Utility) District to CSC (Shopping Centre) District, RF1 (Single Detached Residential) District, AP (Public Parks) District, RF4 (Semi-detached Residential) District and DC5 (Site Specific Development Control) District; located west of 142 Street and south of 23 Avenue, Terwillegar Towne.


To allow for a range of commercial, street-oriented residential, public park and low density residential uses. The DC5 District is to accommodate the development of an extended care facility (northerly DC5) and assisted living senior’s housing (southerly DC5), as well as a limited number of existing uses under the US (Urban Services) and RA7 (Low Rise Apartment) Districts.

M. Pankiw, IBI Group, was present to answer questions in favour of the passing of Bylaw 12378.

L.1.c.Bylaw 12394 – To amend the Land Use Bylaw and Appendix I, Section 820A – Statutory Plan Overlay for the Oliver Area Redevelopment Plan from DC5 (Site Specific Development Control) District to DC5 (Site Specific Development Control) District; located north of 103 Avenue and west of 114 Street, Oliver.


To increase the Floor Area Ratio from 1.3 to 2.0 to accommodate a proposed 42 dwelling unit apartment building.

There were no persons present to speak to the passing of Bylaw 12394.

L.1.d.Bylaw 12400 - To amend the Land Use Bylaw from IM (Medium Industrial) District to IB (Industrial Business) District, located at 176 Street and 108 Avenue, McNamara Industrial.


To allow for a range of commercial, business service and light industrial uses on the site.

There were no persons present to speak to the passing of Bylaw 12400.

L.1.e.Bylaw 12401 - To amend the Land Use Bylaw from IM (Medium Industrial) District to IB (Industrial Business) District and CB2 (General Business) District; located north of 104A Avenue and east of 170 Street, Youngstown Industrial.


To allow for a range of commercial, business service and light industrial uses.

Emanuel Mirth, Reynolds Mirth Richards & Farmer, was present to answer questions in favour of the passing of Bylaw 12401.

L.1.f.Bylaw 12405 - To amend the Land Use Bylaw from AGI (Industrial Reserve) District to IB (Industrial Business) District, located east of 58 Street and north of 129 Avenue, Kennedale.


To allow for a range of commercial, business service and light industrial uses.

There were no persons present to speak to the passing of Bylaw 12405.

L.1.g.Bylaw 12406 – To amend the Land Use Bylaw from AG (Agricultural Mixed Use) District (County of Parkland) to RSL (Residential Small Lot) District, RPL (Planned Lot Residential) District and RF1 (Single Detached Residential) District; located east of 215 Street and south of 97 Avenue, Webber Greens.


To allow for a variety of low density housing.

There were no persons present to speak to the passing of Bylaw 12406.

L.1.h.Bylaw 12403 – To amend the Land Use Bylaw from CNC (Neighbourhood Convenience Commercial) District to DC5 (Site Specific Development Control) District; located at 6610 – 86 Street, Argyll.


To allow for Convenience Commercial and Personal Service uses which are intended to serve the day-to-day needs of residents within the Argyll neighbourhood, along with General Retail uses and an Automotive and Minor Recreational Vehicle Rentals business (U-Haul rental) which would be accessory to a Convenience Retail Store.

R. Nulliah, on behalf of R. Patel (applicant), and T. Mangru, (in favour); and B. Livojevic;
D. Baragar; and M. Leedham, President, Argyll Community League (in opposition), were present to speak to the passing of Bylaw 12403.

MOVED M. Phair – D. Thiele

That the public hearing on Bylaw 12403 be postponed to the City Council Public Hearing meeting on October 11, 2000 at 2:00 p.m. / Planning & Dev.
Due: Oct. 11, 2000
2:00 p.m.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh
L. Chahley, W. Kinsella, L. Langley, R. Noce,
M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor, D. Thiele.

L.1.a.Bylaw 12385 – To amend the Land Use Bylaw from AG (Agricultural) District (M.D. of Sturgeon) to RF1 (Single Detached Residential) District, located south of 176 Avenue at approximately 107 Street, Chambery.

L.1.c.Bylaw 12394 – To amend the Land Use Bylaw and Appendix I, Section 820A – Statutory Plan Overlay for the Oliver Area Redevelopment Plan from DC5 (Site Specific Development Control) District to DC5 (Site Specific Development Control) District; located north of 103 Avenue and west of 114 Street, Oliver. 

L.1.d.Bylaw 12400 - To amend the Land Use Bylaw from IM (Medium Industrial) District to IB (Industrial Business) District, located at 176 Street and 108 Avenue, McNamara Industrial. 

L.1.e.Bylaw 12401 - To amend the Land Use Bylaw from IM (Medium Industrial) District to IB (Industrial Business) District and CB2 (General Business) District; located north of 104A Avenue and east of 170 Street, Youngstown Industrial. 

L.1.f.Bylaw 12405 - To amend the Land Use Bylaw from AGI (Industrial Reserve) District to IB (Industrial Business) District, located east of 58 Street and north of 129 Avenue, Kennedale. 

L.1.g.Bylaw 12406 – To amend the Land Use Bylaw from AG (Agricultural Mixed Use) District (County of Parkland) to RSL (Residential Small Lot) District, RPL (Planned Lot Residential) District and RF1 (Single Detached Residential) District; located east of 215 Street and south of 97 Avenue, Webber Greens. 

MOVED M. Phair – D. Thiele

That the public hearing on Bylaws 12385, 12394, 12400, 12401, 12405 and 12406 be closed.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh
L. Chahley, W. Kinsella, L. Langley, R. Noce,
M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor, D. Thiele.

MOVED M. Phair – D. Thiele

That Bylaws 12385, 12394, 12400, 12401, and 12405 be read a first time.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; B. Anderson, A. Bolstad,T. Cavanagh
L. Chahley, W. Kinsella, L. Langley, R. Noce,
M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor, D. Thiele.

MOVED M. Phair – D. Thiele

That Bylaws 12385, 12394, 12400, 12401,and 12405 be read a second time.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh,
L. Chahley, W. Kinsella, L. Langley, R. Noce,
M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor, D. Thiele.

MOVED M. Phair – D. Thiele

That Bylaws 12385, 12394, 12400, 12401, and 12405 be considered for third reading.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh,
L. Chahley, W. Kinsella, L. Langley, R. Noce,
M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor, D. Thiele.

MOVED M. Phair – D. Thiele

That Bylaws 12385, 12394, 12400, 12401, and 12405 be read a third time. / Distribution List


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh,
L. Chahley, W. Kinsella, L. Langley, R. Noce,
M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor, D. Thiele.

L.1.g.Bylaw 12406 – To amend the Land Use Bylaw from AG (Agricultural Mixed Use) District (County of Parkland) to RSL (Residential Small Lot) District, RPL (Planned Lot Residential) District and RF1 (Single Detached Residential) District; located east of 215 Street and south of 97 Avenue, Webber Greens. 

MOVED L. Chahley – W. Kinsella

That Bylaw 12406 be read a first time.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; B. Anderson, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
W. Kinsella, L. Langley, R. Noce, R. Rosenberger,
D. Thiele.

OPPOSED:A. Bolstad, M. Phair, J. Taylor.

MOVED L. Chahley – T. Cavanagh

That Bylaw 12406 be read a second time.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; B. Anderson, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
W. Kinsella, L. Langley, R. Noce, R. Rosenberger,
J. Taylor, D. Thiele.

OPPOSED:A. Bolstad, M. Phair.

MOVED L. Chahley – T. Cavanagh

That Bylaw 12406 be considered for third reading.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh,
L. Chahley, W. Kinsella, L. Langley, R. Noce,
M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor, D. Thiele.

MOVED L. Chahley – T. Cavanagh

That Bylaw 12406 be read a third time. / Distribution List


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; B. Anderson, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
W. Kinsella, L. Langley, R. Noce, R. Rosenberger,
J. Taylor, D. Thiele.

OPPOSED:A. Bolstad, M. Phair.

L.1.b.Bylaw 12378 – To amend the Land Use Bylaw and Appendix I to Section 920 – Special Area Terwillegar Towne from AG (Agricultural) District (County of Strathcona) and PU (Public Utility) District to CSC (Shopping Centre) District, RF1 (Single Detached Residential) District, AP (Public Parks) District, RF4 (Semi-detached Residential) District and DC5 (Site Specific Development Control) District; located west of 142 Street and south of 23 Avenue, Terwillegar Towne. 

M. Pankiw answered Council’s questions.

MOVED M. Phair – L. Langley

That the public hearing on Bylaw 12378 be closed.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; B. Anderson, A. Bolstad,T. Cavanagh
L. Chahley, W. Kinsella, L. Langley, R. Noce,
M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor, D. Thiele.

MOVED M. Phair – L. Langley

That Bylaw 12378 be read a first time.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; B. Anderson, A. Bolstad,T. Cavanagh
L. Chahley, W. Kinsella, L. Langley, R. Noce,
M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor, D. Thiele.

MOVED M. Phair – L. Langley

That Bylaw 12378 be read a second time.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh,
L. Chahley, W. Kinsella, L. Langley, R. Noce,
M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor, D. Thiele.

MOVED M. Phair – L. Langley

That Bylaw 12378 be considered for third reading.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh,
L. Chahley, W. Kinsella, L. Langley, R. Noce,
M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor, D. Thiele.

MOVED M. Phair – L. Langley

That Bylaw 12378 be read a third time. / Distribution List


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh,
L. Chahley, W. Kinsella, L. Langley, R. Noce,
M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor, D. Thiele.

Council recessed at 1:50 p.m.

Council reconvened at 2:00 p.m.

Councillors B. Anderson, T. Cavanagh and L. Chahley were absent.


Mayor B. Smith explained the public hearing process.

Councillors B. Anderson and L. Chahley entered the meeting at 2:01 p.m.


E.L. Britton, Office of the City Clerk, stated if there were any persons present to speak to the passing of the following bylaws, they would now be heard:

L.1.i.Bylaw 12346 - To amend the Land Use Bylaw from AG (Agricultural) District to RA7 (Low Rise Apartment) District, RF5 (Row Housing) District and RF1 (Single Detached Residential) District; located south of 167 Avenue and east of 82 Street, Mayliewan. 


To allow for the development of low rise apartment, row housing and single detached residential dwellings.

J. Andrew, Scheffer Consultants Ltd., was present to answer questions in favour of the passing of Bylaw 12346.

L.1.j.Bylaw 12398 – To amend the Land Use Bylaw from RSL (Residential Small Lot) District to DC5 (Site Specific Development Control) District, located north of 160 Avenue at approximately 90 Street, Eaux Claires. 


To allow for a mix of single and semi-detached residential along with related accessory uses on the site.

J. Brown, Sherrick Management; and L. Newton and L. Anderson, Stantec Consulting, were present to speak in favour of the passing of Bylaw 12398.

L.1.i.Bylaw 12346 - To amend the Land Use Bylaw from AG (Agricultural) District to RA7 (Low Rise Apartment) District, RF5 (Row Housing) District and RF1 (Single Detached Residential) District; located south of 167 Avenue and east of 82 Street, Mayliewan. 

J. Andrew answered Council’s questions.

Councillor T. Cavanagh entered the meeting at 2:05 p.m. and left a few minutes later.

MOVED R. Noce – R. Rosenberger

That the public hearing on Bylaw 12346 be closed.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, L. Chahley,
W. Kinsella, L. Langley, R. Noce, M. Phair,
R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor, D. Thiele.

ABSENT:T. Cavanagh.

MOVED R. Noce – R. Rosenberger

That Bylaw 12346 be read a first time.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, L. Chahley,
W. Kinsella, L. Langley, R. Noce, M. Phair,
R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor, D. Thiele.

ABSENT:T. Cavanagh.

MOVED R. Noce – R. Rosenberger

That Bylaw 12346 be read a second time.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, L. Chahley,
W. Kinsella, L. Langley, R. Noce, M. Phair,
R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor, D. Thiele.

ABSENT:T. Cavanagh.

MOVED R. Noce – R. Rosenberger

That Bylaw 12346 be considered for third reading.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, L. Chahley,
W. Kinsella, L. Langley, R. Noce, M. Phair,
R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor, D. Thiele.

ABSENT:T. Cavanagh.

MOVED R. Noce – R. Rosenberger

That Bylaw 12346 be read a third time. / L.1.i. cont’d.
Distribution List


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, L. Chahley,
W. Kinsella, L. Langley, R. Noce, M. Phair,
R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor, D. Thiele.

ABSENT:T. Cavanagh.

L.1.j.Bylaw 12398 – To amend the Land Use Bylaw from RSL (Residential Small Lot) District to DC5 (Site Specific Development Control) District, located north of 160 Avenue at approximately 90 Street, Eaux Claires. 

D. Fraser, Planning and Development Department, made a presentation.

J. Brown made a presentation.

Councillor R. Noce left the meeting at 2:21 p.m.

J. Brown and L. Anderson answered Council’s questions.

Councillor T. Cavanagh re-entered the meeting at 2:22 p.m.

Mayor B. Smith vacated the Chair and Deputy Mayor, Councillor T. Cavanagh presided.

Mayor B. Smith left the meeting at 2:22 p.m.


B.1.a. Welcome to the India Counsul General (T. Cavanagh).


Councillor T. Cavanagh, on behalf of Members of City Council, welcomed
B. Jaishankar, the India Counsul General from the Consulate Office in Vancouver.


L.1.j.Bylaw 12398 – To amend the Land Use Bylaw from RSL (Residential Small Lot) District to DC5 (Site Specific Development Control) District, located north of 160 Avenue at approximately 90 Street, Eaux Claires. 

J. Brown and L. Anderson answered Council’s questions.

Councillor R. Noce re-entered the meeting at 2:25 p.m.

D. Fraser, Planning and Development Department, answered Council’s questions.

Councillor W. Kinsella left the meeting at 2:31 p.m. and returned a few minutes later.

D. Fraser, Planning and Development Department; R. Davis, Transportation and Streets Department; and G. Heaton, Corporate Services Department (Law), answered Council’s questions.

MOVED L. Chahley – W. Kinsella

That Bylaw 12398 be read a first time.


  1. That Schedule “B” of Bylaw 12398 be revised by deleting Clause 3(h) (Uses – Religious Assembly) and relettering the subsection accordingly.
  2. That Schedule “B” of Bylaw 12398 be revised by deleting Clause 4 (a)(i) and limiting the Development Criteria as follows:

“That the 91 Street cul de sac be developed as single-detached housing in compliance with the regulation of the RSL district”.


FOR THE AMENDMENT:B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
W. Kinsella, L. Langley, R. Noce, M. Phair,
R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor, D. Thiele.

ABSENT:B. Smith.



FOR THE AMENDMENT:B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
W. Kinsella, L. Langley, R. Noce, M. Phair,
R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor, D. Thiele.

ABSENT:B. Smith.

MOVED A. Bolstad – M. Phair

That the 90 Street cul de sac be limited to a maximum of 26 units.

L. Anderson answered Council’s questions.


FOR THE AMENDMENT:A. Bolstad, W. Kinsella, M. Phair, D. Thiele.

OPPOSED:B. Anderson, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley, L. Langley,
R. Noce, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

ABSENT:B. Smith.

Deputy Mayor T. Cavanagh asked whether there was any new information any of the presenters wished to address. No one responded.

MOVED L. Chahley – W. Kinsella

That the public hearing on Bylaw 12398 be closed.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
W. Kinsella, L. Langley, R. Noce, M. Phair,
R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor, D. Thiele.

ABSENT:B. Smith.

MOVED L. Chahley – W. Kinsella

That Bylaw 12398 be read a second time.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
W. Kinsella, L. Langley, R. Noce, M. Phair,
R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor, D. Thiele.

ABSENT:B. Smith.

MOVED L. Chahley – W. Kinsella

That Bylaw 12398 be considered for third reading.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
W. Kinsella, L. Langley, R. Noce, M. Phair,
R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor, D. Thiele.

ABSENT:B. Smith.

MOVED L. Chahley – W. Kinsella

That Bylaw 12398 be read a third time and:
  1. That Schedule “B” of Bylaw 12398 be revised by deleting Clause 3(h) (Uses – Religious Assembly) and relettering the subsection accordingly.
  2. That Schedule “B” of Bylaw 12398 be revised by deleting Clause 4 (a)(i) and limiting the Development Criteria as follows:
“That the 91 Street cul de sac be developed as single-detached housing in compliance with the regulation of the RSL district”. / Distribution List


FOR THE MOTION:B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
W. Kinsella, L. Langley, R. Noce, M. Phair,
R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor, D. Thiele.

ABSENT:B. Smith.


Deputy Mayor, Councillor T. Cavanagh asked whether there were any Notices of Motion. There were none.

(Sec. 91. B.L. 12300)


The meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m.











B.1.a. Welcome to the India Council General Representative (T. Cavanagh)......


L.1.a.Bylaw 12385 – To amend the Land Use Bylaw from AG (Agricultural) District
(M.D. of Sturgeon) to RF1 (Single Detached Residential) District, located south of 176
Avenue at approximately 107 Street, Chambery. /4

L.1.b.Bylaw 12378 – To amend the Land Use Bylaw and Appendix I to Section 920 – Special Area
Terwillegar Towne from AG (Agricultural) District (County of Strathcona) and PU (Public
Utility) District to CSC (Shopping Centre) District, RF1 (Single Detached Residential) District,
AP (Public Parks) District, RF4 (Semi-detached Residential) District and DC5 (Site Specific
Development Control) District; located west of 142 Street and south of 23 Avenue,
Terwillegar Towne. /7

L.1.c.Bylaw 12394 – To amend the Land Use Bylaw and Appendix I, Section 820A – Statutory
Plan Overlay for the Oliver Area Redevelopment Plan from DC5 (Site Specific Development
Control) District to DC5 (Site Specific Development Control) District; located north of 103
Avenue and west of 114 Street, Oliver. /5