On-line access to contract ordering information, terms and conditions, up-to-date pricing, and the option to create an electronic delivery order are available through GSA Advantage a menu-driven database system. The INTERNET address for GSA Advantage! is:

Schedule Title: 00CORP - Professional Services Schedule (PSS)

NAICS: 611699 All Other Miscellaneous Schools and Instruction, 611430 - Professional and Management Development Training, 423450 – Medical, Dental & Hospital Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers.

FSC/PSC Code: U006 and FSC/PSC Code : R499

Special Item Numbers (SIN):

1.  874 4: Training Services: Instructor-Led Training; Web Based Training and Education Courses, Course Development; Test Administration.

2.  C100 03: Ancillary Supplies and/or Services. (NAICS - 423450)

GSA Schedule Contract Number: GS-02F-0047L

For more information on ordering from Federal Supply Schedules click on the FSS Schedules button at

Contract Period: 9/21/2001 - 9/20/2021. Contractor: CPR & First Aid Training Corp.

1202 Heartland Court, Upper Marlboro, MD 20774 (301) 758-8963 Fax: (301) 386-1954 / Email:

Contract Administration: Leon Harvey

Business size: Small, Disadvantaged. Vietnam Era Veteran Owned (SDVOSB)

Customer Information:

1a. Awarded Special Item Numbers: (FSC 6930) SIN: 874 4 Instructor - Led Training

SIN: C100 03 Ancillary Supplies and/or Services

1b. Lowest unit price for each special item number awarded in the contract:

874 4 $300.00. (Adult CPR: Group size up to ten participants, $30.00 for each additional

C100 03 $8.00 Pocket Mask / Shield Resuscitator

1c. N/A.

2.  Maximum Order for both SINs: $1,000,000.00.

3.  Minimum Order: $350.00

4.  Geographic Coverage: 50 United States, Washington DC, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands

5.  Points of Production: Maryland, Washington, DC and Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin

6.  Discount from list prices or statement of net price: Prices attached are net.

7.  Quantity discounts: 2% off for one customer purchasing 3 or more courses during the same year and an additional discount of 2% off of a purchase of $7,000 or more, to the federal government.

8.  Prompt payment terms: 2% in 2-4 days. 1% in 5-10 days. Net 30 days.

9a. Government Purchase Cards are accepted at and below the micro-purchase threshold. Yes.
9b. Government Purchase Cards are accepted above the micro-purchase threshold. Yes.

10. Foreign items: Yes. Canada.

11a. Time of Delivery: ARO 5-7 days.

11b. Expedited delivery: Negotiated at the task order level.

11c. Overnight and 2-day delivery: Negotiated at the task order level

11d. Urgent Requirements: Negotiated at the task order level.

12.  FOB points: Destination within CONUS. OCONUS negotiated at the task order level.

13.  Ordering address: CPR & First Aid Training Corp., P.O. Box 3491, Capital Hts., Md. 20791-3491 13b. Ordering Procedures: Consult with Contractor

14.  Payment address: CPR & First Aid Training Corp., P.O. Box 3491, Capital Hts., Md. 20791-3491

15.  thru 24b: N/A

25.  Data Universal Number System (DUNS) number: 100669899

26.  Notification regarding registration in SAM database: Yes and registration is current.

Capabilities Statement and Pricing pages follow------à

CPR & First, Aid Training Corp. (301) 758-8963

GS-02F-0047L * OOCORP & C100 03

Fact Sheet

General information for Worksite Programs


CPR courses train individuals in the techniques and procedures of maintaining and restoring breathing and circulation to adult, (puberty and above) child (one to puberty), and infant (zero to twelve months) victims, due to sudden illness or accident. Included are techniques for treating victims for choking and the use of barrier devices for rescue breathing. Techniques used to relieve an obstructed airway for both conscious and unconscious choking victims are covered. Information will be provided on how to recognize signs and symptoms of cardiac arrest, heart attack and stroke and entry into the Emergency Medical Services 911 System. Learning is achieved through lectures, video/dvd based demonstration and practice on adult, child and/or infant manikins. Automated External Defibrillator (AED) training is designed to teach participants how to use an AED. Participants are coached through scenarios simulating real-life situations. The CPR/AED course length is 3-4 hours. Professional Rescuer-Two rescuer CPR, mouth-to-mask techniques, and the simultaneous jaw thrust with cervical spine immobilization (modified jaw thrust) and use of the Bag-Mask device (BVM) is available to those who desire it in order to satisfy their professional requirements. Formal written and skills performance testing is required at the Healthcare Provider level with a course length of 3-6 hours for groups. The suggested retraining date is two years.


First aid is the immediate care given to an injured or suddenly ill person until competent medical care, if needed, is obtained. The ability to recognize a serious medical emergency and knowledge of how to get help may mean the difference between life and death. First aid also includes the things that people can do for themselves. Participants are trained in controlling bleeding, bandaging, splinting, first aid for burns, heat and cold emergencies, bites and stings, poisoning, diabetic emergencies and rescues. First aid training sessions are approximately 1.5-3 hours in length. Those who participate in the training will receive a course completion certificate with a suggested retraining date of 2 years.

CPR & First Aid Training Corp. FSS Contract: GS-02F-0047L
/ CPR & First Aid Training Corp.
Contract Information
Federal Supply Schedule 00CORP SINs: 874 4, Instructor Led Training and C100 03, Ancillary Supplies/Services
Contract Number: GS-02F-0047L Contract Period:
September 20, 2011 – September 19,
With One 5-Year Option Period
DUNS No. 100-669-899
Cage Code: 3SMT7 NAICS: 611699, 611430, 611710,
423450, 541690, 541990, 451211
Business size: Small Disadvantaged, Service-Disabled-Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) / We Come To You
·  Training materials are from the American Heart Association or Health & Safety Institute.
·  Each participant shall be given a personal copy of the training materials. Also, students are referred to and , online portals for information and video instruction for post-training updates and reference.
·  Before a certification card is issued participants must demonstrate at a minimum the skills of the initial assessment, initiating the 911 call, perform “high quality” CPR, use of the AED, first-aid for choking and basic bandaging.
·  508 compliance is achieved by using closed captioned videos and accommodations such as placing manikins on table tops, benches and other safe reasonable accommodations as needed. Always with the understanding that actual CPR must be performed with the recipient laying on a firm flat surface.
·  Video and printed course content address the characteristics of choking, heart attack, stroke, sudden cardiac arrest and the “Chain of Survival” for adults, children and infants.
·  Video and printed course content in the AED session include: using the AED, AED precautions, the different sizes of pads and different protocols when using AEDs on adults, children and infants. Additional Cost Items:
·  Mock Cardiac Arrest Drills focus on implementing the Chain of Survival, familiarity with AED locations, operation and trouble- shooting the AED.
·  Shelter-In-Place exercises focus on site specific Emergency Evacuation Plans, SIP locations, recommended supplies and emergency communication.
Representative Contact Information:
Leon Harvey, President CPR & First Aid Training Corp.
P. O. Box 3491, Capitol Heights, MD 20791-3491.
(301) 758-8963 - Fax: (301) 386-1954
Email: Web Site:
Trainer certifications will be forwarded upon contract award.

CPR & First Aid Training Corp.

1202 Heartland Court Upper Marlboro, MD 20774

Phone (301) 758-8963 / Fax: (301) 386-1954


GSA Fee Schedule for Training & Products

Course / Length / Group / Each Added / Renewal
(Hrs) / Size / Cost / Student / Period
For the General Public:
Adult CPR / 3 / Up to 10 / $300.00 / $30.00 / 2
Adult, Child and Infant CPR / 4 / Up to 10 / $375.00 / $35.00 / 2
Infant & Child CPR / 4 / Up to 10 / $375.00 / $35.00 / 2
For Employment Certification:
Adult CPR
Adult, Infant & Child CPR / 3
/ 4 -8
4 - 8 / $375.00
$475.00 / $50.00
/ 2
For Healthcare Professionals:
CPR for Healthcare Provider / 6 / 4 - 8 / $475.00 / $55.00 / 2
Additional Courses:
CPR and Automated External
Defibrillator (AED) / 4 / Up to 10 / $500.00 / $50.00 / 2
Basic First Aid / 4 / Up to 10 / $400.00 / $40.00 / 2

C100 03:

Pocket Mask / Shield Resuscitator with condura bag, belt loop, key ring & surgical gloves. $8.00/ea.

-  For the General Public - No written testing or skills evaluation.

-  For employees requiring a certificate documenting “successful completion”. Includes written testing and skills evaluation.

-  For Hea1thcare Professionals - Includes written testing and skills evaluation.

-  For resuscitation purposes, adults refer to persons from the age of puberty and above, children age 1 to puberty, and infants are 0-12 months.

-  All CPR courses include training in the use of a pocket mask/barrier device. Course prices include textbooks.

-  Please add $50.00 to the course fee when a six-hour course is conducted in two separate training sessions over two separate training days to cover costs incurred for extra travel and set-up time.

-  If enrollment exceeds ten, we will either provide a second instructor or add additional time and manikins in order to assure high quality training.

CPR &. First Aid Training Corp. Fees current through September 2021.

The end.