Permaculture Course Design Project
Maegen Gabriel – Chelsea, MI
Prepared By:
Midwest Permaculture PDC Course #41
June 28, 2013
Assessment of Property
17120 Boyce Rd., Stockbridge, MI, 49285 – Washtenaw County
Full Climatic Information is available on-line:
-Long/Lat. --
-Elevation Above Sea Level --
-Dominant Wind Directions are from the South/West: All data available here:
- Wind Rose: Jackson/Reynolds, MI, airport
-Sun Aspects
-Topography: The aerial photo below shows 1 foot topographical lines indicating a 10 foot drop in elevation from the NE corner of the property to the SW corner. Approximate area outlined by property boundaries is 7 acres. The top of the photo is due North.
-Soil: The soil on this property is almost entirely of the Spinks (Montcalm) series consisting of very deep, mostly sandy soils. Permeability is moderately rapid and the slope only 2-6%, so the potential for surface runoff is negligible to medium.
-The native vegetation is hardwoods, dominantly oaks and hickories.
Vision for Property
Early Design Strategies
- Capture Water and Fertility High on the Landscape
- Build Soil Fertility and Organic Matter
- Capture the sun!!!
- Love the world
- Manage the wind
- Attract pollinators
- Design for access
- Design for privacy
- Design for easy harvest and maintenance
- Within budget
- Gathering space, public amenities, public use and enjoyment
- Beauty
- Slow and steady solutions (implementation over time)
- Protecting from wildlife (minimize pressure)
- Easy to integrate small livestock
- Design to minimize reliance on fossil fuel
- Design for seasonal change/ frost
- Long harvest design (sequential)
- Consider neighboring runoff
- Diversity on the landscape, supporting market niche
- Be conscious of woodlots
- Support existing orchard
The Permaculture Design
(Recommended Techniques and Specific Design Solutions)
- Water
- Access/Circulation
- Vegetation and Wildlife
- Microclimate
- Buildings and Infrastructure
- Zones of Use
- Soil Fertility and Management
- Aesthetics/Experience of Place
Cross Section Example of a Linear Food Forest
with Hugelkultured Swale
Many other species of plants might be included.
Closing – Conclusions
“For what is the use of a house…
if you haven’t got a tolerable planet to put it on?”
~ Henry David Thoreau
“(Woodchips) make an attractive, stable road base that holds soil in place and compacts into the ground to make a firm driving surface. Creation of a wood-chip driveway is a permanent work in progress because this organic surface biodegrades over time and needs new chips added periodically.”
Quick List of Useful Permaculture Plants
Temperate Climate, North American, Midwestern SpeciesCommon Name / Scientific Name / Uses
Beech / Fagusgrandifolia / Nuts
Butternut / Juglanscinerea / Nuts
Shagbark Hickory / Caryaovata / Nuts
Sugar Maple / Acer saccharum / Syrup
White Oak / Quercus alba / Nuts
American Persimmon / Diospyrosvirginiana / Fruit
Apple / Maluspumila / Fruit, flowers
Cherry / Prunus spp. / Fruit, flowers
Cornelian Cherry / Cornus mas / Fruit
Crabapple / Malus spp. / Fruit, flowers
Hazelnut / Corylus spp. / Nuts
Kentucky Coffee Tree / Gymnocladusdioica / N-fixer
Paw Paw / Asiminatriloba / Fruit, flowers
Pear / Pyruscommunis / Fruit, flowers
Plum / Prunusdomestica / Fruit, flowers
Serviceberry / Amelanchier spp. / Fruit, flowers
Witch Hazel / Hamamelisvirginiana / Medicinal, flowers
Shrub Layer
Blackberry / Rubusoccidentalis / Fruit, flowers
Currant / Ribessativum / Fruit
Elderberry / Sambucasnigra / Fruit, flowers
False indigo / Baptisiaaustralis / N-fixer
Gooseberry / Ribesuva-crispa / Fruit
Raspberry / Rubusidaeus / Fruit, flowers
Rose / Rosa spp. / Medicinal, flowers
Siberian Pea Shrub / Caraganaarborescens / N-fixer, flowers
Herbaceous layer
Arugula / Erucavesicaria / Edible
Chamomile / Chamaemelumnobile / Tea, flowers
Chives / Allium schoenoprasum / Edible
Comfrey / Symphytumuplandicum / Medicinal, mulch
Cornsalad / Valerianellalocusta / Edible
Dill / Anethumgraveolens / Edible, insectary
Fennel / Foeniculumvulgare / Edible, insectary
Garlic / Allium sativum / Edible
Kale / Brassica oleracea / Edible
Lemon balm / Melissa officinalis / Tea
Lettuce / Latuca sativa / Edible
Lovage / Levisticumofficinale / Edible
Mint / Mentha spp. / Edible
New Zealand Spinach / Tetragoniaexpansa / Edible
Onion / Allium cepa / Edible
Parsley / Petroselinumcrispum / Edible
Rhubarb / Rheum rhabarbarum / Edible
Salad burnet / Sanguisorba minor / Edible
Sorrel / Rumexscutatus / Edible
Spinach / Spinaceaoleracea / Edible
Stinging Nettle / Urticadioica / Edible, mulch
Flowering Ground Covers
Strawberry / Fragaria spp. / Fruit, flowers
Nasturtium / Tropaeolum minus / Edible flowers
Violet / Viola spp. / Edible flowers
Grape / Vitisvinifera / Fruit
Hardy Kiwi / Actinidiaarguta / Fruit, flowers
Hops / Humuluslupulus / Medicinal
Scarlet Runner Bean / Phaseoluscoccineus / Edible, N-fixer, flowers
Wisteria / Wisteria floribunda / N-fixer, flowers
Leaving the planet in better condition than we found it.
Midwest Permaculture