Creating a profile in SAIS Users

Any one can create a user profile in SAIS (Services Agency Information Services). To do this you need to follow these steps:

1.  Open your Web Browser (ie. Internet Explorer)

2.  Type the following address in the address bar (See figure 1)

a. (This address is only for users accessing from the base network)

b. (This address is for anyone visiting from a base network or from any other source (ie. Commercial ISP). This site will require a CAC card in order to access the site.

3.  Click on the “New Users” link on the top banner.

Accessing SAIS for the first time

(Figure 1)

4.  This will take you to a screen to create your profile. Fill up the information in the screen

a.  Branch. The branch of service you belong (ie. Air Force)

b.  Level. The level you are (ie. Base, Majcom)

c.  Area. Select a functional area or program that best identifies you. If not sure pick one from the list that closest defines what your function is.

d.  Title. You title

e.  Other personal information including address (your work address) and your duty telephone numbers

f.  Password. Password must contain one special character, at least one Upper case character and at least one lower case character and a minimum of 8 characters total.

g.  Pin. This is a four digits number. The pin number is a second level of authentication that will server as the identification in case you need your password reset. This number will have to be given to an administrator in case you need to reset your password. We recommend that you pick four digits you remember but do not pick personal numbers because you will have to give this to your administrator in order to reset your password or unlock your account.

Once you have filled out the form click the “Save” button to save your profile. This will take you to the main menu of SAIS. (See next step)

5.  In the main menu of SAIS you will see that there are no application links available to you since you have not been grated access to any applications yet. In order to obtain access to an application in SAIS you need to click the “Request Access” link (See figure below).

6.  When you click on request access (see previous step), you will be directed to a page that displays all the existing applications in SAIS. Select the application that you need access to by selecting the link on the application name.

7.  When you click on the application that you are requesting access a brief description of the application is displayed and also the majcom and base drop downs. To get a list of contact information for administrators of the application, select your duty majcom and base and the click the “Get List” button. This action will display the list of current administrators that can help you get access to the application.)

8.  Once you have the list of the application administrators click on one of them to initiate an email to that person. (see next step).

9.  The action of clicking on the link will open an outlook (or other email tool you use) screen to send an email with the message requesting access to the application. The administrator will contact you if more information is needed from you. Once the administrator has determined that you can have the need to access the application, he/she will give you access to the application. When you have been grated access to an application the system generates an automatic email notifying you that you have been granted access to the application.