Your chance to have your say on the future shape of the Parish

Caythorpe and Frieston Parish Council is currently updating its Parish Plan (originally produced in 2004). This is a locally written document that sets out the main issues affecting the Parish and how to address them in the future. This questionnaire is being circulated to every household as a way of obtaining the views of the residents of Caythorpe and Frieston. Your answers to this questionnaire will help us to review and update our Parish Plan.

Please take the time to fill in this questionnaire - this is your chance to have your views on the Parish heard. Each reply will be confidential and highly valued.

Any member of the household can complete the questionnaire. Please remember that each question is very important and will help to define the content of the new Parish Plan. Please complete all the questions, in as much detail as possible.

Please complete this questionnaire as soon as possible and place your completed questionnaires in the boxes provided at the following locations by:

31 JULY 2009

Collection boxes will be placed at the following locations:

1. Caythorpe Post Office, High Street, Caythorpe

2. SPAR Shop, High Street, Caythorpe

3. The Surgery, High Street, Caythorpe

4. Red Lion

5. Wagon and Horses

6. St Vincent’s Church

7. ‘Shacksville’, Hough Road, Frieston

A copy of the questionnaire is available on the Parish Website ( where you can download a copy and return it via email to


PRIZE DRAW: As an added incentive to complete and return this questionnaire, a mixed half-case of wine will be given to the first completed questionnaire to be drawn out of a hat once all the questionnaires have been collected.

If you would like to see a copy of the old plan, need another copy of the questionnaire, need any help completing the questionnaire or would like someone to call and collect your completed questionnaire, please contact any member of the Parish Plan Review Group (PPRG), whose details are listed below.

Name /
Tel No (01400)
Simon Barter / ‘The Sycamores’, Back Lane, Caythorpe / 273 244 /
Peter Taylor / 8 Waterloo Close, Caythorpe / 272 848 /
Lesley Godson / 21, Church Lane, Caythorpe / 272 844 /
Bruce Nelson / ‘Richmond House, Back Lane, Caythorpe / 273 249 /
Hunni Hindley / ‘Shacksville’, Hough Road, Frieston / 272 189 /
Steve Hudson / 9 Holy Cross Gardens, Caythorpe / 272 020 /
Jeff Coxon / 23 Millfield Crescent, Caythorpe / 273 558 /
Patrick Fleming / 9 Millfield Crescent, Caythorpe / 275 105 /

Thank you for your

help and cooperation in completing this questionnaire


1.  In which area in the Parish of Caythorpe and Frieston do you live? Caythorpe Frieston

2.  Please enter the number of people in your household in each age group:


/ 0-4 / 5-10 / 11-15 / 16-17 / 18-24 / 25-44 / 45-59 / 60-74 / 75+

3.  How long have you, or your family, lived in the Parish of Caythorpe and Frieston? (please tick one box only)

Less than a year / 1 – 5 years
6 – 15 years / 16 – 25 years
26 – 50 years / whole life

4.  What do you see as the most important issues facing our local community over the next five years? (Please score each issue out of 10 (10 is very important).

Safety and security / Environment
Housing / Leisure and recreation
Community Information / Local services
Other (please state:)



5.  Do you feel safe in your home?

6.  If no, please state why:


7.  Do you feel safe out and about within the Parish?

If no, please state why:

8.  If there was a Neighbourhood Watch scheme in the Parish; would you be prepared to become involved?


If yes, please state how you would like to be involved (e.g. attend meetings, chair meetings, administration/organisation, provide ideas) and provide your name and address at the end of the questionnaire.



9.  Is lack of accommodation a problem in your household?

If yes, what type of housing is needed (you may tick more than one box)?

Housing for young people (i.e. affordable housing)
Housing for retired people
Housing for families
Rented housing
Other new housing for sale
Other (please state)


10.  How would you like to receive information relating to the Parish (you may tick more than one box)?

Newsletter/Parish magazine
Notice Boards
Local agent/representative
Electronic mail (via Email)
Parish Website
Local paper
Web blog
Other: (please state)

11.  What type of information would you like to be made available (you may tick more than one box)?

Clubs/groups and societies
Activities for local residents
Local events
Facilties for residents
Local businesses
Local news
Local history
Voluntary support groups
Local Parish and District Council information
Other (please state)

12.  Are you involved in any community activity?

If no, why not (what puts you off joining in)?


13.  Would you be prepared to become involved in any community activity?

Which type of community activity would you be prepared to become involved in?



14.  Is public transport in the Parish adequate for your needs?


15.  Does public transport run to the places you want to go and at the times you require it?

If no, please state the places or times that are omitted.

16.  Is greater provision of public transport required?


If yes, what additional public transport provision you would like to see (e.g. Shared car scheme) and why.


17.  What are your views on the standard of the following environmental services in the Parish? (please tick whichever box applies in each row)

Good / Reasonable / Poor / No opinion
Refuse collection
Road Maintenance
Road verge maintenance
Pavement maintenance
Street lighting
Recycling provision

18.  Do you feel that our community suffers from any of the following (you may tick more than one box)?

Traffic noise / Too many large vehicles
Other noise pollution / Light pollution
Speeding traffic / Litter pollution
Dog fouling / Unpleasant odours
Lack of signposting / Other (please state)
Please include any particular instances here:

19.  Are you concerned about the expansion/operation of the waste transfer site (Mid UK (Recycling) Ltd or any other matters concerning the site?


Please explain your answer.


20.  How would you improve our community leisure/recreation facilities? Please rank in order of priority (1 = highest priority).

Activity/Facility / Rank
New Village Hall/Community Centre
Craft workshops
Child care facilities
Community IT provision
Improved playing fields
Other (please state)

21.  What are your views on the following facilities and activities for people in the Parish?

Good / Adequate / Poor / No opinion
Pre-school provision
Primary school
Secondary school
Young people (16 – 17)
Adults (18 – 30)
Adults (30 – 50)
Adults (50+)

22.  If the following activities/facilities were provided in addition to existing Parish facilities, how frequently would you be likely to attend?

Weekly / Twice a month / Monthly / Never
Bowls (outdoor)
5-a-side football
Outdoor activities

23.  Do you attend village events?


If no, please explain why not.

24.  If you have used any local footpaths or bridleways, which if any, of the following difficulties did you encounter (you may tick more than one box)?

Farm animals / Poor footpath maps/guides
Locked gates / Poor signage
Mud/pools of water / Barberd wire
Bushes/nettles / Crops blocking way
High stiles / Poorly maintained bridges
Other (please state)

25.  In relation to footpaths and bridleways – would you use any of the following (you may tick more than one box)?

Maps of local footpaths / Better signposts
Leaflets of local walks (to buy) / Guided walks
Other (please state)

26.  In relation to the countryside – would you like to see any of the following (you may tick more than one box)?

Local information guide (e.g. A village map situated in a prominent position within the village perhaps) / Bird watching huts
Bird boxes / Picnic areas
Other (please state)


27.  How frequently do members of your household use the following Parish facilties?

Weekly / Twice a month / Monthly / Never
Caythorpe SPAR shop
Caythorpe post office
Village pubs
Caythorpe Fish & chip shop
Caythorpe hairdressers
Local tradesmen (mobile butcher/fishmonger etc)
Mobile library
Decorative Country Living
Local garage/car sales

If never to any of the above; please explain why not.


28.  Do you think any additional shops/facilities are required in the village?

If yes, please state which type of shop/facility you would like to see provided.

Other useful information: If you have any other information which you think might be useful in compiling a new Parish Plan; please include it below.


Thank you for taking time to complete this questionnaire. The questionnaire can be returned anonymously or you can enter your contact details below and be entered in the prize draw:

Name: Address:

Tel no: Email:

Do you wish your email address to be added to the Caythorpe E group and receive information on parish events/news? (Please tick whichever box applies) Yes: No: