2016-17 November PTO Meeting Minutes
(Thursday November 10, 2016)
Attendees: Officers Samantha Pierce, Karen Cordano, Lesley Porcelli, Sarah Stephens: Interim Principal Janet Kimatian; Teacher representative Karen Putt; Parents Chris Kelly, Connie Myers Kelly, Rex Giardine, Joy Ezomo, Emily Hart-Gorman, Meina Richard, Ralph Richard
Call to Order/Ammended Meeting Minutes Approved: The meeting was called to order at 7:02pm. The October minutes were approved.
The Principal’s Report:
· Interim Principal Janet Kimatian reported the Halloween parade had a big turnout.
· She reported on behavior referrals being down 19% from last year and 57% from the year before.
· The Title 1 Grant application is almost completed. Possible themes for events for this year were discussed, with discussion about which ones were successful and less so from last year.
· Sholanda Graham will now be director for the after-school program, so they are currently interviewing for information aides to replace her.
· Upcoming advocacy opportunities: 1. Superintendent's Parent Council 11/15 6:30pm 725 Harrison Street; 2. School Board Meeting 12/14 5:30pm 725 Harrison Street
The Treasurer’s Report:
Samantha Pierce presented the roundup:
· The bank balance is $14,568 plus the $620 that the Election Day Bake Sale brought in.
· The ski sale traffic was down this year and appears to have made about $203 so far. Rex Giardine will be taking ski stuff to the Manlius ski sale to continue to sell.
Visit from SU Dell campus program representative Savannah
· An SU design student informed us about possible partnerships and giveaways—we can get laptops and Bluetooth speakers, plus codes for deals on dell.com.
· It was discussed what kind of events this would work at: STEM night, Hour of Code
Misc other items:
· The Chess Tournament had about 80 kids. The food sale profit was about $106. Leftover food went to the bake sale and was sold.
· November 20 there will be a chess tournament at South Side Academy.
· Mary Masten works with kids in the self-contained classroom and requested supplies such as diapers. There was discussion for backpack flyers explaining that these are eligible for Medicaid funding. There was a motion to grant $500 for diapers but also to ask Ms. Masten for her monthly needs so that the PTO could supply it.
· Karen Cordano presented an estimate for gear at about $1500, although the price would come down due to Ed Smith being a 501C3 school.
· There was discussion about the children at the Scholastic Book Sale who were unhappy because they didn't have money to buy books. Emily Hart-Gorman offered to investigate how Roberts School handles their book sale, since they fundraise so that every child can buy a book. Karen Putt mentioned that Scholastic gets fliers for discounted books, and that at Kohl's Cares there are $5 books and stuffed animals, plus grants especially for books.
· The Dome Parking event was to be on November 15, the same night as Parent-Teacher Conferences.
· Samantha Pierce updated the group on new "Good News from School" cards that will be sent home for positive communications. She reviewed the proposed Title 1 events, such as Inclusion Talent Show, STEM night, Healthy Eating around the World Night, Ice Cream Social, Native Plant Garden event, and Family Movie Night.
The meeting was closed at 8:18pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Karen Cordano (Corresponding secretary)
Lesley Porcelli (Recording secretary)