Summary for the Town of Aurora – Excellence Canada Accessibility Award Recipient
Accessibility Matters in Aurora
The Town of Aurorahas been dedicated to increasing Accessibility within their corporation and has made it a priority and pillar of their community. In 2009 they hired a full-time accessibility advisor to guide the Town in their compliance with the first AODA regulation for Customer Service. The Accessibility advisor is responsible for maintaining and implementing the accessibility compliance framework, provide support to the corporation and manageAurora’s Annual Accessibility Plan.
Accessibility Training and Compliance
Aurora worked in collaboration with the six northern municipalities in York Region to develop a comprehensive AODA training program for staff, members of Council, Town contractors and municipal board committee members.This training has been used consistently as a corporate training tool to aid compliance for municipal environments. Several of Aurora’s compliance tools including bid documents and Accessibility feedback form have been adopted by other municipalities.
Accessibility is part of our Business
Accessibility is part of The Town of Aurora’s day-to-day business. Magnifiers are available at customer service counters for patrons with low vision. The Town has a dedicated TTY line for the deaf, located at their main reception. Personal amplification devices and FM audio/hearing systems are also available for public meetings held at Town Hall. The Town has also provided electronic note-taking services and sign language interpreting services when requested, as part of their commitment to accessibility and open government.
Accessibility in Culture
The Aurora Cultural Centre, in partnership with Community Living, hosted an art display and gala event that was made up of local artists with disabilities.
In recognition of National Access Awareness Week, the Town of Aurora sponsored a staff sledge hockey challenge that attracted sledge players from across Greater Toronto. Each year, the Mayor of Aurora proclaims International Day for Persons with Disabilities in December.
Accessibility in our Community
Town Recreation staff work diligently to create a culture of inclusion at our recreation facilities. Several of our recreation programs have been adapted to accommodate community members with disabilities. Aquatic wheelchairs, adapted flotation devices, hoyer lifts, sensory toys for children with autism, temporary ramps and extra staff support for outdoor events have been provided through the Town’s efforts to increase accessibility in our community.
The Aurora Public Library hosts one of the only accessible computer work stations in the area that includes various types of accessible reading software and a Braille printer.
For Accessibility information or inquiries contact