Proposal Status ______(Office Use Only)

College for Seniors (CFS) Course Proposal FormDate submitted:

Please answer all questions.

New instructor to CFS? Yes ___ No ___ If this is a repeat course, list term and year:

First time CFS instructors: Include a summary of your experience pertinent to course being proposed.

Have you taken any classes at the College for Seniors? _____yes _____no

1. Name of Course:

2. Instructor:

3. Mailing address:

4. Telephone (home): (cell phone):

5. E-mail address: Include email address in catalog? yes ___ no____

6. Additional instructors (name, mailing address, telephone, e-mail):

7. Instructor bio for catalog (40 words or less)

8. Course description (70 words or less)

9. Requested term/year: ______

10. Course length: ___ 4 weeks ___ 6 weeks ___ 8 weeks ___ other: ______

11. Are you willing to teach more than one section of this course in the same term? yes ___ no ___

12. Suggested class size: ______

13. Describe any special space needs:

14. Course Schedule:We are trying to be as flexible as possiblein scheduling courses. Please list:

What are best times/days for you to teach? (Class times are: 9-11 am, 11:30 am-1:30 pm, and 2-4 pm) (Film/Studio Arts courses may be 2 ½-3 hours; Health & Wellness courses may be 1 ½ hours)


What times/days are you NOT available to teach?


NOTE: We may contact you if we are not able to accommodate your scheduled times.

15. Location if other than Reuter Center:

16. Audio/Visual Equipment requiredother than what is standard in the rooms (computer, LCD projector,

VCR, DVD, microphone, remote mouse, whiteboard)


____ None Required

17. Do you have any special software requirements? ______

18. Copies for Participants: Preferred method is to send as attachment(s) in an email or post on courseweb page. If paper copies are necessary, the limit is 2 pages per participant per class meeting.

Will you be making paper copies? Yes______No______

If yes, I will need ______copies

19. Textbook: ▢ none needed ▢ recommended ▢ required (should not be over $30)

Author/Title :

ISBN: Price:

20. Any additional fees or materials which the student must purchase? No ____ Yes ____

If so, estimated cost per student is______. Please provide a materials list (especially for arts

and crafts courses). Please note that the instructor is responsible for collecting any fees associated with the course


The Curriculum Committee requires that all new course proposals be accompanied by a course outline, in addition to the standard proposal form.

A course outline serves two important purposes:

1) to help you focus your ideas and organize individual class content so that you may
decide how many sessions are needed and how you will arrange your course.

2) to help members of the Curriculum Committee better understand your course content
so that they can make more informed recommendations to Curriculum Committee.


Course Title: ______

Instructor: ______

Overall Course Objective:(What do you want class participants to know, be able to do, or appreciate as a result of your class?)

Delivery Format: (What learning method will be used such as lecture, discussion, hands on, learning circle and other or combination thereof.

Class Content: (Briefly describe the content of each class (or "session"), describing as many sessions as your course will need; or, if all classes are basically the same, then describe the content and pattern that all classes will follow.)

Session 1:

Session 2:

Session 3:

Session 4:

Session 5:

Session 6:

Session 7:

Session 8:

