Child and Family-Focused Consultation

Services assess, plan and implement services which address factors that contribute to a child’s difficulties in functioning well in the early childhood setting and the family’s role.

Child or Family Focused Services

Referral Source / Number Referred / Number of Clients Opened / Ratio of Opened to Referred / Number of cases still open at program evaluation date / Number of Clients Closed Successfully / Ratio of Successfully Closed to Opened / Number of Clients Maintained in Center at Closure / Number of Clients Maintained in Center at Closure / Number of Unique Families Represented / Total Number of Clients served in FY2008
Head Start
Childcare Center
Help Me Grow
Early Head Start
Public Preschool
Private Preschool
Family Child Care


Number Referred: This is the sum total of clients who were referred for Mental Health Child or Family Focused Consultation in FY2008. This number does not include children who were carried over from FY2007, unless they were closed and re-opened.

Number of Clients Opened: This is the number of clients of whom the Mental Health Consultant was able to get permission from a parent or guardian to participate in programming who were referred in FY 2008. This number does not include children who were carried over from FY2007, unless they were closed and re-opened.

Ratio of Opened to Referred: Example—100 referred, 80 opened. 80/100=.8 or 80%. All ratios should be stated as a percentage and rounded to the nearest percentage point.

Number of Clients Who are opened and still receiving services at time of program evaluation date (June 30, 2008). Many cases close at the end of the school year, but it is possible that cases remain over during the summer. These numbers need to be captured so that closed data is not skewed. If clients are receiving services in an ongoing manner at the point of program evaluation they should be counted in this category. This number does not include children who were carried over from FY2007, unless they were closed and re-opened in FY2008.

Number of Clients Closed Successfully: Individual Programs are able to define successful completion. It should be based on some level of accomplishment on the intervention plan. An 80% completion of all strategies on the child’s/family’s intervention plan could be defined as successful.

Number of Clients Maintained in Center at Closure: This is the number of clients who were opened and still attend the center at the time of case closure—the point at which case success is determined, or if still opened and attending at the end of FY2008.

Ratio of Clients maintained in setting at closure to number of Opened Clients: Example: 80 opened, 60 maintained at closing. 60/80=.75 or 75%. All ratios should be stated as a percentage and rounded to the nearest percentage point.

Number of Unique Families Represented: Recognizing that more that one client can be referred per family, this question is the overall individual families represented. For the sake of this statistic, a child may only have one family, but a family may have more than one child. It will be determined in the second year, if information on secondary families will be collected.

Total Number of Clients who were receiving services this year: This number includes clients who were opened at any point throughout the year, regardless of admission date.

Referral Demographics
Age at Service Intake
Parent Disability Status
Child Disability Status
County of Residence


Gender: Numbers of males and females referred

Age at Service Intake: Number of children at specific ages when referred into program

Grade level at Service Intake: Number of children at specific grade levels when referred to program

Race: Race categories collected by the state.

Parent Disability Status: Federal funding requirement: Disability (A) a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of such individual; (B) a record of such an impairment; or (C) being regarded as having such impairment.

Child with a disability:

A) In general.--The term `child with a disability' means a child--

(i) with mental retardation, hearing impairments (including deafness), speech or language impairments, visual impairments (including blindness), serious emotional disturbance (referred to in this title as `emotional disturbance'), orthopedic impairments, autism, traumatic brain injury, other health impairments, or specific learning disabilities; and

(ii) who, by reason thereof, needs special education and related services.

B) Child aged 3 through 9.--The term `child with a disability' for a child aged 3 through 9 (or any subset of that age range, including ages 3 through 5), may, at the discretion of the State and the local educational agency, include a child--

(i) experiencing developmental delays, as defined by the State and as measured by appropriate diagnostic instruments and procedures, in 1 or more of the following areas: physical development; cognitive development; communication development; social or emotional development; or adaptive development; and

(ii) who, by reason thereof, needs special education and related services.

County of Residence: The County where the child resides at referral

Referred but Unopened Cases

Referred but Unopened Cases
Family moved
Family did not want services
Child withdrawn from Center
Could not contact family


Family moved: Family moved from county/region and were not eligible for services.

Family did not want services: When contacted family did not desire services and services were not initiated.

Child withdrawn from Center: Child withdrawn from Center before services were initiated

Could not contact family: At least three attempts were made to contact family and none were successful.

Other: Other reasons for unopened cases not listed above.

Key Practice Indicators (Process Output Measures)
For Case Closed in Fiscal Year 2008
Number of Completed Assessments
Ratio of Completed Assessments to Opened Cases
Number of Completed Intervention Plans
Ratio of Completed Intervention Plans to Open Cases
Number of Cases Completed According to Plan
Ratio of Cases Completed According to Plan to Open Cases
Number of Cases Referred for Further Services by Consultants
Ratio of Cases Referred for Further Services to Open Cases


Only cases closed in Fiscal Year 2008 should be used in these numbers:

Number of Completed Assessments: Number of assessments completed by the ECMH consultant and approved by the supervisor

Ratio of Completed Assessments to Opened Cases: Example: 80 opened, 75 completed assessments. 75/80=.9375 or 94%. All ratios should be stated as a percentage and rounded to the nearest percentage point.

Number of Completed Intervention Plans: Number of Intervention Plans created with and then signed by parent.

Ratio of Completed Intervention Plans to Open Cases: Example: 80 opened, 70 Interventions Plans were completed. 70/80=.875 or 88%. All ratios should be stated as a percentage and rounded to the nearest percentage point.

Number of Cases Completed According to Plan: Number of cases who clients and/or families completed the Intervention Plan.

Ratio of Cases Completed According to Plan to Open Cases: Example: 80 opened, 65 of the cases were completed according to the Intervention Plan. 65/80=.8125 or 82%. All ratios should be stated as a percentage and rounded to the nearest percentage point.

Number of Cases Referred for Further Services by Consultants: if the child or family were referred for additional services by the consultant, this should be documented and tracked. There is no expected benchmark for the number, but this confirms that the process is in place.

Ratio of Cases Referred for Further Services to Open Cases: Example: 80 opened, 40 referred for additional services. 40/80=.50 or 50%. All ratios should be stated as a percentage and rounded to the nearest percentage point.

Client Outcomes
for Clients completing services in FY 2008
Test Type/Name
Pretest Overall Score Mean
Posttest Overall Score Mean
Pretest Overall Subscore Mean
Posttest Overall Subscore Mean
Levels of Change Based on the Tests
Levels of Participants’ Statistically Significant Change
Number of Matched Pretest/Posttests
Ratio of Matched Pretest/Posttests to Number of Clients Completed Program


Test Type/Name: Name of the measure that is being used to determine levels of client change.

Pretest Overall Score Mean: If the measure has an overall mean score, this is the overall pretest mean score (completed at or near case opening) for all clients closed in FY2008

Posttest Overall Score Mean: If the measure has an overall mean score, this is the overall posttest mean score (completed at or near case closing) for all clients closed in FY2008

*Pretest Overall Sub-score Mean: Many measures have sub-scores for different sub-measures within the overall measure; this is the sub-score mean pretest score (completed at or near case opening) for all clients closed in FY2008.

*Posttest Overall Sub-score Mean: Many measures have sub-scores for different sub-measures within the overall measure; this is the sub-score mean pretest score (completed at or near case opening) for all clients closed in FY2008.

*Tests may have 2-5 sub-scores because they report on many sub-measures. This data would be collected so there would be more than one Pretest/Posttest sub-score comparison.

Levels of Change Based on the Tests: This is a discussion based on the meaning behind the mean levels of change discussed above. Discuss the meaning of any categorical change that is present in the data. See the discussion on using the DECA in evaluation

Levels of Participants’ Statistically Significant Change: This is a description of statistical significance within the collected data in which one can assert that the changes between pretests and posttest happened by chance. T tests and ANOVAs are typically used to examine this information.

Number of Matched Pretest/Posttests: Total number of matched pretests to posttests completed on the same client. (This data would be matched by parent and by teacher if DECA was used.)

Ratio of Matched Pretest/Posttests to Number of Clients Completed Program: Example: 70 clients were closed and 60 completed measures at opening and at closing, 60/70=.86 or 86%. All ratios should be stated as a percentage and rounded to the nearest percentage point.

Satisfaction Surveys--Parents
Overall Satisfaction Scores
Question #1 Satisfaction Rate-schedule
Question #2 Satisfaction Rate-responsive
Question #3 Satisfaction Rate- working relationship
Question #4 Satisfaction Rate-child relationship
Question #5 Satisfaction Rate-sensitivity
Question #6 Satisfaction Rate-developmental knowledge
Question #7 Satisfaction Rate-support
Question #8 Satisfaction Rate-advise
Question 9 Satisfaction Rate-community awareness
Question 10 Satisfaction Rate-services helped
Number of Satisfaction Surveys Completed in FY2008
Ratio of Completed Satisfaction Surveys to Closed Clients


Satisfaction should be examined both overall and by individual question. To achieve an individual question result, each individual’s score should be summed and then divided by the number of responders, producing the average score per question. The answers should be on a 5 point scale and the responses “strongly agree” and “agree” should indicate satisfaction. “Strongly agree” answers should be rated a 5, and “agree” should be rated a 4; the other response options should follow the same scoring pattern. An overall mean score between 5 and 3.6 should be determined as satisfaction on that numbered question. Overall satisfaction would be determined the same way but using the responses to all of the questions. Lastly, the number of surveys collected and the ratio of satisfaction surveys collected to the number of cases closed in FY 2008 must be determined. This gives weight to the levels of satisfaction presented in the numbers discussed previously.

Programmatic Center Consultation

Services assess, plan and implement services which address factors that contribute to a child’s difficulties in functioning well in the early childhood setting and the family’s role.

Type of Program / Number of Centers Served / Number of Classrooms Served / Number of Teachers Served / Number of Children Served
Childcare Center
Head Start
Early Head Start
Public Preschool
Private Preschool
Family Childcare


Number of Centers Served: The number of unique childcare centers served by type of center.

Number of Classrooms Served: The number of unique childcare classrooms served by type of center.

Number of Teachers Served: The number of unique childcare teachers served by type of center. This number does not necessarily match the number of classrooms because of teacher turn-over.

Number of Children Served: The number of unique students served by type of center.

Child Demographics
Child Disability Status


Gender: Numbers of males and females served

Race: Race categories collected by the state.

American Indian or Alaska Native


Black or African American

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander


Race Not Available


Not Hispanic or Latino

Hispanic or Latino

Hispanic or Latino Origin Not Available

Child with a disability:

A) In general.--The term `child with a disability' means a child--

(i) with mental retardation, hearing impairments (including deafness), speech or language impairments, visual impairments (including blindness), serious emotional disturbance (referred to in this title as `emotional disturbance'), orthopedic impairments, autism, traumatic brain injury, other health impairments, or specific learning disabilities; and

(ii) who, by reason thereof, needs special education and related services.

B) Child aged 3 through 9.--The term `child with a disability' for a child aged 3 through 9 (or any subset of that age range, including ages 3 through 5), may, at the discretion of the State and the local educational agency, include a child--

(i) experiencing developmental delays, as defined by the State and as measured by appropriate diagnostic instruments and procedures, in 1 or more of the following areas: physical development; cognitive development; communication development; social or emotional development; or adaptive development; and

(ii) who, by reason thereof, needs special education and related services.

Key Practice Indicators (Process Output Measures)
For Classrooms consulted in Fiscal Year 2008
Number of Completed Center Assessments
Ratio of Completed Assessments to Centers Served
Number of Completed Classroom Assessments
Ratio of Completed Classroom Assessments to Classrooms Served
Number of Completed Intervention Plans
Number of Intervention Plans 90%-99% completed
Number of Intervention Plans 80%-89% completed
Number of Intervention Plans 70%-79% completed
Ratio of Completed Interventions Plans to Classrooms Served
Ratio of Completed Intervention Plans at 70% or better to Classrooms Served
Number of Classrooms Which Fully Implement Plan
Ratio of Fully Implemented Classroom Plans to Classrooms Served
