OD Essentials Programme – An introduction to organisation development

Programme learning outcomes

2017 / 2018 programmes

Organisation development is a particular approach to change and improvement. It can be defined as an approach…

“that applies behavioural science knowledge and practices to help organizations achieve greater effectiveness, including financial performance and improved quality of work life” (Cummings and Worley 2009, 9th Edition)

In simple terms OD is “Business Improvement through people”. Within this programme we are seeking to support practitioners who are new to OD, and those who have found themselves with OD in their portfolio. The cohort will come together to learn, think and work together to understand the practice of OD more fully.

The programme has been designed and is delivered by Dr Maxine Craig. Maxine has a 35-year career working in and for the NHS, commencing her career as a nurse. She has worked in the field of OD since the mid 1990’s and for 13 years was a Head of OD in a large NHS Trust which was awarded HSJ Hospital of the Year. Maxine commenced the initial design of this programme in 2013 and has continued to develop and update it to ensure its relevance to our current context. More of Maxine’s profile can be found here should you want further detail

The programme runs over 3 days (with gaps between each day to facilitation assimilation into practice). The programme outline is below however a hallmark of the programme is that it is delivered as an ‘OD intervention’ and Maxine will ensure that the group has the opportunity to shape the content of days 2 and 3 to ensure it is fit for the group’s needs.

The designed outcomes are presented below, and day two and three may change as determined by the group learning process.

Day one learning outcomes

Participants will:

  • Gain an understanding of the historical context of OD and explore how this may relate to their own career journey
  • Consider differing modes of change agency and where OD fits within the wide change agenda.
  • Be introduced to the OD framework and the values which underpin and guide OD work
  • Focus on the key stages of entry and contracting

Day two learning outcomes

Participants will:

  • Reflect upon their learning from day one
  • Reconnecting with the OD framework
  • Consider action research as a key platform for delivering OD
  • Explore how data from the field of practice is used to inform intervention design
  • Be introduced to the difference between diagnostic OD and dialogic OD
  • Reflect on the change agent and OD practitioner’s role in diagnosis and sense making
  • Review personal modes of intervention design
  • Explore and critique a case study from the field

Day three learning outcomes:

Participants will

  • Reconnect with the OD framework and their own work place practice
  • Explore contemporary views of organisational culture and where OD fits
  • Focus on dialogical approaches to OD
  • Consider the use of narrative and stories in organisational life and change work
  • Focus upon measurement and evaluation of Interventions
  • Review the implications of the programme learning for their own practice