Picket Post Swim and Tennis Club Rules, Regulations, and Procedures
Picket Post Swim and Tennis Club
Rules & Regulations
The following rules and guest procedures apply to all members, whether they are using the Club’s Pool, Tennis or Paddle facilities, or common areas.
General Club Rules
- All persons using the Club’s facilities do so at their own risk. The Club will not be responsible for any accident or injury.
- No member will be admitted without a membership card. Cards must be presented when entering the facility. Membership cards are not transferable. If a membership card has been forgotten, membership must be verified against the member list.
- No smoking allowed anywhere on the Club property.
- No Pets permitted anywhere on the Club property.
- Club members are permitted on Club property only during operating hours.
- The Club will not be responsible for the loss or damage to personal property.
- Injuries or accidents must be reported to an onsite lifeguard, tennis monitor, or general office immediately.
- No glass or breakable articles of any kind are allowed on the pool or Club grounds.
- Members may bring radios to the club but are requested to use headphones. Radios, Boom Boxes, etc., that disturb other members will not be tolerated.
- Children twelve (12) years and under may not be left on the Club property and must be attended by a responsible guardian. Parents or guardians of children attending Tennis Camp must sign an emergency release form to participate.
- Only members in good standing may participate on Picket Post Teams.
- All Picket Post Teams must be approved by their respective committees and then approved by the Board of Directors.
- The Board of Directors of the Picket Post Swim and Tennis Club must approve all fundraisers. Picket Post does not support fundraisers that collect or distribute funds for individuals.
- The Picket Post name along with any association with the Swim and Tennis Club (including Paddle) can only be used with Board Approved Fundraisers.
- The benefactor for monies received at Board Approved Fundraisers must be clearly disclosed on all communications pertaining to the specific Fundraiser.
Violation of the above rules or any of the policies or procedures may be considered grounds for termination of membership of the Club.
General Guest Procedures
- All members are entitled to bring guests to the Club’s facilities.
- Guests must be accompanied by and remain with a member while on Club grounds.
- All guests and the member sponsor must sign in upon arrival at the Clubor immediately report to a Club Professional for a lesson.
- Individual guests are limited a maximum of five visits per year. League match play visits are not included in this count.
- Members are responsible for the conduct of their guests, and guests are bound by the Club’s Rules and Regulations.
- Guest Fees are as follow:
- Cash Payment – Adults and Children $6.00 Monday through Friday and $10.00 Saturdays, Sundays, and major Holidays. No fee for children age two (2) and under.
- Pre-Paid Card – Adults and Children $6.00 at all times. No fee for children age two (2) and under. Cards may be purchased for $60.00 each and will allow ten (10) individual visits. These cards are non-refundable and valid for the current season only(April 1 – March 31). Pre-Paid Cards may be purchased through the Membership Application prior to the season or from the Club Manager during the season.
- Fees paid by guests allow them to use both pools, tennis and paddle courts (depending on season) for the day that the fee is paid. There are no refunds due to change in weather conditions unless such changes occur within 30 minutes of payment of the guest fee.
- Members may purchase a ‘ReciprocalMembershipGuestPass’ for the current paddle season for friends who are members at another area platform tennis club. Details regarding this pass can be obtained from the business office.
- All parties with ten (10) or more guests require consent and registration at least one week in advance with the Club Manager at 610 644 4646. Guest lists are required in advanced.
- The Club By-Laws do not permit private parties to the exclusion of other members.
- Guests are permitted to participate in clinics and social events at the discretion of specific functional directors, and with applicable guest fees required. Members will be given priority over guests in the case of scheduling conflicts.
- Grandparents who do not utilize the club facilities but come to visit the pool to baby-sit or observe grandchildren do not have to pay guest fees.
Membership Dues/Refund Policies
- As of August 1st of any season, Annual Membership Duesfor new memberships will be prorated to 50% of Annual Membership Dues for the remainder of that membership season. Full Initiation Fee is still required.
- Refunds for Annual Membership Dues will be provided according to the following schedule:
- Request before April 1 – 100% Refund
- Request on or after April 1 and on or before June 30 – 50% Refund
- Request after June 30 – 0% Refund
- Initiation fees are non-refundable, with the exception of specific circumstances included in the By-Laws.
- Persons residing in the same household who can provide proof of the same, can join on the family membership
- Memberships within a household may be transferred. Any additional dues or refunds must be paid in accordance to the Pricing Schedule and/or Refund Policy Schedule.
The following rules, regulations and procedures are specific to use of the Pool, Tennis or Paddle facilities
Pool Rules and Regulations
The following Rules and Regulations are for the benefit and protection of all members. They have been adopted to ensure a safe and sanitary operation. We request that these rules be read and explained to your children.
- Use of the pools is not permitted unless a properly qualified lifeguard is on duty. The lifeguards are in complete charge of the pool facilities and their directions must be followed.
- Each person is requested to shower before entering the pool
- Children under the age of five (5) must be accompanied by an adult at all times while on the property, and under direct supervision while in the pool, kiddies pool, or restroom.
- No running, wrestling, dunking, ball playing or causing undue disturbance in or about the pool is allowed.
- Flotation aids and toys will be permitted in the pool only if approved by the lifeguard on duty.
- All trash and refuse will be placed in the appropriate trash and recycling receptacles. Members using the picnic areas and grills are responsible for its cleanliness and neatness. Members must separate trash such as aluminum cans into the designated trash containers.
- Food and beverages, including gum and candy, are not permitted within ten (10) feet of the pool, except at a table provided for that purpose.
- The Pool Manager and/or lifeguard reserve the right to test any child or adult to assure that they can swim adequately to utilize various areas of the pool.
- The lifeguard can “bench” or eject anyone from the pool when, in the opinion of the guard, that person by his/her actions is endangering himself/herself or others.
- Only bathing suits, bathing trunks or swim diapers will be permitted in the pools. No disposable diapers, no cut-offs, jeans, walking shorts or undergarments allowed.
- Various times will be designated for activities such as adult swims, swim team practices and meets, etc.
- Both the Chase Road and Bradford Road pools will remain open during their stated hours except during poor weather, rain conditions or other emergencies.
- Chairs, if available, are not to be reserved for others. Please place your belongings only on the chair you are using. A chair set aside by a child must be yielded to an adult who requests it if no other chair is available.
- Lap lanes are for swimmers to swim laps. Preference will be given to adults except during designated swim team practices and meets.
- No one under the age of 16 may use the gas grills.
Tennis Rules
The following rules are strictly enforced:
- Proper tennis shoes only on courts (no street shoes, jogging shoes, skates).
- Tops/shirts, and appropriate tennis attire, must be worn at all times (no swim suits).
- Tennis courts must be reserved using an on-line reservation system, rules and access made available to all members. Instructions and guidelines are available from the business office, or the Racket Sports Director Office.
- Tennis Court Reservations are controlled from April 1 – September 30 on the on-line reservation system.
- Court reservation times are controlled on the hour and half hour only.
- No skating, skateboarding, hockey or any other non-tennis activity may be conducted on tennis courts.
Pre-Season and Post-Season
- Members will be provided keys upon request after payment of specified fee.
Pool Season
- Pre-season locks will be invalidated.
Tennis Reservation Policies
- Indicate on all reservations: all players names must be listed, four names for doubles, two names for singles. Unless otherwise requested, all reservations are for one hour. Doubles may request one and one-half hours.
- Reservations may be made only up to three (3) days in advance. Back-to-back reservations are not permitted. Members wishing to continue play must check with the desk attendant after reserved play is completed for court availability.
- “No shows” for court reservation (without cancellation) will be logged – weather being considered. After three (3) occurrences, a $5 fine must be paid per person to resume tennis privileges.
- Children and young adults under the age of 14 may not reserve courts for before 11:00 am or for5pm or later. Juniors may check with a monitor if courts are available during those times and “walk on” with permission.
- Reserved courts will be released fifteen (15) minutes after the beginning of the reserved time when players do not show.
- One court (as shown on the on-line reservation system) will be used by the Pros at all times for tennis lessons. When that court is not reserved by the Pro for tennis lessons, it may be used by other members for play.
- It shall be the responsibility of the Pros to indicate through the on-line reservation sheetin advance those specific times that courts are to be used for lessons and/or clinics.
- An additional teaching court may be used for clinicsor team practices for our members. This is limited to weekdays from 8am to 5pm. Two (2) evenings per week from 6pm to 8pmone court can be used for instruction. At all other times the courts shall be available for reservation play by members.
- During weekdays from 8am to 5pm, at the discretion of the Club Pros, courts may be used for lessons and/or clinics provided the courts are not reserved for play by any member of the club.
- Team practices may be scheduled for up to one and one-half hours on a maximum of 2 courts between the hours of 5pm-8pm and a maximum of 4 courts during the remaining hours on weekdays.
- Various times will be designated for activities such as tennis camp, tennis team practice, etc.
- A member may not schedule more than one court at a time that includes guests.
Platform Tennis Rules
- Courts open for daytime play on October 1st.
- Courts open for daytime and evening play (lights permitted) October 15th.
- Paddle courts will be locked and unavailable for use between April 15 and October 1, as required by township ordinance.
- Members may purchase a key for a specified fee to access the Grande PaddleHut and Bradford House through the Club Manager at 610 644-4646 or e-mail.
- Members are responsible for locking the doors and cleanlinessand removal of trash of the paddle hut.
- Platform tennis courts must be reserved using an on-line reservation system, rules and access made available to all members. Instructions and guidelines are available from the business office, or the Racket Sports Director Office.
- Platform Tennis Court Reservations are controlled from October 1 – March 31 on the on-line reservation system only.
- Courts may be reserved up to 3 days in advance for up to 1½ hours each time slot. Members’ names need to beincluded on all court reservations.
- Guests policies are in affect at all times at the Platform Tennis Facility.
Approved By Picket Post Board of Directors – January, 20111