- Present: Chair: Ann Bennett, Vice Chair: Bob Illing,Joan Adams, Clive Gerrard, June Hatch, Jennifer Wood, Sarah Hough, Martin Cocker, David Lindop
2. Apologies:Jill Crosby, Christopher Cook, Brenda Cowley, Alyson Horton,
3.Minutes of AGM held Tues November 2nd 2010 - Accepted
4. Chairman’s Report.
The Chairman’s Report was presented to the group who accepted it.A copy of the Chairman’s Report can be obtained on request from the PPG.
Matters arising from the Chairman’s Report:
a)Flu clinic feedback – there was confusion over the dates of the flu clinics as dates were advertised which subsequently had to be changed as a result of double-booking at the Frank Wickham Hall in Etwall. The PPG would like to understand how this happened to prevent the situation recurring next year.
In addition, it was felt that the contents of the vaccine shouldbe publicised so that patients know exactly whatstrains of flu they are being vaccinated against.
Action : to be reviewed with the practice at a future PPG meeting.
b)JohnPortSchool – Ann has e-mailed the Head at JohnPort to investigate the possibility of getting some members of the school involved in the PPG but has yet to receive a response.
Action: Ann to provide an update at the next meeting.
5. Appointment of Officers for 2011-2012.
It was agreed by the PPG that Ann Bennett shall continue as Chairperson with Bob Illing continuing to hold the position of Vice Chairman. Sarah Hough will continue as Secretary.
6. Membership.
Clive Gerrard advised that he wished to stand down as a member of the PPG after many years of service. The group thanked Clive for his contribution and would welcome Clive back to the PPG if he wishes to rejoin at any time.
7. Approval of the Constitution.
The constitution was approved by all members. Consideration will need to be given to how we incorporate e-members into the constitution.
Action: Sarah Hough to ensure this is an agenda item at a future meeting.
8. Any Other Business.
-The Chairperson’s report should be uploaded onto the PPG web page.
Action: Practice to update the PPG website with the Chairman’s report.
-PPG Practice Survey to be included as an activity for the PPG in 2012.
-Jenny Wood commented that she has recently spent some time at the RoyalDerbyHospital as an observer in order to highlight areas of best practice and areas for improvement. She wondered if a similar scheme might benefit the practice?
It was also wondered whether a PPG presence at practice meetings might be beneficial?
Action: To be discussed further at a future PPG meeting.
It was felt that reception continues to be a problem as patients sometimes have to wait a long time to speak to a receptionist whilst staff can be seen in the back office which is frustrating for patients.
Action: To be discussed as part of the Staff Update at the next meeting.
-Saturday morning surgery
The PPG are interested to know if Saturday morning appointments have proved popular with patients and wondered how the out of hours funding works now?
Action: To be discussed at a further PPG meeting.
-Doctors manning Reception to reduce the number of requests for same day appointments?
A member of the PPG commented that when a surgery had trialled having a doctor on reception to ‘screen’ requests for same day appointments there was a dramatic reduction in the number of same day appointments required. This was believed to be because patients were happier to give medical details to a doctor rather than a receptionist and also because a doctor could provide reassurance in a way that a receptionist could not.
Action: PPG and practice to discuss this further at a future meeting.
-Future Meetings
It was decided that as far as possible, future PPG meetings shall take place on the first Tuesday of each alternate month, starting with a meeting on Tuesday 3rd January 2012.* Further meetings are therefore planned to take place on:
Tuesday 6th March
Tuesday 1st May
Tuesday 3rd July
Tuesday 4th September
Tuesday 6th November (AGM).
*NB: this meeting was later changed to the 24th January 2012.
9. Time and Date of Next Meeting : AGM Tuesday 24th January 2012 at 2pm.
Meeting closed at 3.45pm.