Code of Ethics for Members


This code lays out the standards of behaviour and interaction required by members of the Association.

Given the concern about the large numbers of unwanted dogs being presented for rehoming which has been the motivation for the creation of SHWA(UK), it is crucially important that SHWA(UK) members, while working to alleviate the problem are not seen to be acting in any way which might be considered as adding to it. For this reason, all members will be asked to agree to the following code of ethics as a condition of joining the Association.

Although many of the Code’s clauses represent universal moral positions which are unlikely to change over time, others may reflect particular concerns of the membership at particular times. In view of this, it seems appropriate that the Code of Ethics should be reviewed by the Association committee on a regular bi-annual basis. Any proposed changes would need to be presented to the AGM of the association and, in order to be adopted, must be agreed by a clear majority of the membership present.

Membership of the Association is open to all those who support the objectives of the Association, pay the appropriate annual membership fee and agree to abide by the constitution of the Association and the Code of Ethics for Members.

Code of Ethics

As a member of the Association), I agree


1.  to promote the best interests of the breed by explaining honestly to the public in general as well as to prospective owners , both the advantages and disadvantages of owning the breed.

2.  to help, befriend and advise newcomers to the breed.

3.  always to behave (or to encourage your dogs to behave) in a manner which will promote understanding of the breed and which will enhance the good reputation of both the Association and the breed as a whole.

4.  to do nothing which will bring the breed and/or the association into disrepute.

5.  where arguments over policy etc arise within the Association, to conduct discussions in an adult and logical manner – avoiding personal insult and abuse.

6.  to conduct myself in line with the accepted rules of good sportsmanship when involved in any husky related activity – showing, racing, training etc.

7.  to promote the welfare of the breed by supporting breed rescue in any way possible.

I also agree to abide by the Association code regarding:


The increasing popularity of the breed has seen an accompanying increase in the numbers of litters bred – often without the appropriate health checks, home checks of prospective owners, or concern for little else that the money to be made from puppy sales. There is no place for such ”breeders” in an organisation dedicated to the health and welfare of Siberian Huskies and the following rules have been created with this in mind:

8.  No Association member will breed more than 3 litters in any two year period. Any member exceeding this will have their membership suspended until they explain the circumstances to a committee meeting. The committee may, depending upon the circumstances, lift the suspension, set a time limit on the suspension, or expel the member.

9.  Members who breed must take full responsibility for all the puppies they breed. No puppies should be homed without a signed witnessed contract stating that if the dog cannot be kept by the new owners, it must be returned to the breeder who will make arrangements for its care and/or appropriate rehoming.

10.  Members will work to preserve the good health of the breed by ensuring that their actions do not increase the likelihood of hereditary defects within the breed; by

(a)  keeping informed about current developments in breed genetics in order to more effectively work to eradicate hereditary defects.

(b)  Ensuring that any dogs/bitches mated are screened for hereditary eye problems and potential hip dysplacia. [1] Members will not breed from dogs/bitches who have failed eye tests or whose hip scores are unacceptable (see Note 1 below). Puppy sales/rehoming contracts must include breeding restrictions – “progeny not to be registered” - (see 13 below) which will not be lifted until satisfactory hip and eye test results have been confirmed for both the dog/bitch and its prospective mate.

(c)  Being honest and open about any other hereditary health problems which you may discover affecting your bloodlines.

(d)  Promoting health testing amongst those who are not Association members.

11.  Members intending to breed have a responsibility to assure themselves objectively that both their own dog and its prospective partner are of sufficient quality both in terms of conformation (measured by the breed standard) and temperament. Breeders must also assure themselves that the pedigrees and conformation of the prospective mates are compatible and likely to improve the breed.

12.  No bitch should be bred from until they are at least two years old or after they are 7 years old. No bitch should be bred from on consecutive seasons. Dogs should not be used at stud until they have reached at least 2 years old. If a stud service is refused, the member who owns the dog will explain the reasons why this has been done .

13.  Members must not allow their dog/bitch to be mated to Siberian Husky dogs/bitches which are not KC registered, or to those which have not had KC Registration Endorsement – “progeny not to be registered” – removed by its breeder. Under no circumstances must members allow their Siberian Husky dog/bitch to be mated to a dog/bitch of any other breed/crossbreed.

14.  Members will not sell puppies to dealers, wholesalers, pet shops or known puppy farmers. They will discourage anyone interested in the breed from buying from such a source.

15.  The association will monitor member’s breeding programmes and will actively discourage the breeding of Siberian Huskies for profit by strictly enforcing the rule in section 9 above.

16.  Any member suspected to be in breach of this code of conduct will be called before the committee which will hear evidence and make a decision. A member found guilty of such a breach may be warned, suspended or expelled from the Association depending upon the seriousness of the breach.

[1] Dogs and bitches must be tested for Hereditary Cataracts, Persistent Retinal Atrophy (PRA) and Glaucoma. Testing for (Persistent Pupilliary Membrane) is desirable but not essential.

Hip Scores should not exceed 20 when the scores of both dog and bitch are added together. Neither partner should have a score higher than 14.