Directory of Northamptonshire Food Poverty
Collaboration network
The information in this appendix provides a basic ‘snapshot’ and tool for communication with the network members. All the projects are listed in alphabetical order and the information and details are correct and have been checked with the representative of each of the projects. This information can be published and shared and in provided in the spirit of collaboration and best practice.
Within the Collaboration, members provide a diverse range of food poverty initiatives and some are able to offer ‘added value’ through their organisations own resource or network. Thus the support in communities across the county is varied but instrumental in address real need at point of contact. Activities identified include:
-Access to hot meal/s
-Food parcel for clients, mainly via locally-run partner agency, referral voucher scheme
-Homelessness shelter andservices
-Activities and support for people isolated, with poor mental health and adults with learningdisabilities.
-Partnership working with local agencies( housing and welfare), some food retailers and other voluntary sectorpartners.
-‘Pathways of Progress’- activities aimed at moving service users nearing to alleviating the causes of poverty and need:-
~ Cooking on a Budget
~ Job-Search and Employability skills support
~ Christians Against Poverty – debt-management and advice service
Date compiled: 20th November 2012 Author: Wendi Buchanan
For Northamptonshire Community Foundation and Food Poverty Collaboration group.
31BillingRoadMain contact: JillianPowell
NorthamptonRole: LifetimeManager
Preferred method ofcontact: Phone2nd contact: DaveAbbott Tel: 01604 611200 (Mon – Fri 9am–5pm) Role: TransportCo-ordinator
Email:gistered CharityNo.1059995
Food Poverty activity
Fleet transport (minibuses) plus volunteer driver network to support food donation collections and food parcel delivery.
Additional related activity – adding value to the FP service.
Referral agency for food poverty ‘money and debtmanagement’,
Holistic support for 55+ agegroup
Cooking for One (incl.cookbook)
‘Get Set Go’ – health and wellbeing course for over55’s.
Drop –in and Café plus Adult Careservices
Referral process, Over 55’s
Phone - local health and welfare agencies, familyreferrals
c/o ChristChurchMain contact: DavidWiseman
The Vicarage, 3 ChristChurchRdRole:ProjectLeaderNN15BQ
Preferred method ofcontact: Email2nd contact: Liz
Email:le: Cook &Projectfacilitator Tel: 01604 633254 (Tues 11am –1pm)
Food Poverty activity
‘Meal plus One’ – 6-week Cookery course
Participants, many of whom have little or no experience of cooking a meal for themselves, and mainly are jobless. Learn to cook a dish on a budget (approx £2.50) share lunch together and have a meal to take away (for another time, or to share with someone). Also reduces social isolation and inter-personal skills.
Additional related activity – adding value to the FP service.
Links with the Monday Job-club (11.30 –12.30pm)
Encourages local food retails to support initiative. New local support donation site with local shop – Annilla Accessories (BirchfieldRoad).
Referral process
Self-referral and local community organisations, partners in Churches Togethernetwork
BLACKTHORN GOOD NEIGHBOURS - Families, Food & Community
Blackthorn Community &Children’sCentreMain contact:JoJackson LongmeadCourt Role:ProjectCo-ordinator Blackthorn,
Northampton2nd contact: KayCragg
NN38QDRole: Children’s Ctr.Lead
Preferred method of contact: Email
Email:gistered CharityNo.1107071Tel: 01604 413504 (best day~Wednesday)
Food Poverty activity
A range of food activities; aimed at families having fun, learning new ‘thrift’ skills together. Parents and children cookery sessions – Frugal Christmas ~ cooking, making decorations and presents, family and community Christmas events.
Additional related activity – adding value to the FP service.
Surestart ‘Young Mums cookery course’ - with link to provide opportunity for mum’s to ‘use their new skills, helping plan, prep and cook food for theevents.
Referral process
Phone - local health and welfare agencies, familyreferrals
C/oHopeCentreMain contact: AdamBoyd
NN17 4AP
Preferred method ofcontact: Email2nd contact: LouiseTaylor
Email:le: FBDevelopmentAssistant Tel: 01536 737588 (Mon-Wed –Fri 10am–3pm)
Food Poverty activity
FoodBank in 3 communities of Corby
Runs a Foodbank from the main hub – Hope Centre, plus two additional outreach sites on local estates ~ Beanfield (Mondays 1- 3pm) and Studfall Road (Wednesday’s 10 – 12pm). Aims to open fourth site on Kingswood Estate in early December.
Additional related activity – adding value to the FP service.
Signposting to money management and debtcounselling
Hospitality and social support to reduce isolation Referralprocess
Phone, local health and welfare and communityagencies
TheAbbeyCentreMain contact: RobKinning
MarketSquareRole: TransportCo-ordinator
Preferred method of contact: Phone
Tel: 01327 701665 (Mon – Fri 9.30am–4.30pm)Registered Charity No.XR64125Email:
Food Poverty activity
Providing transportation support of food donations to local FoodBank – Vineyard and other Food Poverty Collaboration partners and vulnerable clients in Daventry district. Can provide some additional delivery, via pool of volunteer drivers to rural locations in west, south Northants, incl. Harpole, Kislingbury and Towcester.
Additional related activity – adding value to the FP service.
Promote the project in DACT Christmas Newsletter to DACT members, volunteer drivers,etc
Access to additional support through the countywide community transportnetwork.
Referral process
Local health service and welfare agencies, self and familyreferrals.
VineyardCommunityChurchMain contact: LindaGee
VineyardHouseRole: ProjectManager
Warwick Street Daventry
Northamptonshire2nd contact: SheilaPreece
NN114ALRole: Food BankAssistant
Preferred method of contact: EMAIL
Tel: 07576 663968 (Mon – Fri 10am–12.30am)
Food Bank activity – collection of donations of food to provide food parcels for vulnerable people around Daventry district. Donations from public can be dropped off during open hours. Links with local referral agencies and voucher system.
Additional related activity – adding value to the FP service.
Linked in with Christian Against Poverty ‘Money and debt counsellingservice’.
Employability support with in-house ‘Go-Online’ centre and volunteertrainers
Some donations are also sent out to troops in Afghanistan. Referralprocess
Local health, community welfare agencies, self and family referrals. Including: Women’s Refuge, Bromford, MayDay Trust, Mental Health Team and DACTnetwork.
Collection and additional welfare support provided through Vineyard Churchteam.
DaylightCentreFellowshipMain contact: SharonFarley
10HighStreetRole: CentreAssistant
NorthantsT: 01933446494
Preferred method of contact: EMAIL
Tel:01933446490(Mon – Fri 10am–2pm)Registered Charity No.1100809
Food Poverty activity
Serves a diverse client base – regular users, isolated and vulnerable. Provides low- cost meals for vulnerable in needs and homeless in theWellingborougharea. 3 course lunch @ £1.30 (discretionary meals available forparticipation)
Food parcels for vulnerable.
Referral process
- Local health service and welfare agencies, self and family referrals Additional related activity – adding value to the FPservice.
Daylight Centre is likely to be host organisation for Emergency ColdWeather Shelter in Wellingborougharea.
East NorthantsCommunityServicesMain contact: MarkLees
The Full Gospel Church &ChristianCtr.Role:TeamLeader60 High StreetSouth
Rushden2nd contact: MariaBorg
NN100QYRole: Operations & SupportMgr.
Preferred method of contact: Phone
Tel: 01933 353946 (Mon – Fri 10am–2pm)M:07956011402
Food Poverty activity
FoodBank activity – collection of donations for food to provide food parcels for vulnerable and meals for homeless in the EN area. FoodBank runs Monday & Friday (9am – 2pm), for collection of parcel at 50p.
Additional related activity – adding value to the FP service.
- Money management and debt counselling, benefits advice, employabilitysupport
- The Cornerfield Café provides hospitality and social support to reduce isolation Referralprocess
- Local health service and welfare agencies, self and familyreferrals
R eferral process
- P hone - local health and w elfare agencies, fam ily referrals
C/o NorthamptonHopeCentreMain contact: RichardAppleby
Mailingaddressonly:Role: ProjectManager
35 – 37 Campbell Street
Northampton2nd contact: Julie
Preferred method of contact: Email
Email:: 01604 602456(Wednesday’s)
Food Poverty activity
Cooking on a Budget course for clients. Provides opportunity to enhance life-skills and also see if this is area of work, they may be skilled and interested to develop.
For some may be opportunity with commitment to ‘move on to Hope Catering Service’.
Additional related activity – adding value to the FP service.
Hope Catering is part of social enterprise, providing ‘hand up’ option to join their quality cateringservice.
Referral process
From Oasis House (partnershipmembers)
C/oCentral Vineyard
42 Sheep Street
Main contact: SteveGee
: 01604 328046Registered charity No.1128417
Food Poverty activity
FoodBank activity – collection of donations of food to provide food parcels for vulnerable via network of support hubs around Northampton (see website for days and details). Works with over 40 referral agencies and voucher system.
Additional related activity – adding value to the FP service.
Linked in with Christian against poverty ‘Money and debt counsellingservice’.
Christmas In a Box – Request for donation of items to help with Christmas for parcels recipients.
Referral process
Local health service and welfare agencies, self and family referrals. Collection and additional welfare support provided through network of communitychurches.
SpringsFamilyCentreMain contact: CliveIreson
9TowerStreet.Role: TeamLeader
Preferred method of contact: Email
Email:el:07703185740(Mon – Fri 10am–4pm)W:springsfc
Food Poverty activity
‘Meal on A Budget’ – 7-week Cookery course
Young people participate in short course; many of whom have little or no experience of cooking a meal for themselves. Learn to cook a dish on a budget (approx £2.50) share lunch together and have a meal to take away (for another time, or to share with someone). Also reduces social isolation and inter-personal skills.
Additional related activity – adding value to the FP service.
- Works with NCC and their ‘basic Skillscourse’.
- links with local business’s to provide placement / mentoring to young people. Referralprocess
- Local health service and welfare agencies, self and familyreferrals
KETTERING FOODBANK ~St.Jude's(NB: not formally part of NFPCollaboration)
St. Jude’sCommunityDrop-InMain contact: DaveGoddard
5 St.Jude’sCourt.Role: ProjectLeader(joint) Kettering
NN157JH2nd contact: TonyStone
Role: Project Leader (joint).
Preferred method of contact: Email
Tel: 01536 415495 (Mon – Fri 10am–2pm)M:07591529387
Food Poverty activity
FoodBank activity – collection of donations for food to provide food parcels for vulnerable and community café meals. FoodBank runs Monday & Friday (9am – 2pm), for collection of parcel at 50p.
Additional related activity – adding value to the FP service.
- Money management and debt counselling, benefits advice, employabilitysupport
- Homeless Support &Advice
- Part of ENFG and linked with ENCS (Rushden) and supported by Churches Together Referralprocess
- Local health service and welfare agencies, self and familyreferrals
R eferral process
- P hone - local health and w elfare agencies, fam ily referrals