2018 UCWL Novice Tournament


Date: Saturday February 3, 2018

Location: Aberdeen High School

251 Paradise Rd.

Aberdeen, MD 21001


Gate: $3 for adults 18 and up

At this event last year we had an enormous turnout, and will result in a very long and slow day. All teams will need to contribute a great deal of help to the running of the tournament, to ensure that we put on an event that is a good experience for all wrestles and their parents.

Format: 4 man round robin groups, wrestling 3 one-minute periods with 30 sec. overtime followed by 30 second rideout. Medals will be awarded based on:


-In the event of tied record, margin of victory

Set up: The gym will be set up Friday February 2, 2018. Teams must send TWO (2) representatives for Setup: Time: 7PM Teams Responsible:

Bel Air

Rising Sun


North East

Havre de Grace

Officials: MWOA (this will free coaches to be able to help organize the tournament)


7 &UNDER (divided into 5U, and 6-7) will weigh in from 7am-8am, and wrestle by 8:30am. Wrestling hopefully will conclude by 11:00am, but will likely run longer.

8-10 will weigh in from 10:30am-11:30am, and wrestle by 12:00pm. Wrestling will hopefully conclude by 2:00pm-2:30pm.

11-14 will weigh in from 1:00pm-2:00pm, and wrestle by 2:30pm. They should be done by 4:30pm.

Any delay or lack of organization on our part in the early rounds of the tournament will create a problem for all groups that come afterwards. With the room set up for 4 mats, it will be very crowded in the gym, and the situation will rapidly get uncomfortable if we have one age group sitting around waiting for another to finish. INSTEAD OF LINING UP KIDS, DIVIDING THEM INTO GROUPS, AND GETTING THEM TO THEIR ASSIGNED MATS DURING EACH OF THE THREE WEIGH IN TIMES WE WILL BE USING TRACK WRESTLING TO GROUP WRESTLERS INTO THE GROUPS. PLEASE INPUT YOU NOVICE WRESTLERS INTO THE NOVICE TOURNAMENT OF TRACK WRESTLING.

Team responsibilities:

All teams will be responsible for staying through the duration of the tournament, even if they don’t have kids wrestling. A list of team assignments is below.

Each team must provide coverage for: Gate, Score table, Weigh in/mat assignment help, Facility security.


Team / Time
Aberdeen / 7:00-8:00Am
Aberdeen / 8:00-9:00Am
Havre de Grace / 9:00-10:30Am
Kent / 10:30-12:00Pm
North East / 12:00-1:30Pm
North Baltimore / 1:30-3:00Pm

Head Table:

League Officers will run the head table

Weigh Ins:

Group / Time / Team
7 & Under / 7:00am-8:00am / Ab/ BA/RS/NBWC
8- 10 Years Old / 10:30am- 11:30am / Ab/BA/Smy/HdG
11- 14 Years Old / 1:00pm- 2:00Pm / AB/BA/RS/NBWC

Table Coverage:

Three (3) people total, at least two (2) adults, one must be knowledgeable on scoring

Time / Team Name
Mat 1 / 7U & Under / Aberdeen
Mat 2 / Bel Air
Mat 3 / Havre de Grace
Mat 4 / North East
Mat 1 / 8-10 Years Old / Aberdeen
Mat 2 / NBWC
Mat 3 / Rising Sun
Mat 4 / Edgewood
Mat 1 / 11- 14 Years Old / Aberdeen
Mat 2 / Golden Ring
Mat 3 / HdG
Mat 4 / North East

Tournament Clean Up:

Tournament clean up will occur on after the Competitive Tournament. ALL Teams to provide FOUR (4) representatives: