/ Name:______Date: ______Period: ____ /
World History
Unit #3 Middle Ages in Europe

The Vikings

DIRECTIONS: Label the following countries and bodies of water. Create borders between countries where necessary. Draw arrows to show the routes of Viking voyages.

Norway / Sweden / Denmark / England
Iceland / Ireland / Scotland / Scandinavia
Baltic Sea / Gulf of Bothnia / North Sea / English Channel
Atlantic Ocean / Norwegian Sea / Black Sea / Mediterranean Sea
Greenland / New Foundland / Constantinople / Russia

The Vikings were European people from Scandinavia (Finland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden), who began around the 400's AD to make frequent raids by boat into Europe, even going into the Mediterranean Sea and raiding parts of Italy. The Vikings began attacking the Atlantic coast of southern France around 400 AD. The goal of many Vikings was not to conqueror but to simply attack an area and steal all the valuables and supplies from the people there.

In 860 AD, another branch of Vikings migrated south into Russia to trade with Constantinople. In Russia, the Vikings gradually mixed with the Slavs who were living there and founded the country of Russia. Together, the Slavs and the Vikings took their boats down the Dnieper river to the Black Sea, where they traded and also raided the Roman territory around Constantinople, though they could not take the city itself. By about 1100, they had converted to Christianity.

By 1000 AD, some of the Vikings settled in northern France, where they were called the Normans, or Northmen, and the area where they settled is still called Normandy. Here they also converted to Christianity. At around the same time, some Vikings sailed west as Iceland, Greenland, and even as far as Nova Scotia, in modern Canada. The Vikings settled in Iceland and Greenland, but only stayed in Canada for a short time, because the Native people there were too strong for them.

The ships built by the Vikings were much betterthan the Keels used by the Angles and Saxons whenthey came to England. The Viking Longboat orDragon Boat was nearly 24 meters in length andabout 5 meters in width. It was deeper than the

Saxon Keel and it had a great square sail that wasoften painted in stripes of red, blue, or green. Thelongboat was pointed at both ends. This made iteasier to use in narrow fjords or in rivers, as theship could be moved forwards or backwards withouthaving to turn around. The mast could be taken down in calm weather and the ship was thendriven by the oarsmen. A great wooden paddle was fixed to the right hand side of thevessel. This was the steering board side from which we get our word Starboard. The bowhad a ferocious dragon’s head carved on it to scare enemies. Life was very hard on a Vikingship. The only cover against the sea water or rain was a sheet drawn over the centre of theship. The chief might sleep on a pile of skins and the crew would have skin sleeping bags.There were no hammocks or cabins, only rough wooden benches for the rowers. When theoars were not being used, the crew were able tohang their shields over the sides.

During the long winter season, when the Vikingswere unable to go on raiding voyages, a good dealof time would be spent in repairs, making goodrotten timber, renewing ropes and sails andkeeping weapons in trim. Then when the Springcame, the Viking longboat would be ready for sea


Add the following events to the timeline:

Vikings settle Iceland

Erik the Red settles Greenland

Leif Ericson reaches New Foundland

Make a “To Do List” for Vikings during the winter months;

(1) ______

(2) ______

(3) ______

(4) ______

Viking longboats were much better than Saxon (5)______. The

longboats were driven by(6) ______and a great square (7)______.

A wooden paddle was fixed to the (8)______side.

What was the name of the Viking who discovered Greenland? (9)______

What was the name of the Viking who explored North America nearly 500 years before

Columbus? (10)______

What part of Europe the Vikings come from? (11)______

What was the goal of the Vikings? (12)______

List a place the Vikings attacked?(13)______

Who did the Vikings mix with and found the country of Russia? (14) ______

What year did the Vikings become Christians? (15)______

What does the word Normans mean? (16)______

The Normans live in an area called what? (17)______

Why did the Vikings leave Canada?(18)______

Who took control of England after the Romans left? (19)______

How many years were the Romans in England (20)______