Advanced Yoga, PEX 169, 1003, #36402 Instructor: Lisa Eriksen

Great Basin College Phone: 775-934-5798

Spring 2017 Syllabus E-mail:

Class time: T & Th, 9:30-10:40 am Instructor: Laura Watts

Credits: 2 credits Phone: (775) 388-7886


Course Description:

This class is intended for yoga students who have attended Yoga Basics class or its equivalent. Students will continue studying both the movements and poses of yoga. Attention will be paid to alignment, the physiological and psychological benefits of a yoga practice. The class will incorporate breathing and energy transfer techniques with the physical aspects of yoga.

Prerequisite: Previous completion of a Basic Yoga class (or equivalent experience) is necessary to attend this class.

Learner Outcomes



Become familiar with more advanced yoga poses, body alignment, breathing, and mid-line awareness / Demonstrate advanced yoga poses, alignment, and breathing in class; participation and at least 75% attendance.
Demonstrate basic knowledge of Sun salutations / Demonstrate basic Sun Salutations during class; participation and at least 75% attendance.
Improve or maintain flexibility, body awareness and strength / Participation and at least 75% attendance; individual self-assessment of strength and flexibility.
Increase or maintain endurance / Participation and at least 75% attendance; individual assessment.

Grading System, Measurement, and Policies:

Yoga is a non-competitive and highly subjective endeavor. Attendance and participation are important to benefit from instruction. Attendance will be taken, as it is the primary tool for grading the student; 75% attendance is required to pass the class (a maximum of 6 absences for this 2 credit course). Auditing the class is a viable option if a grade/credit are not desired or if attendance is a concern. Get paperwork from the PEX office as soon as possible!

This class is based on the Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory system. “S” (satisfactory) indicates that a student has passed the course and earned the credit. “U” (unsatisfactory) indicates that a student has not passed a course; no credit is earned. GPA is not affected by S/U courses. If a student audits the course, no credit is earned. If the need arises for the student to withdraw from the course, s/he must do so by the semester deadline. Withdraw (W) would appear on the transcript and no credit earned. Get paperwork from the PEX office to audit or withdraw; deadline for either is 04/05/2017.

Students should be aware that earning a “U” or “W” in a PEX course, or taking it as “audit”, could affect financial aid if you fall below the required number of earned credits for the semester.


Clothing: loose fitting, athletic style clothing. Tight waist bands are definitely not desirable as they will restrict breathing. Cell phones must be turned off at beginning of classes.

Equipment: Yoga requires minimal equipment and all necessary supplies will be provided. Students may bring their own equipment.

For every 1 PEX credit that you take, you may use the fitness center for 8 bonus hours at no additional cost to you.

Suggested Text:

No text is required; however two excellent resources for this class are:

Yoga Mind, Body & Spirit, by Donna Farhi, ISBN: 0-8050-5970-9

30 Essential Yoga Poses, by Judith Lasater, Ph.D. P.T, ISBN: 1030485042

BONUS HOURS for use of Fitness Center

For every 1 credit of PEX that you take, you may use the fitness center for 8 bonus hours at no additional cost to you. Since this is a 2 credit class, you may come in on your own for 16 hours during this Spring 2017 semester. Please sign in on the “Bonus Hours” sheet in the office.

CAMPUS SECURITY:GBC is committed to the safety of our students and has a duty to promote awareness and prevention programs for violence on campus under the Jeanne Clery Act, Campus SaVE (Sexual Violence Elimination Act), and VAWA (Violence Against Women Act). Acts of violence include, but are not limited to, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. If you experience any incidence where your safety has been threatened or violated, or if you feel threatened or harassed, immediately report this to me, any center director, faculty, or staff member, or directly to the Director of Environmental Health, Safety & Security (775.753.2115) or the Vice President for Student Services (775.753.2282).

ADA Statement: Services for Students with Disabilities Great Basin College is committed to providing equal educational opportunities to qualified students with disabilities in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations, including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1990. A qualified student must furnish current verification of disability. The Disabilities Services Office, located in the Leonard Center for Student Life, will assist qualified students with disabilities in securing the appropriate and reasonable accommodations, For more information or further assistance, please call 775.753.2271. (From the 2016-2017 GBC Catalog, page 52)