DNREC – Air Quality Management Section
Instructions: Application to Construct Operate or Modify Stationary Sources
Instructions for AQM-5: Emissions Information Application
1. Provide the number of individual pieces of process equipment in the process. Note that each individual piece of process equipment should have a corresponding AQM-3 form included in this application.
2. Provide the number of individual control devices in the process. Note that each individual control device should have a corresponding AQM-4 form included in this application.
3. Provide the emission point name for the first emission point or stack. Note that this name should correspond to an emission point name on one of the AQM-3 or AQM-4 forms included in this application.
4. Provide the equipment ID numbers for all of the individual pieces of process equipment and control devices that vent through this emission point. Note that the equipment IDs listed should correspond to equipment IDs in the AQM-3 and AQM-4 forms included in this application.
5. Provide the pollutant emissions for this emission point. Include the following: the CAS number, the maximum controlled emission rate at design capacity in pounds per hour or pounds per day, the maximum controlled emission rate at design capacity in pounds per hour or pound per day (if a control device is not used, enter “NA.”), the annual potential to emit in tons per year, and the expected actual annual emissions. Note that the potential to emit should be calculated based upon the definition of potential to emit in 7 DE Admin. Code 1130 available at: http://www.awm.delaware.gov/AQM/Pages/AirRegulations.aspx. The expected actual emissions should reflect the proposed operating hours provided on Form AQM-1. Note that the form requires that volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) be listed as a group and by individual component. Any pollutants that are emitted at less than 0.2 pounds per day do not have to be listed.
6. Provide any additional information necessary to understanding the emission rates provided in Question 5.
7. Provide the emission point name for the second emission point or stack. Note that this name should correspond to an emission point name on one of the AQM-3 or AQM-4 forms included in this application.
8. Provide the equipment ID numbers for all of the individual pieces of process equipment and control devices that vent through this emission point. Note that the equipment IDs listed should correspond to equipment IDs in the AQM-3 and AQM-4 forms included in this application.
9. Provide the pollutant emissions for this emission point. Include the following: the CAS number, the maximum controlled emission rate at design capacity in pounds per hour or pounds per day, the maximum controlled emission rate at design capacity in pounds per hour or pound per day (if a control device is not used, enter “NA.”), the annual potential to emit in tons per year, and the expected actual annual emissions. Note that the potential to emit should be calculated based upon the definition of potential to emit in 7 DE Admin. Code 1130 available at: http://www.awm.delaware.gov/AQM/Pages/AirRegulations.aspx. The expected actual emissions should reflect the proposed operating hours provided on Form AQM-1. Note that the form requires that volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) be listed as a group and by individual component. Any pollutants that are emitted at less than 0.2 pounds per day do not have to be listed.
10. Provide any additional information necessary to understanding the emission rates provided in Question 9.
11. Provide the emission point name for the third emission point or stack. Note that this name should correspond to an emission point name on one of the AQM-3 or AQM-4 forms included in this application.
12. Provide the equipment ID numbers for all of the individual pieces of process equipment and control devices that vent through this emission point. Note that the equipment IDs listed should correspond to equipment IDs in the AQM-3 and AQM-4 forms included in this application.
13. Provide the pollutant emissions for this emission point. Include the following: the CAS number, the maximum controlled emission rate at design capacity in pounds per hour or pounds per day, the maximum controlled emission rate at design capacity in pounds per hour or pound per day (if a control device is not used, enter “NA.”), the annual potential to emit in tons per year, and the expected actual annual emissions. Note that the potential to emit should be calculated based upon the definition of potential to emit in 7 DE Admin. Code 1130 available at: http://www.awm.delaware.gov/AQM/Pages/AirRegulations.aspx. The expected actual emissions should reflect the proposed operating hours provided on Form AQM-1. Note that the form requires that volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) be listed as a group and by individual component. Any pollutants that are emitted at less than 0.2 pounds per day do not have to be listed.
14. Provide any additional information necessary to understanding the emission rates provided in Question 13.
15. Provide the emission point name for the fourth emission point or stack. Note that this name should correspond to an emission point name on one of the AQM-3 or AQM-4 forms included in this application.
16. Provide the equipment ID numbers for all of the individual pieces of process equipment and control devices that vent through this emission point. Note that the equipment IDs listed should correspond to equipment IDs in the AQM-3 and AQM-4 forms included in this application.
17. Provide the pollutant emissions for this emission point. Include the following: the CAS number, the maximum controlled emission rate at design capacity in pounds per hour or pounds per day, the maximum controlled emission rate at design capacity in pounds per hour or pound per day (if a control device is not used, enter “NA.”), the annual potential to emit in tons per year, and the expected actual annual emissions. Note that the potential to emit should be calculated based upon the definition of potential to emit in 7 DE Admin. Code 1130 available at: http://www.awm.delaware.gov/AQM/Pages/AirRegulations.aspx. The expected actual emissions should reflect the proposed operating hours provided on Form AQM-1. Note that the form requires that volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) be listed as a group and by individual component. Any pollutants that are emitted at less than 0.2 pounds per day do not have to be listed.
18. Provide any additional information necessary to understanding the emission rates provided in Question 17.
19. Provide the overall process emissions. Include the following: the CAS number, the maximum controlled emission rate at design capacity in pounds per hour or pounds per day, the maximum controlled emission rate at design capacity in pounds per hour or pound per day (if a control device is not used, enter “NA.”), the annual potential to emit in tons per year, and the expected actual annual emissions. Note that the potential to emit should be calculated based upon the definition of potential to emit in 7 DE Admin. Code 1130 available at: http://www.awm.delaware.gov/AQM/Pages/AirRegulations.aspx. The expected actual emissions should reflect the proposed operating hours provided on Form AQM-1. Note that the form requires that volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) be listed as a group and by individual component. Any pollutants that are emitted at less than 0.2 pounds per day do not have to be listed. The overall process emissions should be a summary of the individual emission point information provided above.
20. Provide any additional information necessary to understanding the emission rates provided in Question 19.
21. Indicate whether the process has the potential to emit more than 5 tons per year of any pollutant.
22. Indicate whether the source is new or existing. A new source is any source that is not currently permitted by the Department or any source that is currently permitted by the Department that will be modified in such a way that the fixed capital cost of the new components will exceed 50% of the fixed capital cost of a comparable entirely new source.
NOTE: If the process has the potential to emit more than 5 tons per year of any pollutant and is a new source, a control technology analysis pursuant to 7 DE Admin. Code 1125 Section 4 must be conducted and attached to this application. See http://www.awm.delaware.gov/AQM/Pages/AirRegulations.aspx for a copy of Regulation No. 1125.
23. Indicate whether there is any additional information that is pertinent to this application.
23.1. Provide the additional information.
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Version 2 Created 2/9/2009