APPLICANT: Complete the lines noted with asterisk (  )

Reference OUFC 2501, 1998 ed.

An assembly building is a building or portion of a building used for the gathering together of 50 or more persons for such purposes as deliberation, education, instruction, workshop, entertainment, amusement, drinking, or awaiting transportation.

In order to maintain safe public assembly areas, the following requirements will be used for guidance in the issuance of a Uniform Fire Code (UFC) permit. The person responsible for the event or facility shall phone the Corvallis Fire Prevention Bureau (766-6961) to request an inspection. Please request inspections providing a minimum of 48 hours advance notice. These guidelines apply to both ongoing and temporary operating uses such as carnivals, fairs, dances, weddings, proms, dining events, and parties, occurring at conference centers, malls, gyms, assembly halls, fairgrounds, and all other like facilities, accommodating 50 or more people.

 1. All decorative material shall be manufactured or treated so that it is flame resistant. These decorations include but are not limited to: drapes, hangings, plastic, paper, and fabric, holiday trees and harvest decorations such as cornstalks, dry branches, and hay. The use of untreated, decorative combustible material is prohibited. OUFC 1103.3.3, 1998 ed.

 2. Ensure that all exits, aisles, doors, corridors, stairs, vestibules, balconies and bridges leading to stairway or exits are kept clear of all obstructions and that doors and exit signs are not concealed or blocked in any way. OUFC 2501.11, 1998 ed.

 3. The total number of occupants, permanent or temporary, in a facility at any time shall be limited to the posted maximum occupant load as determined by the Fire Department and Building Official. Overcrowding and admittance of persons beyond the approved capacity is prohibited. If the area to be occupied for the event is not currently posted, contact the Fire Department to determine the maximum occupant load. OUFC 2501.16, 1998 ed.

 4. Ensure that all fire extinguishers, exit lights, emergency lighting, fire sprinklers, fire alarm manual pull stations, fire alarms, control panels, hose cabinets, and smoke detectors are operable and not concealed or obstructed in any manner. Additionally, ensure that the vehicle and pedestrian access and egress routes outside the structure are maintained free of obstructions. It is the duty of the business owner to ensure that employees are properly trained in the use of the fire safety appliances. OUFC 2501.13, 1998 ed.

 5. The use of candles or any other open-flame device requires a UFC permit from the Fire Prevention Bureau. The use of battery-operated candles as a means of simulating candlelight is encouraged. OUFC 2501.17, 1998 ed.


 6. Outdoor carnivals and fairs with concession stands utilized for cooking shall have a minimum of 10 feet of clearance on two sides and shall not be located within 10 feet of amusements rides or devices. A 40-B:C rated dry chemical fire extinguisher shall be provided where deep-fat fryers are used. In addition, the maximum travel distance to a portable fire extinguisher shall not exceed 75 feet. When utilizing internal combustion power sources, refueling shall be conducted only when the ride is not is use. It shall be isolated from contact with the public. One fire extinguisher with a rating of not less than 2A:10-B:C shall be provided. OUFC 2504, 1998 ed.

 7. Standby personnel may be required due to the number of persons or the nature of the performance, exhibition, display contest or activity. The owner, agent, or lessee shall employ one or more qualified persons, as required by the Fire Prevention Bureau, to be on duty at such place. OUFC 2501.18, 1998 ed.

 8.



I have read, understand, and will adhere to the conditions noted above.

 Signature:

 Printed Name:

 Company Name:

 Job / Event Site:

 Phone # / Date(s) of Event:

Form # 146 1/03