[P] Virgin Most Renowned,

[P] Virgin Most Powerful,

[P] Virgin Most Merciful,

[P] Virgin Most Faithful,

[P] Mirror of Justice,

[P] Seat of Wisdom,

[P] Cause of our Joy,

[P] Spiritual Vessel,

[P] Vessel of Honor,

[P] Singular Vessel of Devotion,

[P] Mystical Rose,

[P] Tower of David,

[P] Tower of Ivory,

[P] House of Gold,

[P] Ark of the Covenant,

[P] Gate of Heaven,

[P] Morning Star,

[P] Health of the Sick,

[P] Refuge of Sinners,

[P] Comforter of the Afflicted,

[P] Help of Christians,

[P] Queen of Angels,

[P] Queen of Patriarchs,

[P] Queen of Prophets,

[P] Queen of Apostles,

[P] Queen of Martyrs,

[P] Queen of Confessors,

[P] Queen of Virgins

[P] Queen of All Saints,

[P] Queen Conceived without Original Sin,

[P] Queen Assumed into Heaven,

[P] Queen of the Most Holy Rosary,

[P] Queen of Peace,

[P] Our Lady of Good Hope,

*[P] Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,

[All] Spare us, O Lord.

*[P] Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,

[All] Graciously hear us, O Lord.

*[P] Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,

[All] Have mercy on us.

[P] Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God,

[All] That we may be made worthy of the Promises of Christ.

[P] Let us pray: Grant, we beseech Thee, O Lord God, to us Thy servants, that we may evermore enjoy health of mind and body, and by the glorious intercession of blessed Mary ever Virgin be delivered from present sorrow and obtain everlasting happiness. Through Christ our Lord.
[All:] Amen.

Traditional Catholic Mass, Doctrine, and Moral Teaching—do not do without them—do not accept one without all three.

Our Lady of the Rosary
Old Roman Catholic Church
144 North Federal Highway (US#1)
in the Buenavista Plaza
Deerfield Beach, Florida 33486

The Rosary and Litany of Loreto

Supremi Apostolatus Officio
On Devotion to the Rosary
Encyclical Of Pope Leo XIII
September 1, 1883

Moved by ... the examples of Our Predecessors, We have deemed it most opportune ... to institute solemn prayers and to endeavor by adopting those addressed to the Blessed Virgin in the recital of the Rosary to obtain from her son Jesus Christ ... aid against present dangers. You have before your eyes, Venerable Brethren, the trials to which the Church is daily exposed; Christian piety, public morality, nay, even faith itself, the supreme good and beginning of all the other virtues, all are daily menaced with the greatest perils.

It is one of the most painful and grievous sights to see so many souls, redeemed by the blood of Christ, snatched from salvation by the whirlwind of an age of error, precipitated into the abyss of eternal death. Our need of divine help is as great today as when the great Saint Dominic introduced the use of the Rosary of Mary as a balm for the wounds of his contemporaries.

We, who seek a remedy for similar evils, do not doubt therefore that the prayer introduced by that most blessed man with so much advantage to the Catholic world, will have the greatest effect in removing the calamities of our times also. Not only do We earnestly exhort all Christians to give themselves to the recital of the pious devotion of the Rosary publicly, or privately in their own house and family, and that unceasingly, but we also desire that the whole of the month of October in this year should be consecrated to the Holy Queen of the Rosary. We decree and order that in the whole Catholic world, during this year, the devotion of the Rosary shall be solemnly celebrated by special and splendid services. From the first day of next October, therefore, until the second day of the November following, in every parish and, if the ecclesiastical authority deem it opportune and of use, in every chapel dedicated to the Blessed Virgin--let five decades of the Rosary be recited with the addition of the Litany of Loreto. We desire that the people should frequent these pious exercises; and We will that either Mass shall be said at the altar, or that the Blessed Sacrament shall be exposed to the adoration of the faithful, Benediction being afterwards given with the Sacred Host to the pious congregation. We highly approve of the confraternities of the Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin going in procession, following ancient custom, through the town, as a public demonstration of their devotion. And in those places where this is not possible, let it be replaced by more assiduous visits to the churches, and let the fervor of piety display itself by a still greater diligence in the exercise of the Christian virtues. (paragraphs 6-8)

The Mysteries of the Holy Rosary

The Joyful Mysteries

Mondays, and Thursdays

1. The Annunciation: Mary is to be the Mother of our Savior.

2. The Visitation: Mary visits Elizabeth, pregnant with John the Baptist.

3. The Nativity of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

4. The Presentation of our Lord in the Temple at Jerusalem.

5. The Finding of our Lord in the Temple, “about His Father’s business.”

The Sorrowful Mysteries

Tuesdays, and Fridays

1. The Agony of our Lord in the Garden of Gethsemane.

2. The Scourging of our Lord at the Pillar.

3. The Crowing of our Lord with a Crown of Thorns

4. Our Lord is forced to carry His Cross to Mount Calvary.

5. The Agony and Death of our Lord on the Cross.

The Glorious Mysteries

Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays

1. Resurrection of our Lord.

2. Our Lord’s Ascension into Heaven.

3. The Descent of the Holy Ghost upon the Apostles and the Mother of God at Pentecost.

4. The Bodily Assumption of our Blessed Lady into Heaven.

5. The Coronation of our Lady as Queen of Heaven.

The Litany of Loreto

[P] Lord, Have mercy on us.

[All] Christ, have mercy on us.

[P] Lord, Have mercy on us. Christ, hear us,

[All] Christ, graciously hear us.

[P] God, the Father of heaven,

[All] Have mercy on us.

[P] God the Son, redeemer of the world.

[All] Have mercy on us.

[P] God the Holy Ghost.

[All] Have mercy on us

[P] Holy Trinity, one God.

[All] Have mercy on us.

All of the following petitions,
until those which begin
"* Lamb of God...." are answered by the congregation: "pray for us."

[P] Holy Mary,

[P] Holy Mother of God,

P] Holy Virgin of virgins,

[P] Mother of Christ,

[P] Mother of Divine Grace,

[P] Mother Most Pure,

[P] Mother Most Chaste,

[P] Mother Inviolate,

[P] Mother Undefiled.

[P] Mother Most Amiable,

[P] Mother Most Admirable,

[P] Mother of Good Counsel,

[P] Mother of our Creator

[P] Mother of Our Savior,

[P] Virgin Most Prudent,

[P] Virgin Most Venerable,