Midland Zone
Meeting: 30th January 2013
Venue: Marong Family Hotel
Apologies: Neil Kerber(Nhill PC), Tracey Arbuckle (St. Arnaud PC), Viv Cole (Stawell PC), Debbie Weir, Christine Linton
Club Representatives:
Ararat -
Bealiba – Faye Barnett, Tracey Baumgartner
Beaufort -
Bendigo – Sue Foley, Rebecca Eaton
Castlemaine –
Charlton – Kaye Blanchard
Donald–Beryl Pearse
Harcourt –
Horsham -
Huntly Spring Gully-
Loddon –
Maldon – Clinton Hedger, Vicki Juniper, Kira Chalmers, Nicki Chalmers, Julie Robins.
Mandurang Sth –Jody Fanning, Jody Fanning, Mindy Bell
Maryborough – Deb Ruff & Linda Gerring
Neanger Park –Mikaya O’Neill, Kim O’Neill, Tahlia Wilson, Glenda Wilson, Laura Grinton, Sandra Grinton.
Nhill –
Stawell –
St Arnaud –
Midland Zone – Don Roach
Confirmation of Minutes:
Moved: Beryl Pearce Seconded: Clinton Hedger
Business Arising from August Minutes:
Job / Responsible / Timeline / CompletedOld Midland Zone documents that requirearchiving to be sent to the Donald History Group (this is where previous Midland Zone documents are archived). / Linda / ongoing
Judges for Zone Dressage Gr 1 - 5 / Beryl / Dec 9th / Yes
2014 State Event Subcommittee meeting / Sue / End of 2012 / Yes
Letter to be sent to PCAV re concerns regarding cone race / Bealiba & Linda / Issue no longer relevant
Midland Zone meetings changes placed on Zone Calendar / Linda / Done
Club contact links placed on Zone website / Linda / Done
Neanger Park to submit at letter to the Zone outlining purposed changes to qualifying for the State Dressage and SJ Teams / Neanger Park / Jan meeting / To be done at March meeting
Email clubs suggesting they set up a Club generic email address / Linda / Done
Set up a Midland Zone email address so that Zone Riders and parents can get emails regarding upcoming events and Zone information / Linda / Jan meeting 2013 / Done
Correspondence In:31th October 2012 to 30th Jan 2013
Email – 145 messages
Club Events/Programs
- St Arnaud PC
- Event
- Clinic
- Beaufort PC
- Clinic
- Bealiba PC
- Event
- Ballan PC HT
- Kergunyah PC HT
- Maryborough
- Event
- Clinic
Midland Zone
- Calender details
- Beaufort PC
- Maryborough PC
- Mandurang Sth PC
- Maldon PC
- Bealiba PC
- Bendigo PC
- Donald PC
- Neanger Park PC
- Bealiba PC - Funeral Details Re Matthew Slade
- State forms sent to Jaclyn Long (Bendigo PC) & Stephanie Horton (Neanger Park PC) to be completed, signed and posted.
- Entries & Enquiries re Zone Dec Event
- Clubs & individuals
- 2014 State Event – meeting details
Lisa Horton RE PCAV State Dressage & SJ Event
- Harriet Eaton Reserve B grade rider position
- Yards for state event
- Attachments re merchandise, meals & reserve riders
- C certificate nominations
- Meeting cancelled
- Position description requests
- Minutes
- Answer to question regarding dates for C certificate
- C certificate Dates for 2013
Lisa Horton RE PCAV State Dressage & SJ Event
- Harriet Eaton Reserve B grade rider position
- Yards for state event
- Attachments re merchandise, meals & reserve riders
- General Info as received
- Lyndsey Anic Harris Entertainment Pty Ltd & Hawkesbury River Saddle Co. – confirming contact details for Aileen Marshall
- Harcourt PC re uniform change request
- Vicki Harper refund request from Dec event
- Faye Barnett & Jody Fanning – request for Zone Calendar
- Viv Cole – change of email address
- Lisa Horton – Horse for Lease
- Christine Linton – Re Aileen Marshall willing to be involved in organising 2014 state event
- - Details of payments received via DD
- Don Roach – results of Dec event
- - response to questions for Scoring at Zone event
- Mandurang Sth – Re Zone Aff. Fees
- Rebecca Henry – enquiry regarding QLD riders competing at Dec SJ event
- Ben (Charlton PC) – change of Rally Days
- Julie Robins change of email address
- Ashleigh Urry Element Photography – request to attend Zone event
- Questions re Zone badges for saddle blankets
- Rachael Webb Harcourt re Zone meetings
Text Message
- Clinton Hedger response to text re Maldon Feb HT
Correspondence Out:
Emails sent: 119 messages
- St Arnaud PC
- Event
- Clinic
- Beaufort PC
- Clinic
- Bealiba PC
- Event
- Ballan PC HT
- Kergunyah PC HT
- Maryborough
- Event
- Clinic
- Midland Zone
- Event
Zone & Clubs
- Maldon cancelled HT event
- C Certificate info
- State event info from Lisa Horton RE PCAV State Dressage & SJ Event
- Zone meeting & minutes
- Clubs re dates changes needed
- Beaufort
- Mandurang Sth
- Matthew Slade – family request for funeral
- State forms sent to Jaclyn Long (Bendigo PC) & Stephanie Horton (Neanger Park PC) to be completed, signed and posted.
- Lyndsey Anic Harris Entertainment Pty Ltd & Hawkesbury River Saddle Co. re Aileen Marshall
- Harcourt PC re uniform change request
- Ashleigh Urry Element Photography – request to attend Zone event
- Zone badges for saddle blankets
- State forms sent to Jaclyn Long (Bendigo PC) & Stephanie Horton (Neanger Park PC) to be completed, signed and posted.
- Faye Barnett & Jody Fanning – request for Zone Calendar
- Zone Calendar
- request for dates
- Calendar posted
- Request for 2nd round of dates
- 2014 State Event – meeting details
- Entries & Enquiries re Zone Dec Event
- Clubs & individuals
- Don Roach & Christine Linton – draw for Dec event
- Lisa Horton - Zone patches
- Rachael Webb Harcourt re Zone meetings
- Vickie Harper – request for refund
- Response to Vicki
- Forwarded to Christine Linton
Text Message
- Sent to Clinton Hedger re program for Maldon HT
Letter from Harcourt Re; uniform colour changes read and discussed.
All agreed that Harcourt can have a Navy Blue jumper as long as it has a yellow sash.
Moved: Rebecca Eaton Seconded: Julie Robins
President Report:
Read by Sue Foley
Treasurers Report:
Moved: Linda Gerring Seconded: Vicki Juniper
Midland Zone Minutes 30.01.2013 / 1Attached
Midland Zone Minutes 30.01.2013 / 1Income $2422.97 Expenditure $2980.91
Closing Balance $9120.26
Midland Zone Minutes 30.01.2013 / 1Zone Rep Report:
Moved: Kaye Blanchard Seconded: Kim O’Neill
Kaye Blanchard wishes all the riders competing at the State Dressage & SJ championships the best of luck and knows that they will be proud ambassadors for the Midland Zone.
Zone Chief Instructor:
DZI – a meeting was held in Jan 2013 and the State President attended.
Sue Foley nominated Rebecca Eaton as the Zone Chief Instructor. This nomination was seconded by Julie Robins. Rebecca Eaton accepted the nomination.
Kaye Blanchard thanked Rebecca for taking on this position and let her know that she had the support of the experienced members of the ZA panel to help her learn this role.
Appropriate forms to be filled out and signed and sent off to PCAV.
Discussed DCZA panel and meetings – 3 meeting per year to be held at Marong to make it easier for majority of panel members to attend. Meetings will be held before the Zone meetings at Marong at 7pm members to meet at 6pm for a meal.
Zone Events Report:
Zone Games, Flat & Musical Event 28.04.13 Section B
Members of Section B at the Zone meeting did not believe they had the grounds or man power or experience to host the games and asked Bealiba Pony Club to host theZone games on their behalf.
Bealiba representatives accepted this.
Zone HT 26.05.13 Venue?
Charlton Pony Club will be asked to host this event with support from the Zone and if they can’t do it either Maryborough or Maldon Pony Club will be asked.
Zone Flat & SJ Teams Event 18.08.13 Section C
To be looked into.
Zone Dress & SJ Qualifiers 8.12.13 Section A
To be looked into
Speed & Safety Qualifier
Final is on 25.08.2013
Neanger Park will look into venues for this through members who are employed in the racing industry.
Note: Beryl Pearce the grade 3 judge at the Zone qualifying event was very happy with the standard of the grade 3 riders at this event. She was very happy to see no horses were over bent and all worked happily through their tests.
2014 PCAV State Dressage & SJ Championships (Midland Zone)
A brain storming meeting was held in December with Christine Linton, Clinton Hedger, Sue Foley & Linda Gerring to start off the planning of this event.
Don Roach and Aileen Marshal have said that they want to be involved in this subcommittee.
The main concern of the venue decided (Carisbrook trotting track) was the ability to water the riding areas.
Coordinators will be need for
Show Jumping (Clinton Hedger)
Gear Check (Rebecca Eaton)
Merchandise (Debbie Weir)
Don Roach said that he had a lot of information from the last time the Zone run this event.
Don also noted that there were PCAV requirements as to when the program had to be submitted to them.
Meeting will be held before Zone meetings where possible.
General Business:
NCAS – The Zone will look at running a 2 day training workshop with NCAS coaches and examiners to give club parents and instructors the opportunity to complete their
PCA NCAS Preliminary Coach Accreditation.
This was discussed and the Zone will look at holding it at a venue where members from clubs outside of our Zone will be able to attend.
An email will be sent to clubs in our zone to find out if we have enough interested to warrant hosting a training weekend.
Kaye mention the use of Zone Browbands and helmet covers at the 3 – 4 Challenge last year and would like to make the an addition to the Zone uniform. This will be an option for riders mainly at the 3 – 4 challenge.
Meeting closed at 10.00pm
Next meeting - Maryborough
Job / Responsible / Timeline / CompletedOld Midland Zone documents that requirearchiving to be sent to the Donald History Group (this is where previous Midland Zone documents are archived). / Linda / ongoing
Midland Zone meetings changes placed on Zone Calendar / Linda / Done
Club contact links placed on Zone website / Linda / Done
Neanger Park to submit at letter to the Zone outlining purposed changes to qualifying for the State Dressage and SJ Teams / Neanger Park / March Meeting
Email clubs suggesting they set up a Club generic email address / Linda / Done
Letter from Harcourt – reply from Zone / Linda / Done
Zone Chief Instructor Nomination – forms to be completed / Sue & Rebecca / ASAP
Speed to Saftey – Neanger Park to look into Venues etc. / NPPC / March meeting
PCA NCAS Preliminary Coach Accreditation 2 day workshop. All clubs to be contacted via email in regards of expression of interest of members who would like to attend. Response to be give to Kaye B before next council meeting / Linda / ASAP / Done
Midland Zone Minutes 30.01.2013 / 1