


THE magazine

Lycée Adam de Craponne

Salon de Provence

Fifth -form (2°7)

January 2009


Whythis title?

Well,we had to find one, to start with, didn’t we?

So we tried to find one with a play on the name of our school (Lycée Adam de Craponne, named after the famous Renaissance engineer) or a catchword, but also one which would lay emphasis on the ideas of expression, curiosity, and the English language we were asked to write it in.

Finally, as we had been divided into two groups, we had to compromise between two types of layout: one which was rather formal, the other one more casual and based on street art.

Here is the result…

Who are we?

Well, fifth-formers who had to work hard on it!

Please, tell us whether you’ve liked it or not, will you?


Christmas has gone by, now is the time for good resolutions:

I’ve decided to be more curious (The nosy parker, pages 22and 23;the chatterbox, pages 12 and 13)and learn more about everything(the globetrotter, pages 20 and 21), so, of course, I will read at least one book, maybe two or three a month(the BOOKWORM, page 4).

I have also decided this year, as it is an era of economic crisis, to make my own presents for my friends! Why not ‘patchwork’? (TheArtist,page 3)

I had good times at the cinema (the cine-buff,pages 5 to7) or on TV (the TV-Addict, pages 8 and 9) and listened to good music(the muso, pages 18 and 19). I must tell you about it all but I don't need to read what’s written in the stars or to resort to binge drinking (the boffin, pages 24 to 26) to know that I’ll have a lot of fun (the joker, page 28)

Furthermore, as I may not have been very careful about a balanced diet during the Xmas times, this year I have decided to do exercise(the real sport, pages10and 11) and,above all, to care for my Planet (The green, pages 14 to 17).

We should all try to do so, shouldn’t we?

Sticking to these resolutions seems to be hard but … I have an optimistic nature!

January, 2009


The world of Patchwork

Its origin and its story

For a long time, Man had to protect himself from the cold and from the sun. He thought at first of assembling and of stacking skins of animal or furs. Then he used vegetable fibres found in nature and had the idea to cross them: the fabric had been born. From its birth, fabric took a considerable importance in all civilizations. The patchwork, under its main characteristics, assembly and quilting, also pull its previous history of the whole world.

My experiment in patchwork

I have been making patchwork since October, 2006. I discovered my club thanks to a friend who had told me about her patchwork club. For 3 years now, I have been making bits of fluff in 3D, pillows, a bread basket and collective works and other works. During the lessons, I have learnt various manners to sew, as the “piécé” or the applied but also to embroider, there are a lot of sorts of more or less difficult stitches. Thanks to this club, I have learnt a lot and I have discovered an activity which isn’t known by the persons of my age. Patchwork is an activity which really pleases me and which allows me to think of nothing else for some hours.

My first work

This tortoise in 3D is the first work which I made in this club.

It took me approximately one month to make it. Lovely, isn’t it?


Title: ‘Le Diable au corps’

Author: Raymond Radiguet

Edition: Hachette Bibliolycée


This tragic novel unfolds during the First World War (1914 – 1918).

A young man, François, 15 years old, meets Marthe, a young 18- year- old woman.

Marthe was married to a soldier at war. François and Marthe live an intense passion.

Our opinion:

We love the novel. It is a thrilling and beautiful story. The end is very surprising but we are fond of it.

What about you? Have you read that book or another for school? Which one was it? What did you like in it?

What is your favourite book at the moment?


Cult Films: TITANIC, an exceptional film.

This is a love story between Rose, a young girl from a rich family, and Jack, a boy from a poor social background who at a poker party wins his place on the unsinkable liner ‘Titanic’. They meet on the Titanic, during her maiden voyage

It is a romantic and tragic film.

The films we saw in December

Agathe clévy: A racist marketing manager sees from day to day the skin darkening

Pour elle:Lisa and Julien are married and lead a happy life without any troubles with their son Oscar but their life changes, when one morning the police come to arrest Lisa for murder; she is sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Madagascar II:the ancient boarders of the zoo of exchange park meet for the first time their respective families in their natural environment.

Cinema at school (Lycéens et apprentis au cinema)

On November 21st, many classes in our school went to the pictures in Salon de Provence.We watched a Japanese film called “KaÏro” by Kiyoshi KUROSAWA. This movie was elected by the Festival de Cannes in 2001.


The story is set in Japan today. Ghosts are in the real world through the Internet. They make Japanese people commit suicide and disappear. But one woman, Michi, tries to escape this epidemic. The film is based on the themes of loneliness and death.

The pupils’ opinion:

Part of the pupils strongly disliked this film because it is stressful and there isn’t any action.

Part of them liked its scheming aspect, especially as they are fond of Japanese culture

Max Payneby John Moore, With Mark Wahlberg

Summary: Nowadays, Max Payne, a cop, decides to leave his work to take charge of his family.

Regrettably, on the day of his retirement, his wife and her baby are murdered.

Max thus decides to return to the business, and has nothing to lose any more.

My Criticism:

The film (based on a game released in 2001) begins well, we discover Max Payne, a tortured and solitary man.

The scenario is correct; the fantastic mixture is well inserted in the story.

Aesthetically, the film is very beautiful.

The scenes of action are incredible.

The actors play well, especially Mark Wahlberg, Max Payne's role was cut out for him.

But there are some defects: it can be a bit long and there might not be enough action at times.

It is rather police film than an action film!

Conclusion: This Thriller is really achieved, a scenario with inquiry, emotion and action. In spite of some length, the film really remains good!


Cinema at school(Lycéens et apprentis au cinema)

On January 23rd, 2009, we also went to see ‘Le rendez-vous des quais’, a French film by Paul Carpita (1955)


The scene is set in Marseille in 1950. One of the main characters is Jean Fournier, a union leader, who tries to unite dock workersso that theyorganize a general strike to protest against their hard living conditions(unemployment, hardships…) and to demonstrate against the French government’s policy in Indochinaat the time (a lot of money was spent on armament for the Vietnam War).

The love story between Robert, Jean’s younger brother, and Marcelle who works in a biscuit factory, and Robert’s betrayal, then commitment to the cause explain the title of the film.

The pupils’ opinion:

Many of them didn’t like this film because it looked and soundedlike a ‘documentary’ film, and they mostly like fiction and ‘action’ films. Moreover, as it is an old one, it is a black and white film and for some pupilsit was long and boring as well. A few of them found the acting really unconvincing, but this can be explained by the fact that most actors were not professional.

But the pupils enjoyed discovering what Marseille looked like at the time and liked hearing this typical accent which they know! Most of them found an interest in this film because it is based on real events and because the workers fought for a fair cause.

The TV-addict:

"Plus belle la vie "is a popular French TV serial created by Magaly Richard-Serrano, Bénédicte Achard, Georges Desmouceaux and Olivier Szulzynger in 2004.

There are five seasons (1130 episodes) and it represents a budget of

27,000,000 €, so 85, 000€ for one episode.

This serial tells us about the life of an imaginary district of Marseille: ‘le Mistral’

(‘Le mistral’ means a wind of the South of France). "Plus belle la vie" is broadcast on channel "France 3" from Monday to Friday in access prime-time! It's always topical as the story unfolds day after day, referring to real events taking place in the world.Since its creation, this TV programme has reached over one 6 million people! Today it's a successful serial in France and it's also broadcast in Italy, in Belgium, in Finland and in other countries, it has become a real phenomenon!

The main Characters

*Michel Cordes is Roland Marci:

He's the owner of the pub "Le mistral". He's always lived in this district!

*Sylvie Flepp is Mirta Torres:

She's the owner of the hotel "Le Select", just beside the pub, in the district. At the beginning of season 5, Mirta and Roland got married.

*Colette Renard is Rachelle Lévy :

As Roland, she's always lived in the Mistral place. She's the oldest of the serial, she's Guillaume and Nathan’s aunt. Mirta and she are the gossipmongers of the village!

She lives, as many of the characters, at the Select hotel.

*Laetitia Millot is Mélanie Rinato:

She's a waitress in Roland's pub.

*Pierre Martot is Léo Castelli :

He's a police officer, he is Roland's friend. Due to his profession, he's often involved in criminal cases.

*Alexandre Fabre is Charles Frémont :

He's a businessman in Marseille, the creator of the company "Phénicie". He is one of the villains!

The different places:

‘Le Mistral’:it is an imaginary neighbourhood of Marseille in which the action of the serial takes place. The Mistral is inspired by a typical place in the centre of the city (Le Panier). The main, square of The Mistral is represented by a drawing which is the logo of the serial and has become the logo of many by-products.

So, Le Mistral is a setting built in the studios of ‘la Belle de Mai’, which represents11483.5 ft² exploited on 19 686 ft of the surface. It represents 3 months and 13,300 hours of work, 50 persons who are 90% from the region. So it’s a very hard -working job just to shoot a 23-minute episode

- The Select (It’s a hotel)

- The Mistral’s police station

- Vincent Chaumette's converted warehouse

- The flats where the various characters live.

- One shop

- The doctor's office


5 days of shooting for five episodes a week, 80% of the shots are made in the studios and 20% are location shots with a team of directors for each, with 3 video cameras, 7 persons for the pictures, 6 for the sound, and 5 for make-up.

Our conclusion:

"Plus belle la vie " is a serial representative of the city of Marseille with its characters , its daily life, as opposed to the usual clichés, so we occasionally watch it, even if we are not addicted to it!

Who has never watched "plus belle la vie", especially here, in Salon de Provence, which is so close to Marseille?

The real sport

Sport at Adam de Craponne

At the secondary school we have two hours of sports a week.
In our school, there is an association to practice sports more.
This association is called the UNSS (Union Nationale du Sport Scolaire)
The UNSS offers basket-ball, rugby, handball, volley-ball, body-building, badminton and swimming.
The training is between in one and two o’clock every day.
And the matches are on Wednesdays.
So, we are going to present different sports. To start with, we are going to tell you about Basket-ball.
In the next issue, we shall be telling you about Rugby, volley-ball, handball, badminton, body-building and swimming.

Basket -Ball
Basket-ball is a collective sport which is often practicedin a gymnasium.
The size of the ground is between 22 and 29mètres long and from 13 to 15 metres wide.
This sport is played with 5 players, (one at the net, an inside, a strong winger, a small winger and a back).
The team of our secondary school won all their matches.
That is all for this issue, next time we willspeak about badminton.
American football & Super Bowl

Definition:American football, known in the United States and Canada simply as football, is a competitive team sport known for mixing strategy with physical play.

Rules:The objective of the game is to score points by advancing the ball into the opposing team's end zone. The ball can be advanced by carrying it (a running play) or by throwing it to a teammate (a passing play). Points can be scored in a variety of ways, including carrying the ball over the opponent's goal line; catching a pass from beyond that goal line; kicking the ball through the goal posts at the opponent's end zone; and tackling an opposing ball-carrier within his end zone. The winner is the team with the most points when the time expires.

The Super Bowl:In professional American football, the Super Bowl is the championship game of the National Football League (NFL). The game and its ancillary festivities constitute Super Bowl Sunday. Over the years, it has become the most-watched U.S. television broadcast of the year, and has become likened to a de facto U.S. national holiday. In addition, many popular singers and musicians have performed during the Super Bowl's pre-game and halftime ceremonies. The next Super Bowl will be Super Bowl XLIII, to be played at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Florida on February 1, 2009.

Super Bowl is a major event of the American television. The studies of audience show that this match registers considerable market shares, situated between 40 and 60 %. We so estimate that 141 million Americans follow this meeting on the television.

A world event:On ten better audiences of every time in the United States, half of them arose during Super Bowl. With figures of audience of such a level, the cost of commercials reaches summits. So, an announcement of thirty seconds during Great Bowl XLI was charged 2.7 million dollars!!!

People from more than 200 countries watch this finale and it is the second sports event after the finale of the Soccer World Cup.


Interview with MUNK: A Rollerblader so flex!
Munk is the only roller skater of Pélissanne who agreed to answer a few questions about his favourite leisure: roller –skating:
- Hi, Munk!
- Hey girls!
- I would like to begin with a banal question: How long did it take you to learn roller - skating?
- I began rollerblading two years ago and it took me a few months to have a good level
- What do you research in rolling?
- What is your favourite slide?
- It is called torque it is so fun to do, I get a great sensationwhen I make this trick.
- Do you skate alone or with your friends?
- Well, I am rarely alone in a skate-park. I prefer skating with my bestfriends, it is ‘cool’. We have created a rolling group called ROLL CREW and I am so glad to be part of it.
- How much does a pair of rollers cost?
- It dependson the brand you choose, but it costs around 200€.
- Cool, now an off-centred question, what is your favourite quote?
- I think it is « KEEP IT COOL » from The Kills.
- Yeah, fun! I love them, and what kind of chewing-gum do you prefer to chew up?
- Kiss Cool, it makes so fresh an impression in my mouth when I skate, I love it!
- Thank you for answering these questions; it was so fun.
- That’s my pleasure.


Wonders of the world

I want to talk to you about Ecology in the USA, because this year, in August, I had the pleasure to visit two extraordinary natural sites. The first site is: BryceCanyonNational Park. It is a geologic site of the Southwest of the United States in Utah. The surroundings of the canyon form a 145 km² national park.

The name is unfit because, rather than a canyon, it involves a gigantic natural amphitheatre created by the erosion of the part in the plateau of Paunsaugunt. The place is made remarkable by its extraordinary geologic structures, hoodoos, formed by the action of the wind, precipitation and frost. Rocks take here exceptional colors going some red to the white. BryceCanyon is very high (between 2400 and 2700 meters).

And the second is: The National Park of the Grand Canyon. It is situated in the Northwest of Arizona. The BigCanyon was dug by the river Colorado in the plateau of the same name. Founded in 1919, the park covers a protected territory of 4 927 km ². It is frequented every year by more than four million visitors. The natural and landscaped variety of the region was recognized world heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 1979.

My opinion:This site was really exceptional! But I am a little saddened with the behavior of certain persons... How can they throw away cans, packaging of candies, or even cigarette butts on a site so beautiful? Look at what the Earth gave us! Don’t you believe that it is high time human beings respected our Planet? If the trend continues, in some time, we will no longer have the pleasure and the enjoyment to see such a landscape in the future, because if we do not respect Mother Earth, all that I am showing you will be destroyed because of us: human beings.